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Illinois bows down to NCAA


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On a somewhat related note, I watched the FSU-Miami game and smiled with glee everytime the FSU fans did "the chant" or I saw a close-up of the lance on the FSU helmets. The only thing missing was that good ol' boy Chief Osceola(sp?) riding across the Miami sideline. :silly:???

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On a somewhat related note, I watched the FSU-Miami game and smiled with glee everytime the FSU fans did "the chant" or I saw a close-up of the lance on the FSU helmets. The only thing missing was that good ol' boy Chief Osceola(sp?) riding across the Miami sideline. :silly:???

I'm not bothered by the usage of Native American images for mascots/nicknames, but "The Chant" by FSU and Braves fans for some reason rubs me the wrong way. I just don't see anything redeeming by it all.

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I'm not bothered by the usage of Native American images for mascots/nicknames, but "The Chant" by FSU and Braves fans for some reason rubs me the wrong way. I just don't see anything redeeming by it all.

Are you a Seminole? If not, and if the Seminole's don't have a problem with it, why should you?

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Are you a Seminole? If not, and if the Seminole's don't have a problem with it, why should you?

I was displaced by Hurricane Katrina and so was the rest of my family. We still are. I am more offended by the Hurricane logo making fun of my situation as well as countless others. Each time I hear the Miami Hurricane name, I have to be reminded of the devastation caused to me and my family.

(P.S. I was never involved in Katrina, but an making an argument many of those who were could make regarding things they find offensive.)

If the NCAA wants to crack down on offensive names, they surely need to include this one after what happened in August 2005.

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I'm not bothered by the usage of Native American images for mascots/nicknames, but "The Chant" by FSU and Braves fans for some reason rubs me the wrong way. I just don't see anything redeeming by it all.

You needn't worry, nor be offended. The Supreme Arbiter of Good Taste and Sensitivity, Herr Myles Brand, has decreed that The Chant, and all of the other regala used by Florida State, is entirely acceptable, and you should not be bothered. Nothing to see here, move along. ???:lol:

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I'll repeat that I am not bothered by the usage of Native American imagery for usage by athletic organizations, I didn't say I was "offended" in this case because I'm not, I didn't say I think FSU fans should be asked not to perform the chant and I don't think the NCAA needs to "crack down" on anything. I simply stated that there's something about the FSU "chant" that rubs me the wrong way.

Are you a Seminole? If not, and if the Seminole's don't have a problem with it, why should you?

One needn't be a Seminole to hold an opinion about 'The Chant'. I repeat - I'm not offended by it and don't think fans should be asked to stop doing it, but something about it irks me. Does the fact I'm not a Sioux render my support of UND's usage of the Sioux name meaningless? How about your support?

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One needn't be a Seminole to hold an opinion about 'The Chant'. I repeat - I'm not offended by it and don't think fans should be asked to stop doing it, but something about it irks me. Does the fact I'm not a Sioux render my support of UND's usage of the Sioux name meaningless? How about your support?

Perhaps you need to explain what "irks" you about the chant.

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Actually, I don't owe anyone an explanation for giving the innocuous opinion that the FSU chant is uncool. I don't agree with the NCAA's stance, I just don't care for the chant. Fairly simple. :silly:

I find the Minnesota Rouser quite irksome.

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I find Hail to the Victors, Wannabe and any song by Poison to be irksome.

Whoa whoa whoa whoa. Lumping The Spice Girls and Poison along with The Victors? Diggler, you have lost your mind. Now if it was Minnesota...hats off to thee...I wouldn't have a problem with your analogy as long as you threw in Achy Breaky Heart and The Macarena.

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The word would be 'referencing,' Slap Shot. Now go back to the gopher hole you crawled out of.

You shouldn't end a sentence with a preposition. At least my error was a typo. :silly:

/cue obligatory "we don't want you skippy here" retort

Saying "Bzzz" is as bad as saying "Whatever!"

PCM - I think you are one of the few that get 'it'. Internet smack talk is about as meaningful as Roger Clinton.

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Did I imagine this?? I watched a little bit of Manning v. Manning last night on Football Night in America and thought I heard one of the players introduce himself as being from "the University of Chief Illiniwek." Did I hear right?

I don't know if you heard correctly, but if you did that'd be a big ol' orange middle finger aimed at Myles Brand (on national TV no less).

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