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Indian tribe helps develop Spokane logo

While many teams with Indian nicknames, logos or mascots are criticized as culturally insensitive, the Spokane Indians unveiled their new logo featuring eagle feathers Wednesday with the blessing of their namesake tribe.

If Indian nicknames are so insensitive, why do tribes such as the Spokane Indians give their blessing? Maybe DYB can answer that one.

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The Sioux, as a group, are not who they're cheering for.

FINALLY!!!!!!!! How many times have we said this!?! We are cheering for the athletes that are wearing the Fighting Sioux name and logo. A name that was chosen because the Sioux Indians of old are believed to have been courageous, fearless, honorable and a force to be dealth with. We are NOT honoring the Sioux of today. We are NOT cheering for living Native Americans who are Sioux. We are NOT disgracing the name of the Sioux of yesterday when we cheer our Fighting Sioux athletes on the victory. We did NOT choose the name Fighting Sioux because we hate Native Americans or because we disrespect the Sioux of times gone by!

And when our opponents yell, 'Sioux suck' they are NOT referring to Native Americans who are Sioux. They are referring to the athletes who are wearing the Fighting Sioux name and logo.

Finally, Doreen, you get it!!! We are NOT cheering for the 'Sioux, as a group...' Damn, woman, it took you long enough!!!

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"Most of the Lakota/Dakota/Nakota tribal nations have passed resolutions saying they don't want UND to use "Fighting Sioux," not because they want to upset the university system but because around the name comes fighting, acrimony, hostility and even hate as is happening this week."

Who are the ones instigating the acrimony, hostility, etc.? You guessed it. It's the PC whiners. If people who are reasonable actually resist and fight back legally against PC oppression, they cause hostility? The same old hackneyed logic: If you disagree with me, you "hate" me. If you want to use the FS nickname, you disrespect people and cause "pain and suffering." I wish we could get Christ resurrect Rod Serling.

What these people forget, other than their sanity, is that UND has legal trademark rights to the nickname

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Ever seen anything like this at a UND sporting event? Me neither. Maybe our fans should try to be more like FSU's fans, since they don't promote a "hostile and abusive" atmosphere at all...


there have been photos taken of students dressing like this on UND campus... and back in 1999-2000 i remember a big deal about some fraternity guys doing it.

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there have been photos taken of students dressing like this on UND campus... and back in 1999-2000 i remember a big deal about some fraternity guys doing it.

Where are these photos? I've lived in Grand Forks since 1992 and have never seen anyone do anything like this, even in a photo.

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there have been photos taken of students dressing like this on UND campus... and back in 1999-2000 i remember a big deal about some fraternity guys doing it.

You actually have seen dated photos of this or you were told about some photo with an approximate date?Please share them, that's all we have ever asked, to bring the proof.

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there have been photos taken of students dressing like this on UND campus... and back in 1999-2000 i remember a big deal about some fraternity guys doing it.

I find it hard to believe that if there truely were pictures like this around, that someone would not have scanned them and posted somewhere to show the world how awful it is on campus at UND. BRIDGES comes to mind.

I went to UND in 1976. I never once saw anyone dress up as an Indian. I have been going to football and hockey games at UND for years and have NEVER seen anyone in feathers or warpaint or anything like that. I have only seen respect for the SIOUX , all Native Americans, and ALL races in general. I would think that if anyone were to show up at a game at UND like this, that they would be asked to leave.

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there have been photos taken of students dressing like this on UND campus... and back in 1999-2000 i remember a big deal about some fraternity guys doing it.

And they are posted where? Why weren't the photo's provided to the NC$$ by the same Name Change group that gave them the decades old 'evidence? Mayhap they don't exist? :huh:

Same old stuff, "Someone told me; I know I read it somewhere; I know someone who saw it;" blah blah blah.

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And they are posted where? Why weren't the photo's provided to the NC$$ by the same Name Change group that gave them the decades old 'evidence? Mayhap they don't exist? :huh:

Same old stuff, "Someone told me; I know I read it somewhere; I know someone who saw it;" blah blah blah.

