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Backing Over Children


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In the past two weeks, two children in my health care service area have been run over by a relative. Both children were thought to be in the house but had run outside to the relative's vehicle. The four year old was run over, twice, by a Suburban and, miraculously, survived. No broken bones, no internal injuries. He spent two weeks in the hospital with burns caused by tire traction. A two year old was dead at the scene this week end.

50 children are victims of this type of accident every WEEK; 70% are run over by relatives!! About 2/50 are killed. Please, before you back out of your driveway, please, make sure there isn't a little one behind your vehicle.

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I saw just this weekend that a Wisconsin State Senator ran over his granddaughter, killing her. ;)

Toddlers, cars bring tragedy - The Capital Times

"The people who love them the most and adore them are the ones responsible," she said. "The people this is happening to, like a state senator, they are not careless people who don't absolutely mind their children. They are doting. They are so careful. But because you can't avoid hitting something you can't see, these things continue to happen."
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When my brother and I were little (I was about 8, he was 5), we were playing in my grandma's driveway while mom was talking to grandma in the house. Mom's car was running and my brother got in the car and put it into drive, he figured it was a race car and he was going to race. I was in front of the car as it started to roll forward...I got out just in time but the car hit the garage door. I was lucky I didnt get hit.

So parents dont leave the car running and if you do, make sure its locked or your kids know NOT to play in the car.

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There was an article (a really long AP one actually, took up most of the front and back pages) about this in the Forum about 2 or 3 weeks ago. It was from a reporter somewhere in Texas, and they interviewed families in which children had died in this way. Reading that article made me think that it really could happen to anyone, and everyone should be more careful. Definitely a very sad situation!

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Ban cars and while we're at it dihydrogen monoxide.


I believe there are steps less drastic being taken. For instance, the auto industry could put sensors on the back of automobiles that let the driver know that there's something behind the car, better visuals/mirrors. AND, the reason for this thread, public awareness of the seriousness of this problem>>50 children a week are run over by a vehicle backing out of a driveway and 2 of those children die.

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