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If you haven't gotten through just give it a little time -- the e-mail with the link should come back almost right away, however the link in that e-mail for the form was not available -- after about 10 minutes of trying to enter the link I was able to and receive confirmation very quickly. Wohoo!


The ordering of tickets truely was a first come first serve process right? And there aren't any people who like horded seats only to sell later I hope. I'm gonna be really annoyed when I get "cruddy" seats even though I placed my order at 10:10.

Anyone know why section 108 and 109 weren't available?


I have no idea why they weren't available and I was on the site the instant it was active. If you check back right now you will see that several more sections are unavailable. I hope politics or money don't play a part in which people get what tickets, but that would probably be a bit naive.


The gray sections are sold out--what does the burgundy color mean?

I'd imagine that the "student section" was pre-reserved for "visiting dignitaries" and tourney officials.


Are you guys season ticket holders?... Or are you getting your names on a "list" for later in the week? If the latter, I didn't know anyone could do this!! ??? I might be SOL!?!? ;)


Season ticket holders alone can buy on Mar. 3 & 4. On Mar. 5 & 6 corporate sponsors can buy as well. On Mar. 7 it is open to the general public including internationally. I don't know if that begins at midnight on the 7th or sometime later in the morning, but that might be worth looking into. They will probably go very quickly if the sections already being blocked out are any indication.


There doesn't seem to be much of a safe guard to making sure only season ticket holders can get tickets for today and tommorow. Unless they are doing something we don't know about, it would seem pretty simple to me for someone who isn't a season ticket holderto be able to order tickets.


At Saturday's game they had world jr. tickets available for sale and to my knowledge there was not a limit on the number of tickets you could purchase.

My buddy purchased tickets for himself, me and three other friends. In fact, they ran his credit card at the game and issued him a receipt. We were told that we had first priority on seat selection.

They also told us after they assigned seats to the people that signed up at the game they would open it up to FSC members at 10:00 today. I know there were at least 80 people above us on the list and perhaps that explains why some sections were marked off.

I just tried to access the website and check the seating chart to see what it is going on, but I couldn't get in. Are other people having the same problem?


Is the password to get tickets common knowledge yet among non-season ticket holders? If not, should it be made common knowledge? I guess I feel that the more Sioux fans and Americans we get in there, the better.


Do not post passwords to other sites on this site. Doing so may prevent actual season ticket holders from getting their tickets. Please let their system work. Thank you.

The Moderator


True, we should share the password with our fellow Americans. Xenophobia forever! ???;)

Though sharing it isn't right. It just seems to me that they should have had a better system to help prevent non ticket holders from getting tickets. Just having a password doesn't seem like enough to me.


First off, to the moderator, I am not going to post the password so please don't pre-emptively ban me. I wonder if they wanted the password to get out to the general public. They sure could have made it tougher or issued different passwords to each season ticket holder. I would also guess that most of the season ticket holders who are going to buy would have pulled the trigger by now.


Just checked the WJ ticket site. According to the diagram, the entire lower bowl is sold out. Seats still available in the upper bowl: sections 302, 302A, 303, 306, 307, 310, 310A, 311, 314, 314A and 315. Gotta wonder what's gonna be left for the general public who can't buy until Friday. The FSC, which is supposed to complete its buying frenzy today, and Corporate Sponsors, who can buy starting tomorrow still have a crack at the seats before it opens to the public.


I've never been to the Ralph - how are upstairs seats? I'm just wondering if lower bowl aren't available, should I buy upstairs now even though I'm not 100% I'll go or should I just wait and buy a downstairs off someone whose plans have changed by that time?

I like to take pictures at games so if I'm in extreme nosebleeds that will affect my enjoyment of (desire to make in the first place) the trip.

Advice please!



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