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Question for Minnesota Vikings fans


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"Da Bears" haven't proven anything yet. If they are such a great football team, they should have won by two or three touchdowns on Sunday. Grossman practically gave the Vikings 6 points with that awful interception in the third quarter. Thanks to the 5 to 10 yard cushions the Bears receivers were getting, Grossman had some real easy pass completions. The Vikings have to tighten that up in the future. The Vikings did do a good job against the run, something "Da Bears" always pride themselves on.

If "Da Bears" can beat the Seahawks, I will start taking them seriously. Even without Shaun Alexander (who I understand will be out indefinitely with a hairline fracture in his foot), the Seahawks offense will pose a much bigger challenge to the Bears D than the Vikings did. They have one of the best quarterbacks in the league, and a solid line (even without Hutchinson). Their defense is pretty athletic, so Grossman better be on his best behavior.

The Vikings weren't supposed to be a great team this year, with all the changes in the offseason and a 38 year old quarterback whose best days are behind him. A 2-1 start is looking pretty good right now. The Bears, on the other hand, have been hailed as the greatest thing since sliced bread all offseason. They are supposed to be dominant, but so far they haven't been (unless you count the dismantlings of the Packers and Lions). And until "Da Bears" can win a playoff game (or two), I would put the Falcons in the Super Bowl before I would put the "Grossman Gang" in it. Last year, Steve Smith almost single-handedly destroyed the Bears vaunted defense in the playoffs (in Soldier Field, no less). Unless "Da Bears" can overcome that this year, it won't matter if they win 14 or 15 games during the regular season. It's time "Da Bears" take advantage of their Super Bowl "window of opportunity" before it closes.

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"Da Bears" haven't proven anything yet.

The Vikings weren't supposed to be a great team this year, with all the changes in the offseason and a 38 year old quarterback whose best days are behind him. A 2-1 start is looking pretty good right now. The Bears, on the other hand, have been hailed as the greatest thing since sliced bread all offseason. They are supposed to be dominant, but so far they haven't been (unless you count the dismantlings of the Packers and Lions). And until "Da Bears" can win a playoff game (or two), I would put the Falcons in the Super Bowl before I would put the "Grossman Gang" in it. Last year, Steve Smith almost single-handedly destroyed the Bears vaunted defense in the playoffs (in Soldier Field, no less). Unless "Da Bears" can overcome that this year, it won't matter if they win 14 or 15 games during the regular season. It's time "Da Bears" take advantage of their Super Bowl "window of opportunity" before it closes.

Wow, yet another 'DA Bears ain't $#it commentary'. Here I thought I'd be able to go another 8/9 hours without hearing any Bear dissing. So much for wishful thinking but as I've already said,

As a life long Bears' fan, you can only imagine the abuse I'm subjected to through out a football season. This year, I keep hearing about our 'soft' schedule and 'if only....' or 'they only...' had happened, the Bears would have lost, bla bla bla.

Ya know what?? I don't care why, I'm just damn glad we're winning right now!


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Wow, yet another 'DA Bears ain't $#it commentary'. Here I thought I'd be able to go another 8/9 hours without hearing any Bear dissing. So much for wishful thinking but as I've already said,



I wasn't abusing you, I was pointing out that "Da Bears" haven't proven anything yet. If they beat the Seahawks, I'll start believing. But until then, I remain a skeptic.

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I'm not a typical football fan. I see a 3-0 record for the Bears as HUGE. I haven't even mentioned that big football game that's played at the end of the football season. :silly: I take it one game at a time. After all, I am a Chicago Bears fan. ;)


Fair enough. It's a long season and anything can happen. The Falcons are getting beat by the Saints 23-3 in the third quarter! :0

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I said I don't think the Vikings are as good as the Bears overall, nor do I think they're a great team. But, if they can get the offense clicking a bit more they have a chance to at least make the playoffs. Beyond that they're too weak at WR to compete deep into the playoffs.

As to whether or not Chester has a TD, who cares? You expect him to score from outside the 20?

As for your believing the Vikings are overrated - overrated how? I think most people expected them to be anywhere form 0-3 to at best 2-1 after 3 games - I think they're right on target. ;)

And if you want to claim the Vikings should have lost the Carolina game if not for Gamble, on that same token the Vikings should have beat the Bears if not for the bogus Williamson penalty and the Taylor fumble. Nuts and bolts doncha know?

Either way the fact is they're 2-1 - at best a decent to good team but far from great/elite.

