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At www.gazette.com, Blais apparently said Siembida goes Friday, and Saturday will be either Brandt or Kollar.  Without getting into a debate about whether he should or not, I had wondered if Blais might play Andy this series, as his best weekend of the year was against CC.


I actually think that Siembida will and should go both games. Although I think Brandt is better than Andy this year I personally have no confidence in him. I think UND has given him enough chances and he can sit on the Bench like Toby did...

Josh has shown that he is the man, I think he played good last saturday making two big saves in a row but you cant expect to make three big saves in a row every game. Andy makes one save and then is scored on...

Personally I think Blais is trying to fire Josh up and if he plays good Friday (today) expect him to get the nod again tommorrow. Actually why not let him take the Big games and let Jake maybe play the weak sisters. Honestly I can't figure out why Blaiser kept coming back to andy he has shown he can't play consistently and I think he cost us a few wins this season that we really needed...


Siembida has played six straight (Mich, MSU, UMn, UMn, UAA, UAA) and it sounds like it'll go to seven tonight.

I'd say it's time to get Brandt back in there. Remember, he played well at Wisconsin and got two wins at St. Lawrence before the arrival of Siembida. A number 1 and a dependable number 2 goaltender is needed (for example Goehring/Kollar). Get him some playing time so we know if he can do the job. If he battles Siembida for the number 1 role, all the better. :)


Goon, we're going to have the same arguments that the goofer fans are about Hauser.  Was it goaltending?  Or was it a weak team effort.

Say what you want about Andy, but our team has stunk up just as many games and there are more of them than just one goalie.  Any one guy can have a bad night but when almost the whole team does for several games that seems almost more aggregious.   Cripes, Blais had to sit Bochenski and little Lundbohm.  Do you think he would EVER have had to sit Whitey?  David should be ASHAMED.

Siembida's last game showed he was human.  I like him and consider he is probably our top goalie, but he is not infallible.  And it is a small yet distinct possibility that he had a hot run of games before reality will set in and he isn't the stone wall we hope he is.  

Therefore, though I would like to see Siembida play both games and play them well, I won't be critical if Blais plays Brandt on Sat.  Let's remember that Brandt played a nice 3 game streak before essentially riding the bench behind the new guy.  He hasn't had a chance to go average like Siembida did on Sat night.  Frankly, I won't be critical if he plays Andy.  Why?  Because by this time Blais has seen these guys in practice for a few weeks and is getting a firmer handle on who is really who.

I can't say that I would feel we have the same chance to win if Siembida isn't out there, but he's fallible and if Blais thinks one of the other guys can get the win, I'll hold my tongue and see how it turns out.  

Before any of these goalies win another game the team is going to have to step it up and start playing like they did in the first half of the 2nd period on Sat. night.  


Actually I give you guys a new spin on Josh's performance last weekend. I think he played good, I am not sure why everyone is down on him. Josh made two big saves on the one UAA goal and the defense had still not cleared the puck, on that instance thats not on the goalie the first two shots were really ringer types so I think still think we need to cut him some slack too...

Heres what makes me mad Cygans goal is off side so really we shouldn't have lost. I really think UND needs to burry weak teams like UAA, MSU_ Mankato and Duluth. We have no more shots at these two cup cakes so now we need to beat MTU and Duluth,  and we get MTU four games if we can sweep those games and split with the Gophers and C.C. or take three points against C.C. or Minnesota we could be ok... Denver will be gut check time because I am really not that impress with them..


I agree with you on playing the AA's, MTU, Duluths, etc.

However, here's my take on Siembida.  Don't get me wrong.  I'm not "down" on him.  But that goal scored on the 3rd shot?  He should have covered the first rebound.  It was a soft shot that just bounced out in front of him.  Right away I wondered why he didn't gobble that one up.

You are right though, the goal never should have been scored because the D didn't get back to help him out by the 3rd shot.

For the weekend I also would say he played good.  I thought he played great on Friday, though he went down fast on the wrap around.  Sat he was average.  Still a good performance, and not one that I am critical of.  But I think it is fair to say that some of his puck luck had been used up by Sat.


On that goal Siembida looked tired. He went to cover it and didn't get there first.

I like playing the number 2 goaltender every other Saturday. It keeps them sharp. It keeps the team sharp. It gives the number 1 a rest.  


Only got to read the score updates on the other board.  Didn't listen or watch the game.  Sounds like the Sioux had some lapses, but otherwise played a pretty decent game.

I like the heart to come back in the 3rd period.  I am glad I am not Massen tonite.  

