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There it is. More proof that it is always tough to travel and win on the road in the WCHA, anywhere.

Alaska, for obvious reasons, is an especially tough trip and adjustment.

The SeaWolves are a WCHA team. The WCHA is the premier league of college hockey. It is early in the season. The SeaWolves, like Tech, are no slouches. Remember, they dismantled Wisconsin up there just recently. Hopefully, the boys, especially the youngsters, will grasp this hockey lesson and get on it early and often to the final whistle tonight for a split. A split on the road is really never a bad thing in the WCHA.

Haven't read the thread. Don't need or intend too. I see LaDonny got up early, or stayed up all night, just so he could give us the benefit of his read. It was reasoned and coherent effort at first, until his penile envy started to show through his maroon colored glasses.

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You're right, Donald. Sioux fans are a bunch of tools and homers, unlike UAA fans. :) Can you believe it? Sioux homers on the Sioux message board?

What do you want to see here? That UAA is the best team in the league? Maybe this "is UAA's year"? Or is that every year? It seems UAA fans seem to think so, after a couple of wins early. Then things come crashing right back to reality and UAA nearly always takes their place in the bottom half of the league.

What keen hockey analysis can you give us that would provide some insight that this is a year different than the others? Or are you even capable of actual hockey analysis? It sure seems that insults and rants are more up your alley. :D

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I'd like to thank PCM for my nice post game award! I'd also like to thank BigGame, Donald, and Shepherd. Because, without them, there'd be no reason to really post whining posts! :)

Anyways. This is more in response to Sioux_Yeah_Yeah than anything:

1. I agree. We did look ok in the first period, but when UAA turned up the heat, we had nothing in response. We'd score and we couldn't hold it.

2. Grieco had a terrible night. And, to be honest, it was his first real bad game of the season, his FRESHMAN season. His poor play wasn't the sole reason why we lost, but it was a pretty good indicator we weren't going to win. It's nice to know that our practice goalie can be relied upon for spot relief. And it is also good to know (if you are a Lamoureux fan) that Phil is now going to be the #1 goaltender on the team for the time being. That being said, if we had more games to play than just 36 or so, I'd say let Grieco try to redeem himself tonight. However, since Walski did well last night (all things considered), I predict Walski starts tonight. I still have faith in Grieco and I still think he has potentially far better skills than Walski. But he just didn't show it last night.

3. I am a BIG supporter of our defense and especially Finley. However, even Smaby needed to sit out a game or two to get his thoughts back on track. I think it is time for Finley to take a seat for at least one game (no more than 2). Tonight, I'd move Genoway back to his spot on the D and insert Fabian in his skating roster slot. I don't know who I'd swap for Vandevelde. Maybe Hunter Bishop since he was called for one penalty and sat another? Maybe Martens, but Marten's really wasn't that bad last night?

4. I think UND needs to go back, scrap, and redo entirely their PK scheme. It's NOT working. We gave up 3 PP goals last night. It was horrible.

5. PCM is (as usual) right. We need a second PP Unit that's more effective than the one we currently have. Kaip, no offense, needs to be dropped off that unit. I WOULD say Forney in his place but he doesn't seem to be earning much ice time. I'd like to see a Miller, Forney, Kozek 2nd PP Unit.

6. I feel REALLY bad for Chorney. Last night, him and Bina were the only two D that really had solid nights. Finley's night was atrocious. Jones wasn't his usual self. Radke and Lee were practically nonexistant (though Lee jumped into a few plays last night). EDIT: Though I feel bad for Chorney, he shouldn't have mouthed off and repeatedly struck the glass with his stick. That earned him a 10 minute misconduct that UND didn't need to take.

7. Faceoffs- Ok, this part I took from TH, but if we don't win more faceoffs than UAA does tonight, there is a good chance we'll get swept.

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well that was not the expected game, but im also not surprised(AA would suck to play at midnight). Also good goals by watkins and chorney, i believe. i dont know what uscho is on, but they put Aaron Walski with his first collegiate goal!! :D and they gave toews the second one....good for my fantasy hockey if its true, but that also depends on what azsioux goes by :) Also that goal by walski would have been when he was on the bench! :lol:

on a last note...walski did well in net i thought and the sioux salvaged a crap game.


Edit: college hockey stats lists toews with the second goal too...i thought chorney got that.

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Woke up this morning and was a lot surprised to see the Sioux had lost 6-2. WOW! Was even more surprised to see via the USCHO box score that Aaron Walski scored the first goal. So, I read through this thread this morning to see how Walski had scored the first goal (even more amazing is that he didn't see the ice until the 2nd period). All I found was that it was Watkins with the first goal, and a bunch of posters just trying to one-up each other. The funniest thing was sioux17 trying to find out where to find the web feed. He must have asked about four times until finally someone gave him an answer. Everyone must have thought that one more user on the server would have crashed it?

