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I'm not a socialist --- but I know what your saying about capitalism too

But if not for socialism I doubt any of us would be living up here

State bank

State elevator

Taxes to pay for schools & colleges


Rural electric coops

Credit unions

Farm subsidies


all Gov. workers

susposed non-profit hospital & clinic :D

Fire & Law enforcement


? ? ?

we just need a New Teddy Roosevelt to bring some balance back to society

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I think you may have misunderstood me. I do not condone the concept of welfare. It sickens me that some lazy people out there live off the system. The problem I have is that too many people work their butts off for a minimal salary while the fortunate few have obscenely high-paying jobs in which they blow off to spend their afternoons schmoozing with elitists on the golf course more often than not. Obviously some jobs are worth more pay than others, but the descrepancy between the have's and the have-not's is way too much for my liking. If you took 5% off the average yearly earnings of the top 10% they would still be able to maintain their fatcat lifestyle, but at the same time an extra 5% added on to their average yearly salaries would really help out the middle to lower class. Straight-up socialism obviously isn't the answer, but anybody who denies that capitalism breeds greed and selfishness is ignorant. I think a happy medium somewhere between those two extremes would be better than either one or the other. Let me just put it this way... the NFL has a much better system than Major League Baseball.

I agree with your point. Obviously, there must be a premium paid for jobs requiring more skill or risk. However, I think that capitalism doesn't work quite the way it is supposed to when financial power is concentrated in the hands of an elite few. You have CEO's at bankrupt companies (like NWA) getting rewarded with millions of dollars in bonuses/discretionary rewards while the pilots have to make wage concessions. Pilots that have gone to school and worked hard to obtain specialized training. It's no secret that all of these executives rub each others back by serving on the other guy's board of directors. Since a small number of large investors typically own a cotrolling share of the stock, the little guy has very little chance of getting things to change, regardless how hard he works. A bonus for losing money and driving your company into bankruptcy? Please, that is not what capitalism had in mind.

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I think you may have misunderstood me. I do not condone the concept of welfare. It sickens me that some lazy people out there live off the system. The problem I have is that too many people work their butts off for a minimal salary while the fortunate few have obscenely high-paying jobs in which they blow off to spend their afternoons schmoozing with elitists on the golf course more often than not. Obviously some jobs are worth more pay than others, but the descrepancy between the have's and the have-not's is way too much for my liking. If you took 5% off the average yearly earnings of the top 10% they would still be able to maintain their fatcat lifestyle, but at the same time an extra 5% added on to their average yearly salaries would really help out the middle to lower class. Straight-up socialism obviously isn't the answer, but anybody who denies that capitalism breeds greed and selfishness is ignorant. I think a happy medium somewhere between those two extremes would be better than either one or the other. Let me just put it this way... the NFL has a much better system than Major League Baseball.

From Karl Marx:

From each according to his ability, to each according to his need (or needs)

I do agree that life isn't always fair, but the system that we have is far better than anything else out there and I wouldn't trade it. The redistribution of wealth is not the answer!

The method to success, perhap oversimplified here, hasn't changed. A stable homelife while growing up, get a good education and work hard and success will find you. Some people take risks and make things happen, while others may get some breaks that will launch them further ahead, but I don't begrudge them, that is just part of life and I can accept that. No, I'm not a fatcat, I work hard and am able to provide a nice home and way of life for my wife and children. :D

Sorry, I'm not up on the operations of the NFL or MLB. I don't watch much baseball (too boring) and watch the Saints when I can.

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Contrary to popular belief, the U.S. has some of the world's cheapest gasoline prices. Many countries attempt to disuade their citizens from driving by adding exorbitant taxes to the price of gas. Capitalism is not the problem.

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No, I'm saying capitalism rewards those who show pure greed and selfishness by screwing people out of their hard-earned money. Ticketmaster would be a great example of what I'm referring to.

No one is forceing anyone to go to ticketmaster. They choose to use that service, therefore the company will do well. If you don't like Ticketmaster don't use their service, that is one of the few ways you can hurt their business.

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I think you may have misunderstood me. I do not condone the concept of welfare. It sickens me that some lazy people out there live off the system. The problem I have is that too many people work their butts off for a minimal salary while the fortunate few have obscenely high-paying jobs in which they blow off to spend their afternoons schmoozing with elitists on the golf course more often than not. Obviously some jobs are worth more pay than others, but the descrepancy between the have's and the have-not's is way too much for my liking. If you took 5% off the average yearly earnings of the top 10% they would still be able to maintain their fatcat lifestyle, but at the same time an extra 5% added on to their average yearly salaries would really help out the middle to lower class. Straight-up socialism obviously isn't the answer, but anybody who denies that capitalism breeds greed and selfishness is ignorant. I think a happy medium somewhere between those two extremes would be better than either one or the other. Let me just put it this way... the NFL has a much better system than Major League Baseball.