An opinion based on the little I know about this game:  The Sioux made a stride tonite.  Played a good solid game, most of the time.  Still need to tighten it up for 60.  But they fought back in the 3rd the way other teams have done to us.  Way to go.

If Notermann can just find the net instead of the pipe that will be 2 more points for us at some point this season!  ;)

I hope the captains step in to straighten out Massen before Blais needs to.  Bochenski appears to have rebounded from his "lesson" last week.  We can't keep sitting guys to get them to play better.

Here's hoping for another strong outing tomorrow night.  (Or did I misinterpret this game?)

Oh, yes, did anyone hear Blais comments after the game??


Listened to the game up to CC's second goal. Sioux took it to em after the first goal (period 1) and the second goal (period 2). CC's second goal was reported as a softie.


Well, Sweeney seems to have discovered that Bryan Lundbohm did leave the team after last year. I don't think I heard him say Bryan's name one time.

For those that didn't listen on the radio, what did you think of how Sweeney gushed every time Sejna touched the puck? My god, it was like he was watching Gretzky out there. If I have to hear "Look out, Sejna with the puck" one more time, I'm gonna puke! Or "this kid's incredible"... hello, Pat, Sejna's good, but you're announcing for UND, not against them. Everyone knows he's good, we just don't need you to tell us 27,000 times. Oh, and how about the "shorthanded goal is what will really haunt UND"? Ya think? Didn't need to hear that 27,000 times, either. Kinda figured that out the first time.

I definitely need to watch where I can listen to the radio tonight. Enough venting for now.


I turned on the radio right after the game and, unless I missed it, I don't think Blais came up to talk to Tim. Must have been a long trek that they didn't think he could make. Or else he wanted to get in the locker room and chew Massen's ass ASAP ;)

Schneider, Fuher, Canady, Bochenski, now Massen. That's five freshmen that have been to the doghouse. Four came out "getting it". Hopefully Massen does as well.


You guys are doing a great job of remaining positive in the midst of a dog season where we will probably end up playing Minnie and have no post-season play beyond that.   The thing that kills me is this team could have been three or four games above .500 by now, but aren't.

Undisciplined penalties and nights where they simply don't show up have cost this team.  The elite stature of our program is in question, IMO.  In a season where UAA and UM-'Kato make UND look silly, I am a sad fan.


Kuhninca, I can understand that frustration.  I went through it last fall.  I think though, I have adjusted my expectations to where I am not expecting as much THIS YEAR, and anything will be gravy.  Then it is easier for me to celebrate the positive steps and the others don't hurt so much.  I could go back and look at about 4 more points in the standing that we should really have and create the heartburn again but it doesn't do any good.  So I try to deal with where we are.  And I do feel, rocky road and all, that we are on an uptrend from where we were in November and early December.  Just that we are climbing out slower than we fell in.  But I think that is normal.

I am happy to hear how Bochenski played last night.  I believe Bayda is really emerging as the emotional leader of this team.  And guys like Spie and Notermann and Hale will continue to set the tone.  The freshmen will catch up.  Let's hope it is as tourney time.

As for playing the gophers in the playoffs.  Not a good scenario, but right now they ARE beatable.  But we will ahve to be more consistent.  Right now they are beginning to question their coaches ability to motivate.

Clayton said: For those that didn't listen on the radio, what did you think of how Sweeney gushed every time Sejna touched the puck? My god, it was like he was watching Gretzky out there. If I have to hear "Look out, Sejna with the puck" one more time, I'm gonna puke! Or "this kid's incredible"... hello, Pat, Sejna's good, but you're announcing for UND, not against them. Everyone knows he's good, we just don't need you to tell us 27,000 times. Oh, and how about the "shorthanded goal is what will really haunt UND"? Ya think? Didn't need to hear that 27,000 times, either. Kinda figured that out the first time.

Honestly I am not sure why Pat Sweeny is still around he has the pizazz of an enema, actually I have heard he prefers the Gophers anyways. Brehdahl is no better I really don't care if he is an ex-Sioux what did he play like 5 game his whole career, he is brutal, why in the #### do we have Cullens dad on for he plays for C.C. maybe we need to start a letter writting campaign and let the people know we are not happy with the coverage, I mean I am happy with the Sioux having Television coverage but lts get some quality with it too.


Siouxfan@Boston that is why I am excited about next season, the prospects for the future are very exciting. I just hope we don't put too much pressure on them to win. I mean add Genoway and Parise and a huge freshman class one year older with a defense that is starting to mature Yikes.