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How is it that you can simulateously know and NOT know in the same post that Genoway played forward last night? :)

Sorry. I was not clear. Genoway played on the first line last night. I meant that I'd move Genoway back to FINLEY's spot on the D. Sorry I wasn't so clear.

sagard- We had one insinuation during the game but nothing else. Give it time. It may come up after the Walski fanatics start touting how they were right all along and so on. :D

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Dear Sioux Fans,

Having posted for a long time over at USCHO and being banned for my horrendous behavior I've seen a thing or two and know a thing or two about fans in a "forum". Let me say first that I've read all 33 pages of this thread. It's nice to compare the "total boob" count from one forum to another and I'm not disappointed to report that Siouxsports.com's forum has its full and complete share.

It must be difficult to compete with so many boobs, but somehow, you manage to singlhandedly out-boob us all. Congratulations. That takes real talent.

First ... attendance at UAA hockey games is not what it should be. But unlike Grand Forks ... UAA Hockey ain't the only show in town.
The world's foremost authority on Grand Forks goes into hyper-verbose mode to explain the horrid attendance at UAA games, never mentioning that while Sullivan has about half many seats as Engelstad, Anchorage has five times the population of Grand Forks. I know you are a loyal and dedicated UAA fan, Donald the Puck, but you demean yourself by coming here to offer pathetic excuses on behalf of the UAA student body and the so-called hockey fans of Anchorage.

How many goals do you guys want back from Shep?

Just one, and that's the one that's quite likely to make next year's NCAA officiating highlight reel of goals that were counted that shouldn't have counted. Shep is on this year's video because he counted a Minnesota goal against UND that shouldn't have counted. We're getting used to it.

I might add that the Seawolves totally outplayed the Sioux and deserved to win. Even if Shepherd had properly disallowed the goal, UAA still would have won. So I'm not using Shepherd as an excuse for UND's loss because UAA certainly earned the win. That doesn't disguise the fact that he totally botched the call.

To those of you Sioux fans that recognize that UAA is a team that is capable of skating with and beating your #3 ranked team.
When the Sioux play poorly and get no goaltending, anyone can beat them. That would be true even if the Sioux were the No. 1 ranked team in the country.

I won't be back tomorrow after UAA completes their first confernce sweep of the year.

If that happens, I have no doubt that you'll be back. Having read your posts on USCHO for years, I know that you can't resist an opportunity to gloat. But I suspect the real reason you're making this pronouncement now is because you know there's very little chance that it will actually happen.

Edited by PCM
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Dear Sioux Fans,

Having posted for a long time over at USCHO and being banned for my horrendous behavior I've seen a thing or two and know a thing or two about fans in a "forum". Let me say first that I've read all 33 pages of this thread. It's nice to compare the "total boob" count from one forum to another and I'm not disappointed to report that Siouxsports.com's forum has its full and complete share.

First ... attendance at UAA hockey games is not what it should be. But unlike Grand Forks ... UAA Hockey ain't the only show in town. And like any program in a competitive environment for the entertainment dollar the place won't fill up until the Seawolves start winning. Yes ... the Anchorage sports fan is pretty much fair weather. There's a core group of 3500+ fans that attend regardless of the teams record (22nd in the NCAA ... that means 37 other teams have lower attendance). Win and more show up. It's that simple. The arena looks empty on TV because HOCKEY FANS don't want to be down at ice level behind the freaking glass. Those are the seats for the knuckle-dragging droolers. There isn't a large student contingent because there isn't a large number of students living in campus dorms. UAA has traditionally been a community school and the demand for campus housing was never significant. There's lots of good stuff happening in the future with more planned dorms and a campus based arena seating around 10K. I know that sort of information takes all the fun out of the "3 fans there" and "2000" commentary. But I'm a party pooper that way.

I also know it hurts for Sioux fans to watch their team lose to a crap team like UAA. It sure was a shame that the Sioux didn't get any power plays (oh wait ... sorry ... the 33 pages of whining about Shepherd brainwashed me for a second). How many goals do you guys want back from Shep? How about 2? Nah ... you'd probably want 3 by the sound of it here. Ok ... 3 it is!! I'm so big that way. Feel better losing 6-5? I sure hope so. I'm always happy when I can be of assistance to those in pain. It's my way ... I'm a giver.

To those of you Sioux fans that recognize that UAA is a team that is capable of skating with and beating your #3 ranked team. I'm cool with you. And you've got my empathy for having to live weekly (many of you for probably longer than I can imagine) with what appears to be a majority of boobs. You guys hang in there. In time these sorts of bandwagon/cheerleading stupid comment-making "boobs wrapped in a rube" will be replaced by a whole new set. So there always that to hope for eh? The sad thing is that you guys and I both know that none of them are reading this. Or maybe just not this far.