I don't think they are playoff material, period. If the Vikings are going to get to the playoffs they need to pray that a team that is built up like the Dilfer-led Ravens (but not quite as deep defensively) can withstand it. I don't see that happening.

Uh, he's expected to be a good #1 running back. Most good running backs can occasionally get more than 5 yards a carry. His one or two 10-15 yard runs this season just doesnt cut it. Especially if the Vikings are boasting about an excellent offensive line. Maybe it is because Johnson doesn't have the tools necessary to spread the field? I don't know.

Wait a minute... a GOPHER fan complaining that a CALL cost the team they root for the game? Forgive me, but I thought that was only reserved for Sioux fans? :silly::0 As for the fumble, again, those things happen. Every now and then the ball doesn't sit right or the player doesn't hold it right and it pops out. Do you mean that the Gamble play wasn't a screw up, but instead a good Vikings defensive play? Sorry. I don't buy that. But yeah, I think the Bears game was winnable by the Queens. Gamble's play is MUCH MUCH worse than the fumble. I can't help but think that it is totally ridiculous to think otherwise.

The problem as I see it is that the Vikings are weak at WR, have a crew of career backups as their RBs, and a QB that relies too heavily upon assets that he doesn't have to get things done. Brad isn't a BAD QB, per se, but with what he's showing so far, his claim that he wants to play in the NFL for a few more years is a bit naive... Though I'm sure the Raiders would take him. Calm in the pocket is his best asset, but calmness in the pocket doesn't necessarily mean touchdowns. It means he's totally at ease while the dogs of hell come in to bumrush his horridly uniformed keister. Case in point- Julius Peppers probably wishes he could play against the Vikings all season long (even though Gamble probably doesn't want to nor does Delhomme).

Sioux-cia- Question about the Bears: Do you think the offense will be able to right the ship? I mean, every time the Vikings blitzed, Grossman turtled, it seemed. Shoot, for most of the game I was saying "Gee, they'd never score if the Vikings blitzed on every down."

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I don't think they are playoff material, period.

Uh, he's expected to be a good #1 running back. Most good running backs can occasionally get more than 5 yards a carry.

Wait a minute... a GOPHER fan complaining that a CALL cost the team they root for the game? Forgive me, but I thought that was only reserved for Sioux fans?

The problem as I see it is that the Vikings are weak at WR, have a crew of career backups as their RBs, and a QB that relies too heavily upon assets that he doesn't have to get things done. Brad isn't a BAD QB, per se, but with what he's showing so far, his claim that he wants to play in the NFL for a few more years is a bit naive...

They or may not be playoff material, but your opinion is irrelevent if they win enough games to get into the playoffs. Right now they are on track for doing that, but of course it's very early.

Chester runs the ball, he doesn't block. He's produced good runs when room was there and he's shown he can break tackles. That he doesn't have a TD isn't relevent given the team hasn't been inside the 20 very often.

I didn't blame the Bears loss on the refs or on a fumble - I said if you think the Vikings should only be 1-2 because they got lucky on the Gamble deal, then you have to recognize the Bears were equally lucky on the Williamson penalty and the Taylor fumble, not to mention Sharper dropping an INT that would surely have been returned for 7. My point was not to make excuses but rather to balance your, "What if...." staement.

All Brad Johnson has ever done is win and he's got a SB ring to prove it. He didn't have to do much for that team, similar to what Dilfer did in Baltimore. And let me remind you, I'm not picking the team to get to the SB I'm simply saying they are on track to make the playoffs. This despite the fact the O-line isn't quite at 100%.

I also mentioned they are weak at WR, but did you know the only WR with a TD this season for the Vikings (Marcus Robinson) didn't even play against Chicago? I think you're pulling a Scooby imitation with your assessment of the Vikings :silly: - not very consistent nor realistic. They're a good team and not great, could legitimitely make the playoffs but probably shouldn't be expected to do anything more than that.

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Sioux-cia- Question about the Bears: Do you think the offense will be able to right the ship? I mean, every time the Vikings blitzed, Grossman turtled, it seemed. Shoot, for most of the game I was saying "Gee, they'd never score if the Vikings blitzed on every down."

I say a lil' prayer to that great Coach in the sky every Saturday night, "Please, Big Guy, let the Bears offense come out strong and play as hard as our defense tomorrow."

All I can say about Grossman right now is that Lovey had a lot more confidence in him than I did during the Sunday game. He did come throught with that BIG pass for the last minute touchdown for the win. But I have to admit I was wondering throughout the game if Orton or Griese wouldn't have been the better QB for that game.