"If you took 5% off the average yearly earnings of the top 10% they would still be able to maintain their fatcat lifestyle, but at the same time an extra 5% added on to their average yearly salaries would really help out the middle to lower class."

Well this system is already in place it is called the tax system. The top 10% pay 37% and the bottom 40% pay 0%. This is a conservative tax system and I think it is whack. The top 40% of taxpayers pay over 99% of all income tax. Just think if the liberals get in the white house, I could easily see the top 10% paying 100% of their income. I could see them trying to push legislation to have the top 40% pay everyone else to live in the country.

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It's almost to the point where only people who earn six figures per year can afford to buy gas. I was contemplating going to Def Leppard in Minot, but not at $3/gallon I won't.

I just wanted folks to read this one again, in case they missed it. :D


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I'm not suggesting that they be taxed more than they already are, I'm suggesting that they are grossly overpaid to begin with. At the same time, there are a $hitload of hardworking people out there who are grossly underpaid. These are the people who can barely afford to buy gas anymore.

So what are you suggesting? There are many options: redistribution of wealth, socialism, communism, will have the Government take everyone's SUV's away from them. :D Should the Government just give people 50 gallons of free gas every week. I am not going to drive a Geo or a Yugo.

The main problem for the price of gas right now is the fact that there is a holiday weekend coming up next weekend, it bet there will be some amazing spike where the price of gas goes down after that weekend. Coupled with that is the next problem; no refineries been built in 30 years due to ridculous enviornmental laws.

I am not going to say it but its pretty obvious why the price of gas is where its at.

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"If you took 5% off the average yearly earnings of the top 10% they would still be able to maintain their fatcat lifestyle, but at the same time an extra 5% added on to their average yearly salaries would really help out the middle to lower class."

Well this system is already in place it is called the tax system. The top 10% pay 37% and the bottom 40% pay 0%. This is a conservative tax system and I think it is whack. The top 40% of taxpayers pay over 99% of all income tax. Just think if the liberals get in the white house, I could easily see the top 10% paying 100% of their income. I could see them trying to push legislation to have the top 40% pay everyone else to live in the country.

Read my signature line. The Fair Tax truly is the answer to a lot of the problems in this country. The problem is getting it to pass in the congress, because if it does pass, congress loses alot of power.

Imagine a businesses making financial decisions based on what is best for the company and employees rather than what makes the best tax sense. We would all benefit from the Fair Tax. There would be no benefit for American companies to have their hq in far away lands The American economy would explode.

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Read my signature line. The Fair Tax truly is the answer to a lot of the problems in this country. The problem is getting it to pass in the congress, because if it does pass, congress loses alot of power.

Imagine a businesses making financial decisions based on what is best for the company and employees rather than what makes the best tax sense. We would all benefit from the Fair Tax. There would be no benefit for American companies to have their hq in far away lands The American economy would explode.

Steve Forbes proposed at flat tax. Seems to make sense. Never pass...

The FairTax:

Abolishes the IRS

Closes all loopholes and brings fairness to taxation

Ensures Social Security and Medicare funding

Brings transparency and accountability to tax policy

Allows American products to compete fairly

Reimburses the tax on purchases of basic necessities

Enables retirees to keep their entire pension

Enables workers to keep their entire paycheck

I am all for abolishing the IRS. I will help them clean out their offices.

Heck just give me my entire pay check for half of the 26 paydays and I would be happy.

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PRAIRIE VOICES: High gas prices: Economist explains it all

Over time, the demand for gasoline has increased, but our refinery capacity has not. From 1990 to 2007, the refinery capacity in the United States to produce finished gas has only gone up 11 percent. Meanwhile, the demand continues to rise.

So, in almost 20 years, refinery capacity has changed very little.

In the 1980s, we had an excess capacity to produce gasoline. So if a refinery got shut down or had to have maintenance, we basically could absorb the shutdown and still continue to make a lot of gasoline. But today, we're running at about 90-plus percent of our capacity.

Three large refineries in the United States now are undergoing unexpected maintenance. One in California, one in Indiana and the other, I believe, in Texas.