I won't be back tomorrow after UAA completes their first confernce sweep of the year.



(post completed with 1021277 characters under maximum allowable) <---- not including that <--- or that either ...

I think UAA played very good. I think any team can skate with any team in the first half of the season. The second half of the season tells the story. I'm not saying UAA isn't any good. They may beat the crap out of us all year long if our team (which is full of new young guys, as our older guys are now in the NHL) can't get it together. I don't think UND has looked very good against anybody yet this year, especially in goal. So, anyway hopefully for us, the guys can get in sync tonight; if not, UAA will enjoy the sweep. :) Go Sioux!

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What keen hockey analysis can you give us that would provide some insight that this is a year different than the others? Or are you even capable of actual hockey analysis? It sure seems that insults and rants are more up your alley. :)
Read the thread. There is ZERO doubt that I provided more analysis in one post than was cummulatively posted by Sioux fans. Go back from the beginning and an objective "analysis" of that material will show you where you're wrong. I'm quite confident in that. And the little spate of insults was asked for ... but I think AZSIOUX enjoyed them so that's all that counts.

Geez ... I give the fanbase here my "blessing" and this is how it reacts? I wanted everyone to know that I really do think this spot you've got here is everything a fan forum could hope to be; it's ponderously banal, overflowingly ignorant and entirely predictable. An equal in everyway to USCHO. See what happens when I'm nice. I so don't get it.

Sunrise Anchorage today 9:14 Grand Forks 7:37

Sunset Anchorage today 4:15 Grand Forks 4:49



Your inabilty to begin to even come close to winning an argument with me doesn't have to embitter you into knowingly mischaracterizing me (not as to the verbose part ... you got that right). I indicated I wouldn't be back only as a courtesy to the Sioux faithful. Isn't it better to know that the "troll" isn't going to show back up? I have no reason or desire to "gloat" here. I have a space where I'll gloat and gloat to my hearts content. But go ahead and defend that 33 pages where the only substantive hockey post was written by me. After all you're "fighting the good fight" aren't you?

And to most of rest of ya (exceptions know who they are already)...

Your inferiority complex is showing. Otherwise I had a fun week ... bye now.

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El Donald,

Since you are so above the conversation that took place in this thread, why do you bother to post in it? Wouldn't your objections to the direction of the thread, as well as most of the content, be better served by remaining silent? What's next? Suze coming here saying that she has lost all respect for UND fans? Oh, goody. :silly:

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If the Sioux are the 3rd best team in the country the state of college hockey is in a sad state. To come off a bye week and play as bad as they did last night is not encouraging. However, based on Hakstol's first two seasons, I'm definately not throwing the towel in. He seems to be able to get everyone on the same page come March. The two points tonight are huge. CC is starting to pick things up and next weekend at home is going to be another tough series.

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Read the thread. There is ZERO doubt that I provided more analysis in one post than was cummulatively posted by Sioux fans. Go back from the beginning and an objective "analysis" of that material will show you where you're wrong. I'm quite confident in that. And the little spate of insults was asked for ... but I think AZSIOUX enjoyed them so that's all that counts.

Geez ... I give the fanbase here my "blessing" and this is how it reacts? I wanted everyone to know that I really do think this spot you've got here is everything a fan forum could hope to be; it's ponderously banal, overflowingly ignorant and entirely predictable. An equal in everyway to USCHO. See what happens when I'm nice. I so don't get it.

Sunrise Anchorage today 9:14 Grand Forks 7:37

Sunset Anchorage today 4:15 Grand Forks 4:49



Your inabilty to begin to even come close to winning an argument with me doesn't have to embitter you into knowingly mischaracterizing me (not as to the verbose part ... you got that right). I indicated I wouldn't be back only as a courtesy to the Sioux faithful. Isn't it better to know that the "troll" isn't going to show back up? I have no reason or desire to "gloat" here. I have a space where I'll gloat and gloat to my hearts content. But go ahead and defend that 33 pages where the only substantive hockey post was written by me. After all you're "fighting the good fight" aren't you?

And to most of rest of ya (exceptions know who they are already)...

Your inferiority complex is showing. Otherwise I had a fun week ... bye now.

what you talking about WILLIS? your the one who wouldn't bet..........the sioux lost, oh friken well, we will win tonight donald the duck :huh:

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I'm happy that our loss can make those people who live up in Alaska a nice warm smile since they probably don't get a lot of times to do so. Congratulations to them though they beat the No. 3-ranked team in the nation!(:silly:). However, I do have to say that there goalie isn't to bad at all :huh:

Lawson had a pretty good final 5 a couple years ago.

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