In college hockey, the goalie with the best practice the week before a series gets to be in the net. I wonder how they pic the QB for the next game?

I also think that that the stupid penalties called went both ways. FOUR roughing calls!! This is football for Pete's sake!!

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They or may not be playoff material, but your opinion is irrelevent if they win enough games to get into the playoffs. Right now they are on track for doing that, but of course it's very early.

Chester runs the ball, he doesn't block. He's produced good runs when room was there and he's shown he can break tackles. That he doesn't have a TD isn't relevent given the team hasn't been inside the 20 very often.

I didn't blame the Bears loss on the refs or on a fumble - I said if you think the Vikings should only be 1-2 because they got lucky on the Gamble deal, then you have to recognize the Bears were equally lucky on the Williamson penalty and the Taylor fumble, not to mention Sharper dropping an INT that would surely have been returned for 7. My point was not to make excuses but rather to balance your, "What if...." staement.

All Brad Johnson has ever done is win and he's got a SB ring to prove it. He didn't have to do much for that team, similar to what Dilfer did in Baltimore. And let me remind you, I'm not picking the team to get to the SB I'm simply saying they are on track to make the playoffs. This despite the fact the O-line isn't quite at 100%.

I also mentioned they are weak at WR, but did you know the only WR with a TD this season for the Vikings (Marcus Robinson) didn't even play against Chicago? I think you're pulling a Scooby imitation with your assessment of the Vikings :silly: - not very consistent nor realistic. They're a good team and not great, could legitimitely make the playoffs but probably shouldn't be expected to do anything more than that.

And I'll be the first person to claim that I was wrong if the Vikings do make the playoffs.

So, Chester's problems in getting yardage are because his O-Line.. you know, the "best O-Line in the NFL?" Can't give him enough room to make it happen? If so, then ok, I'll go with that. Chalk the O-Line up for one of the facets, therefore, that make the Vikings overrated.

All I heard preseason is how good this WR core seems to be. Marcus Robinson isn't NEARLY the game breaking WR that TO or even Randy Moss is. But is what you saying that the WR position is a one horse show? If so, then depth isn't a problem at WR, the Vikings only seem to have ONE WR to begin with then (I'll buy this if you want. It will help my argument that Tice's selection of Williamson was the final flip off to the Vikings organization. Hey, Chad Johnson of the Bengals was drafted in the 2nd Round and if you think Williamson even has the POTENTIAL to be better than Johnson, you are smoking something). In any case, if Marcus is the reason why the WRs aren't performing then this team offensively is going to be a disaster. An O-Line that can't make holes in the defense, WRs who can't score TDs, an offense as a whole that can't get inside the 20 yard line.... WOW. I won't say Scooby's prediction of 4-12, but I doubt they'll break the 8-8 plane if this trend continues. And, yeah, I think they'll vie for the record of fewest offensive TDs in a season.

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red - don't twist my words because it's disengenuous. I didn't say the o-line sucks I said they're not playing at their optimal best. Note that neither Birk, Hicks nor Hutchinson even played last season for the Vikings and the team has a brand new playbook. To insist they should be at their best 3 games into the season is illogical.

I also didn't say Taylor and the running game are horrible. He rushed for over 100 yards against Carolina and he had 74 yards against Chicago, including a handful of very big runs.

The supposedly overrated Willaimson already has 14 receptions this season, only 10 fewer than all of last season, and Travis Taylor had 6 receptions against the Bears for 82 yards. The Vikings also imho underutilized Wiggins which hurt the passing game and Johnson made two bad decisions throwing balls before the 1st down marker, but these things happen over the course of a season.

I didn't say the WRs suck I said they played that game without the only player that's scored an offensive TD so far this eason. I said that despite the Taylor fumble, the dropped INT/TD by Sharper and the horrible penalty against Willaimson, they almost beat the Chicago Bears - you know the supposed elite team in the NFC? I'll repeat that those are not excuses given to argue they should have won that game but rather to balance out all the negatives you focus upon.

The Vikings have played against 3 of the best defenses in the league and against 3 teams most predicted would make the NFC playoffs, and despite not playing their best on offense they've gone 2-1. What's interesting about this discussion is that while I acknowledge the Vikings' shortcomings in putting together my analysis of the team and its prospects, you've focused only on the negatives, ignored the positives and insisted the Vikings are overrated despite the team doing exactly what most people predicted they would do.