Which we all know is infinitely more credible than "This one guy in my class who heard it from his third cousin's best friend's brother who passed through UND on his way to Fargo about 20 years ago." :glare::D

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You actually have seen dated photos of this or you were told about some photo with an approximate date?Please share them, that's all we have ever asked, to bring the proof.

I asked my son (a fraternity member) if he had ever heard of this happening. It was a couple of years before he joined a fraternity, but he hadn't ever heard of anything like this. I have my doubts, too. I think the "anchor run" is closer to the top of their "things to do" list, than dress like an indian. :huh:

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From tomorrow's Dakota Stupid: The DS View: Dartmouth apology

The Dartmouth furor has proven one thing: There is no denying that the Sioux logo has garnered negative national attention. It was the top story on ESPN.com and was featured in the Boston Globe. Judging by letters to the editor on the Web site for Dartmouth's daily school newspaper, The Dartmouth, our logo has caused division on another campus.

The Dartmouth controversy shows that the "Fighting Sioux" debate is about more than just UND; it's about discrimination in general. Continuing our losing battle to preserve an outdated name is only making UND look bad, not like the top-tier institution our administrators claim we are becoming.

Sure someone on a campus a thousand miles away stirs up a hornet's nest on UND's campus and somehow UND is to blame. The AD even admitted that the statements were aimed at her campus over local incidents. Come on DS folks grow a brain.

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Continuing our losing battle to preserve an outdated name is only making UND look bad, not like the top-tier institution our administrators claim we are becoming.

I'd guess that UND is already there, not just becoming.

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Judging by letters to the editor on the Web site for Dartmouth's daily school newspaper, The Dartmouth, our logo has caused division on another campus.

Reading that makes me want to throw up. COME ON! It's obvious that Dartmouth has a whole pile of problems and tried to take some of the heat off of themselves and put it on us-if anything it has brought their problems to light and everyone is seeing how much better [sarcasm] off everyone is for it, and how all of their problems are gone, because they have dropped their 'hostile and abusive' nickname and logo.

I'm sorry, but I think that this statement is just like saying it's someone's fault-by the way that they dress- that they got raped.

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Judging by letters to the editor on the Web site for Dartmouth's daily school newspaper, The Dartmouth, our logo has caused division on another campus.

So, from the Stupid's point of view debate equates to "division". Typical of the name change mentality. Anybody who questions or opposes a name change creates division. Moreover, it's not the Sioux name/logo that created this division, so much as the narrow, intolerant objectives of a certain, tiny group of people who think they should dictate others' thoughts, values and beliefs.

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And they are posted where? Why weren't the photo's provided to the NC$$ by the same Name Change group that gave them the decades old 'evidence? Mayhap they don't exist? :glare:

Same old stuff, "Someone told me; I know I read it somewhere; I know someone who saw it;" blah blah blah.

You know, as a former fraternity member myself, I always roll my eyes because it seems like everytime something like this pops up, no one can identify a specific incident, but it almost ALWAYS involves a "fraternity guy" or "frat boys" doing it. For crying out loud, back up some statements like that that didn't involve an incident in about 1975. That act grows old.

If Kappa Sigs in my day were guilty of anything, it was portraying the Romans in a poor light (toga parties) or perhaps dressing in poor taste representing farmers (haybale hoedown).

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There's some interesting information in this column by Bill Lair, managing editor of the Journal Gazette/Times-Courrier in Mattoon and Charleston, Ill. (Scroll past the part about the Iranian Holocaust denial conference.)

A U.S. House of Representatives committee is conducting a hearing in Champaign Friday to discuss legislation that was prompted by the NCAA
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There's some interesting information in this column by Bill Lair, managing editor of the Journal Gazette/Times-Courrier in Mattoon and Charleston, Ill. (Scroll past the part about the Iranian Holocaust denial conference.)

I like the nice little gem in there, "dictatorial mandates", refering to the NCAA. How long does it typically take to get from hearings to a vote on the house floor?

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