I mean really UND can't suck forever and it is not like we have crappy players. We really could have had a winning record this season if a few breaks would have gone our way, maybe some will soon, we must have a few lucky horse shoes left we haven't used many yet. I am just hoping we finally beat a few of these patsies we have left on the schedule and split with C.C. UofM and DU and we should be ok, maybe even steal a game against one UofM or DU. I think if we pulled our head out of our a$$ we could sweep the Gophers, I don't think that is unrealistic. They are good for one win with Hauser in net and Weber isn't lighting the league on fire either...

(Edited by Goon at 12:39 pm on Jan. 19, 2002)


Guy in Boston, I agree.  Just when the boys lok like they have turned the corner (MN series) they come back with the fri AA effort.  But maybe MN isn't all they were cracked up to be either, the way things are going.  Hoping to see another 3rd period comeback tonite and get some points at CC.


Well, it does suck to get swept on the road.  However, it does seem like the team played with more grit, especially Friday, than during the UAA series.  So there is still room for hope.  It sounds like the younger guys are continuing to improve and learn the system, so there are glimmers of hope in the Intensity and Consistency departments.  As a wise sage once counseled, "Patience."  ;)


Scott, I have excepted the fact that this is not the year, but we will be back. I am not sure we can even get home ice, I will except it.

One year will do a lot for these kids. I think the rough early start by getting killed in St Clown hurt then getting swept by bad teams like MSU and Wisconsin hurt and think maybe too much pressure has been put on the Sioux to be a upper division team. With the addition of Parise and Genoway and a season Sophmore class we probably will be back in the hunt next season.

With three good goalies next season could be a break out year. The defense is starting to look better and better. Jake looked real good in net last night, and it appears that he is gaining a lot of confidence, Josh look ok but he needs to no flop around so much. I am sure the coaches can get these guys to correct a few of the rookies mistakes we will be fine... James Massen if he plays smart is going to be a good player... Massen reminds me of Cam Neely a bit, now if we can get him to play mean but smart...


Well, I've got to say that I find myself in agreement with you guys.  Dropping two more is disappointing.  But the real problem is not coming away from CC empty-handed, it was not taking care of UAA.  It sounds to me like the Sioux came to play the last three games.  In fact, the Friday UAA game sounds like the only one where the team really laid an egg since before Christmas.  If Blais says the guys played hard but we just didn't get any points to show for it, I can handle that.

The hockey gods are not smiling on the Sioux right now.  If they get good goaltending, they can't score.  When they're filling it up, they get average goaltending.  Josh lost consecutive 2-1 games; that's gotta hurt for a goalie.  And all the goalposts!  But I think this year might be payback for last year.  At the start of last year, I really didn't think the Sioux would be playing in OT in the national title game.  Last year had more than a bit of magic attached to it, and I think this year we're suffering from an abnormally low amount of good fortune.

These glimpses of dominance are encouraging though, and I am still expecting to ruin someone's season this year.  So that'll be nice.


One game at a time I guess. I am just thankful we have like what 6-8 games left at home this year. You never know Blais seems to pull a rabbit out of the hat from time to time.

I has been fun to see some of the young kids progress as the season has gone along. Brandon Bochenski has gotten better his skating is a #### of a lot better, and he has the hands of a sniper. James Massen is a horse with talent, and he has shown some great improvement in his game, James wasn't even going to be here this year but with Lundbohm leaving he decided to come a year earlier. I would just like Massen to use his energy at more productive things like plowing through defenders instead of slowing up He is 220 pounds. Matt Jones is awesome, Nick Fuher has great puck handling skills,  I think we will see him at the next level. Andy Schnider is and animal, one of those guys you don't want to go into the corner with, Andy is tough as nails, a prototypical UND defensemen.

Am I possitive during a somewhat depressive season you betcha :) :) :) This season has have been a glimsp of the future, the teams around the league will not want to play us next season. I can't wait to see us wipe the smirks off the faces of the SCSU players when we clobber them next season in the Ralph. I think next season is surely will be pay back season.

In Goal, Jake Brandt has made big strides and I a sure he and Josh Siembida will be a great one two punch.

(Edited by Goon at 9:06 pm on Jan. 20, 2002)


Still mostly positive things being said here.  At least by the three of you who are still posting.  Looks like a lot of people have given up.

I'm still disappointed that Blais cut guys like O'leary and Hasbargen.  In the process, he sacrificed this season for a shot at a title in one or two seasons to come.  We at UND don't take lightly to losing, which is all this team is doing now.  I wonder if he thinks it was a mistake in hindsight.

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