If despite everything I've said you still insist this team is overrated and destined for only 8 wins, so be it. :silly:

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red - don't twist my words because it's disengenuous. I didn't say the o-line sucks I said they're not playing at their optimal best. Note that neither Birk, Hicks nor Hutchinson even played last season for the Vikings and the team has a brand new playbook. To insist they should be at their best 3 games into the season is illogical.

I also didn't say Taylor and the running game are horrible. He rushed for over 100 yards against Carolina and he had 74 yards against Chicago, including a handful of very big runs.

The supposedly overrated Willaimson already has 14 receptions this season, only 10 fewer than all of last season, and Travis Taylor had 6 receptions against the Bears for 82 yards. The Vikings also imho underutilized Wiggins which hurt the passing game and Johnson made two bad decisions throwing balls before the 1st down marker, but these things happen over the course of a season.

I didn't say the WRs suck I said they played that game without the only player that's scored an offensive TD so far this eason. I said that despite the Taylor fumble, the dropped INT/TD by Sharper and the horrible penalty against Willaimson, they almost beat the Chicago Bears - you know the supposed elite team in the NFC? I'll repeat that those are not excuses given to argue they should have won that game but rather to balance out all the negatives you focus upon.

The Vikings have played against 3 of the best defenses in the league and against 3 teams most predicted would make the NFC playoffs, and despite not playing their best on offense they've gone 2-1. What's interesting about this discussion is that while I acknowledge the Vikings' shortcomings in putting together my analysis of the team and its prospects, you've focused only on the negatives, ignored the positives and insisted the Vikings are overrated despite the team doing exactly what most people predicted they would do.

If despite everything I've said you still insist this team is overrated and destined for only 8 wins, so be it. :silly:

Yeah, I am focused on the negative when it comes to Minnesota. Being eternally optimistic about the Vikings only to have Red McCombs and Dennis Green come to town can do that to you. After the train wreck McCombs made of the organization and the circus freakshow Green (and by extension Tice) made of the team, I can't really root for the team in its current set up.

What you are saying does make sense, though I predicted an 0-3 start. I will give credit to the Vikings for taking advantage of two teams that were plagued in key positions by injuries (Carolina and Washington), but they lost to the only team they faced that wasn't missing a key component of their team to injury. I won't go as far as to say that the Vikings are the most overrated team in the NFL (Carolina and Atlanta hold that distinction) and certainly the Vikings have a long way to go to be the worst team in the NFL (Gosh, hard to displace the Packers, Lions, and Raiders in that position). But I don't see the Vikings being even as good (NFL wise) as the Twins were this year (MLB wise). They just don't have the ability to score points thus far. They've had to rely too heavily on their defense to make picks, and Ryan Longwell to make kicks (and fakes). I'll be remiss to say that they won't appear to right the ship against Detroit. Green Bay could score against the Lions so I doubt the Vikings will have any trouble whatsoever. However, when they play their next solid opponent, if they can't do anything offensively (I don't care how many 20+ yard receptions or runs the Vikings get, if they occur outside of the 20 yard line or don't result in a TD or put them in position to score, they don't matter), it will be VERY difficult for the Vikings to win. That being said, I can't wait for the Vikings to play the Packers. With Favre's ability to make "passes only Brett Favre can make" (to those not named Madden those passes are called INTs), I don't think the Vikings will even have to put their offense onto the field.

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red - after reading that reply I think we're closer to being in agreement than I thought, with perhaps the major difference being I have a bit more optimism regarding potential for the offense. I think there's real room for improvement, enough to the point that if their defense continues to play this well they should finish above .500 and perhaps even get into the playoffs.

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If the bears win this weekend, whether it be by 100 or by 1 in OT, all the analysts will be talking about a possible super bowl run, and just watch the odds in vegas go down as the year goes on, if it continues this way. I know there is no alexander this weekend but just look at the seahawks D and Hassleback last weekend. This game means alot

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Yeah, I am focused on the negative when it comes to Minnesota. Being eternally optimistic about the Vikings only to have Red McCombs and Dennis Green come to town can do that to you. After the train wreck McCombs made of the organization and the circus freakshow Green (and by extension Tice) made of the team, I can't really root for the team in its current set up.