A great interview with a macroeconomist.

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"If you took 5% off the average yearly earnings of the top 10% they would still be able to maintain their fatcat lifestyle, but at the same time an extra 5% added on to their average yearly salaries would really help out the middle to lower class."

Well this system is already in place it is called the tax system. The top 10% pay 37% and the bottom 40% pay 0%. This is a conservative tax system and I think it is whack. The top 40% of taxpayers pay over 99% of all income tax. Just think if the liberals get in the white house, I could easily see the top 10% paying 100% of their income. I could see them trying to push legislation to have the top 40% pay everyone else to live in the country.

Dude I just read what you wrote. That is awesome. Of course the tax and spend people are going to be all over you.

Redistribution of wealth is what we are in for if we are not careful.

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Goon agreeing with me? What is this a first?

I was admiring your post, You sound like you studied economics. Of course there are some that believe there should be more suffering in the form of higher taxes for the so called rich. What they don't tell you is the consider the rich to be someone who's family makes about 250,000.00.

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Dude I just read what you wrote. That is awesome. Of course the tax and spend people are going to be all over you.

Redistribution of wealth is what we are in for if we are not careful.

You do have a good point. I don't think anyone is trying to argue that income re-distribution is the key (at least I am not). That does not work as a successful economy needs to provide an incentive to work. What I am saying, is that much of the corruption in corporate America has created a mutated form of capitalism. For example, I think that Bill Gates has earned every penny that he gets from Microsoft. He created a highly successful company, that for the most part puts out a good product, and has consistently made a profit over the years. That is capitalism and he is reaping the rewards. On the flip side, you have many executives that take over a healthy company, run it into the ground (or even bankruptcy) in only a couple of years, and are still rewarded with multi-million $ golden parachutes.

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PRAIRIE VOICES: High gas prices: Economist explains it all

Over time, the demand for gasoline has increased, but our refinery capacity has not. From 1990 to 2007, the refinery capacity in the United States to produce finished gas has only gone up 11 percent. Meanwhile, the demand continues to rise.

So, in almost 20 years, refinery capacity has changed very little.

In the 1980s, we had an excess capacity to produce gasoline. So if a refinery got shut down or had to have maintenance, we basically could absorb the shutdown and still continue to make a lot of gasoline. But today, we're running at about 90-plus percent of our capacity.

Three large refineries in the United States now are undergoing unexpected maintenance. One in California, one in Indiana and the other, I believe, in Texas.

In the last 30 years, not one new refinery has been built in the U.S. A small refinery with a low environmental footprint was proposed for the Fort Berthold Reservation (west of Makoti) in 2001. In 2007, there are still possibly several years of permitting to complete before the construction begins (if it even happens).


Mandan - Hidatsa - Arikara Proposed Refinery


Until recently, oil companies had invested more in exploration than in refinery capacity, in large part because of the numerous environmental constraints on expansion. Expansion is occurring overseas.

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That is capitalism and he is reaping the rewards. On the flip side, you have many executives that take over a healthy company, run it into the ground (or even bankruptcy) in only a couple of years, and are still rewarded with multi-million $ golden parachutes.

NWA is a company that comes to mind.

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Gas here on the rez yesterday was 3.33/gal and in Flagstaff the gas was 3.09/gal to 3.19/gal depending on what part of town you're in.

I'm driving back to GF in June. It's going to be interesting what gas is going to cost along the way. I'm thinking about getting a second mortgage on my house to pay for the round trip.............

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Down here in Chitown for the summer, just wanted to make you all feel better, 3.699 on the low end, 3.899 on the high end. Amazing that two months ago in GFK we were filling up for half that. :D:(:p

Ouch! BUT, on the bright side, there is mass transportation to just about anywhere you want to go in Chicago. The blues festival is coming up real soon, then the jazz festival, then the Latin American music festival, all free and all at Grant Park. Summer in Chicago is filled with fun free events. Be sure to partake while your there!

* ;) Wish I could be in Chitown for the summer!*

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Down here in Chitown for the summer, just wanted to make you all feel better, 3.699 on the low end, 3.899 on the high end. Amazing that two months ago in GFK we were filling up for half that. :D:(:p

That is because of special additives for the Chicago regs right?

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Gas is still $3.05 in Pensacola today.

I heard on the radio that there is a water pipeline leak in the BP system, which will impact supply. Holiday weekend coming up and a prediction of a busy hurricane season. Get ready for some HIGH prices.

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