What you are saying does make sense, though I predicted an 0-3 start. I will give credit to the Vikings for taking advantage of two teams that were plagued in key positions by injuries (Carolina and Washington), but they lost to the only team they faced that wasn't missing a key component of their team to injury. I won't go as far as to say that the Vikings are the most overrated team in the NFL (Carolina and Atlanta hold that distinction) and certainly the Vikings have a long way to go to be the worst team in the NFL (Gosh, hard to displace the Packers, Lions, and Raiders in that position). But I don't see the Vikings being even as good (NFL wise) as the Twins were this year (MLB wise). They just don't have the ability to score points thus far. They've had to rely too heavily on their defense to make picks, and Ryan Longwell to make kicks (and fakes). I'll be remiss to say that they won't appear to right the ship against Detroit. Green Bay could score against the Lions so I doubt the Vikings will have any trouble whatsoever. However, when they play their next solid opponent, if they can't do anything offensively (I don't care how many 20+ yard receptions or runs the Vikings get, if they occur outside of the 20 yard line or don't result in a TD or put them in position to score, they don't matter), it will be VERY difficult for the Vikings to win. That being said, I can't wait for the Vikings to play the Packers. With Favre's ability to make "passes only Brett Favre can make" (to those not named Madden those passes are called INTs), I don't think the Vikings will even have to put their offense onto the field.

It will be difficult for the Vikings to do as well as the Twins since the Twins are currently only 1 game away from having the best record in baseball, and still have a chance to finish with the best record. The Vikings will not have one of the top 3 records in the NFL this year.

The Vikings are in the process of changing the entire focus of the team. They are going from a team dependent on the offense to a team dependent on the defense. They also have changed most of the schemes and have many key new players, especially on the offensive line. The offensive line often takes the longest to get coordinated. Before the season started I expected it to take 4-6 games before they really get untracked. The running game should improve after that. Unless they have more major injury problems, I expect them to finish within a couple of games of .500, 1 way or the other. That may be enough to get them into the play-offs as a wild card because I don't see any great teams in the NFC this year. Although anything can happen in a football game, I would be surprised if they win more than 1 game in the play-offs this year, if that. Next year they should be a play-off team unless they have major injury problems.

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Yeah, I am focused on the negative when it comes to Minnesota. Being eternally optimistic about the Vikings only to have Red McCombs and Dennis Green come to town can do that to you. After the train wreck McCombs made of the organization and the circus freakshow Green (and by extension Tice) made of the team, I can't really root for the team in its current set up.


I didn't like Green or McCombs, either. McCombs is back to selling used cars and Green can bake in the Arizona desert forever for all I care. They took this organization and ran it into the ground with their arrogance and greed.

That being said, both of them are gone, and I am very optimistic about the future with Childress and Wilf in charge of the franchise. This is a transition year (and I think there will be at least one more transition year after this), but the team already is showing more toughness and resiliance in the first three games of 2006 than during the entire Mike Tice era. The offense needs rebuilding thru the draft and free agency, the defense needs more depth in certain spots, and they have to improve the special teams coverage on punts and kickoffs. Too many long returns for my taste. But overall, they are headed in the right direction. Playoffs? Probably not. But give Childress a couple of more drafts and free agent periods to work with and this team will be a contender in the playoffs. Not a pretender like during the Denny "take a knee" Green era. :blush:

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I didn't like Green or McCombs, either. McCombs is back to selling used cars and Green can bake in the Arizona desert forever for all I care. They took this organization and ran it into the ground with their arrogance and greed.

That being said, both of them are gone, and I am very optimistic about the future with Childress and Wilf in charge of the franchise. This is a transition year (and I think there will be at least one more transition year after this), but the team already is showing more toughness and resiliance in the first three games of 2006 than during the entire Mike Tice era. The offense needs rebuilding thru the draft and free agency, the defense needs more depth in certain spots, and they have to improve the special teams coverage on punts and kickoffs. Too many long returns for my taste. But overall, they are headed in the right direction. Playoffs? Probably not. But give Childress a couple of more drafts and free agent periods to work with and this team will be a contender in the playoffs. Not a pretender like during the Denny "take a knee" Green era. :silly:


And next off season we'll see what they do. Is this the era of filling the holes the team has or is it just getting the best you can get for the least amount of change like the McCombs era? Remember, the front office is very close to being the same as it was under McCombs. Only the owner is different really. Childress has nearly as much say (if not as much say) in drafting strategy as Green had... at least that's what I was lead to believe when Childress was hired. They have a triangle of power in the Vikings organization which is basically a bad idea because there is no definite authority in the personnel moves of the team that way unless one or two cave or agree with the part making the request to change the personnel in some way.

I want to see what the Vikings do this next offseason with the Wide Recievers and the Quarterback position. I'll see then.

For now, though, the Vikings will win tommorrow. They play a pretty lackluster team lead by a QB that is on somewhat shaky ground (Losman). Won't be a high scoring game, but the Vikings will win.

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And next off season we'll see what they do. Is this the era of filling the holes the team has or is it just getting the best you can get for the least amount of change like the McCombs era? Remember, the front office is very close to being the same as it was under McCombs. Only the owner is different really. Childress has nearly as much say (if not as much say) in drafting strategy as Green had... at least that's what I was lead to believe when Childress was hired. They have a triangle of power in the Vikings organization which is basically a bad idea because there is no definite authority in the personnel moves of the team that way unless one or two cave or agree with the part making the request to change the personnel in some way.

I want to see what the Vikings do this next offseason with the Wide Recievers and the Quarterback position. I'll see then.

For now, though, the Vikings will win tommorrow. They play a pretty lackluster team lead by a QB that is on somewhat shaky ground (Losman). Won't be a high scoring game, but the Vikings will win.


Wilf has committed to spending whatever it takes to put a winner on the field. He cares about winning football games, unlike McCombs, who was always scheming to move the franchise to San Antonio. Good riddance to bad rubbish! :silly:

The media doesn't like Childress because he won't talk about every little thing the team is doing (like Tice did). But I like that; the media doesn't need to know everything. And he doesn't seem to have an out-of-control ego like Green did (it was always about Denny, not the team). Is it a sure thing? No. But I like the odds of Childress and Wilf taking the Vikes to the promised land better than Green and McCombs.

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Wilf has committed to spending whatever it takes to put a winner on the field. He cares about winning football games, unlike McCombs, who was always scheming to move the franchise to San Antonio. Good riddance to bad rubbish! :silly:

The media doesn't like Childress because he won't talk about every little thing the team is doing (like Tice did). But I like that; the media doesn't need to know everything. And he doesn't seem to have an out-of-control ego like Green did (it was always about Denny, not the team). Is it a sure thing? No. But I like the odds of Childress and Wilf taking the Vikes to the promised land better than Green and McCombs.

Most certainly, but I just cannot invest my time and energy rooting for this team until I see where this team is going. One off season and a few regular season games don't cut it for me just yet. We don't need another Minnesota Wild or, worse yet, Minnesota Timberwolves like team in Minnesota. We've got them already.

Until then, I'll stick to the team I grew up rooting for: The Bears (My folks are from Chicago).

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Most certainly, but I just cannot invest my time and energy rooting for this team until I see where this team is going. One off season and a few regular season games don't cut it for me just yet. We don't need another Minnesota Wild or, worse yet, Minnesota Timberwolves like team in Minnesota. We've got them already.

Until then, I'll stick to the team I grew up rooting for: The Bears (My folks are from Chicago).

Never, Never, Never!!!! Well, maybe twice a year will a true Chicago Bears fan cheer for either the Vikings or the Packers. And only when they play each other because you either want the Vikings to lose or the Packers to lose!!!

During those games, when I'm here (ND), I cheer for the Pack. If I'm in Chicago, I'll cheer for the Vikings. Once, only once, when in Chicago, did I cheer for the Pack when they were playing the Vikes. My nephews almost threw me into a snow bank. No respect for their dear old auntie!!!! :silly:

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If "Da Bears" can beat the Seahawks, I will start taking them seriously. Even without Shaun Alexander (who I understand will be out indefinitely with a hairline fracture in his foot), the Seahawks offense will pose a much bigger challenge to the Bears D than the Vikings did. They have one of the best quarterbacks in the league, and a solid line (even without Hutchinson). Their defense is pretty athletic, so Grossman better be on his best behavior.

Bears 37 Seahawks 6


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Bears 37 Seahawks 6


Wow. The only score that is more stunning to me is....17-12 Buffalo. I DEFINITELY thought Minnesota had more to offer against Buffalo than that. Well, Buffalo IS in the AFC and the AFC IS better than the NFC (with the probable exception of the Bears and, I thought, the Seahawks).

Don't the Queens play Detroit next week? If so, they'll rebound then.

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Wow. The only score that is more stunning to me is....17-12 Buffalo. I DEFINITELY thought Minnesota had more to offer against Buffalo than that. Well, Buffalo IS in the AFC and the AFC IS better than the NFC (with the probable exception of the Bears and, I thought, the Seahawks).

Don't the Queens play Detroit next week? If so, they'll rebound then.

Detroit? ???

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