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This whole thing is such bs.  I think both sides of this issue are ridiculous.

I think "holier than thou" people who stand on the sidelines and criticize everyone else while pretending they're above it all are bovine scatology.

Just look at the hockey team.
Yeah, just look at the hockey team -- and all other UND athletic teams that have competed under the Fighting Sioux nickname. Why is it that the vast majority of former athletes seem to favor keeping the nickname? They're the ones who have the most stake in the tradition. Who are you to tell them that they don't deserve to keep it?

Heck, call em the "Fighting Bunnies" for all I care!

That's your problem. You don't care. I'd give your arguments more credence if you came down on one side or the other. But attacking both sides with your juvenile rants only makes you look silly.

Oh, and another thing for you nickname supporters out there:  While your giving up the ridiculous tradition argument, you should scrap the "We're honoring you" explanation as well.  This reeks of bs -- just reeks.
No, your position reeks. Unless you're the greatest mind reader in the world, you have no right telling people what their intentions are. You can certainly argue whether they're accomplishing their intent, but you have no business claiming to know what's in the hearts and minds of people who support keeping the Fighting Sioux nickname.

Seriously, most people who use this line don't know jack sh*t about American Indian culture.

So what? How much does Duante Culpepper need to know about Scanidavian culture and the history of the Vikings to put on a uniform? How much to members of Notre Dame's basketball team actually know about the Irish and their culture? What does that have to do with anything?

Why not just be honest and cut the bull.  Honor, tradition, blah, blah, blah...  Please!  enough already.  And if you think I'm being too harsh, I'd suggest you look over this forum or talk to these nickname supporters long enough and see how many times "STFU" or "Go back to the Rez" are thrown around.


Being too harsh is the least of your problems. I'd rank being rude, incoherent and immature above those.

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I witnessed several of my white peers painted up exorbitantly with fake feathers adorning their bodies, chanting around and doing the tomahawk chop

I have never seen this at UND, has anyone else? I have seen body paint, but just green letters and things like that, nothing mocking an american indian.

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I have never seen this at UND, has anyone else? I have seen body paint, but just green letters and things like that, nothing mocking an american indian.


No. As a matter of fact, when I was on campus and some idiots started doing "the chop" at a FB game, they were shouted down by the rest of the Sioux faithful.

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Lettter from another one of those "hang around the fort indians", this one being a holy man.

What's Kracker's reaction to this one?



Ake', thanks for thinking of me. For every Veteran that feels this way, I can find 10 that are against the name. So what? There are some things he is unaware of on campus.

1. The only Powwows / wacipi / celebrations that happen on campus are put on by Indians. We don't even have strong numbers of non-Indians attending our powwows, so why does he think UND should take a step farther and "honor" our Sioux Veterans.

2. Do any of you remember the Moving Wall coming to UND a couple years ago? Well the All Nations Veterans Group, which I am a part of, decided NOT to be a part of it, only because of the fact that it was held at the REA. How ironic was that to have our Veterans line up in front of a building built by a man who admired Hitler?

3."It would be nice if the name "Fighting Sioux" was looked upon as a name that honored all the Sioux men and women who protected this country by serving in the military, even though this country did not always treat Indian people with fairness." True true true, but UND is not the place to do this. I don't know how UND could Honor my Sioux veterans with Green wigs. I don't know how UND could honor us when we don't even feel welcome attending home games.

4. He names veterans he knows, we Indian people can all do that. Would it comfort you to know that my father/uncles/grandfathers/great grandfathers/etc all served with honor? If he spent more time on campus, I'm positive he would change it mind towards this issue. I know I didn't think UND was a problem until I actually spent some time on campus, then I found out how those on campus "truly" feel about my people.

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2.  Do any of you remember the Moving Wall coming to UND a couple years ago?  Well the All Nations Veterans Group, which I am a part of, decided NOT to be a part of it, only because of the fact that it was held at the REA.  How ironic was that to have our Veterans line up in front of a building built by a man who admired Hitler?

It took four paragraphs to bring up the Hitler reference. Same old tired argument.

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You brought up Hitler again. I'm confused are you talking about Jeffrey Wiese?

After having one of your own admit to admiring Hitler and actually posting on a Hitler website it would be in your best interest not to bring up Hitler anymore.


Now we are clouding the issue with facts...

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Lettter from another one of those "hang around the fort indians", this one being a holy man.

What's Kracker's reaction to this one?

It would be nice if the name "Fighting Sioux" was looked upon as a name that honored all the Sioux men and women who protected this country by serving in the military, even though this country did not always treat Indian people with fairness.

UND has been a great help to our people. My daughter and son-in-law are recent graduates of UND with master's degrees. I also have two nieces who graduated from UND. My daughter soon will return to law school at UND. As for myself, I retired from the Air Force after 20 years of service in 1972 and have served as pastor with the Southern Baptists for more than 30 years.

Wilbert Robertson

The Rev. Robertson is an enrolled member of the Sisseton-Wahpeton Sioux Tribe in South Dakota. He was born in and lives in Fort Totten.

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4......If he spent more time on campus, I'm positive he would change it mind towards this issue.  I know I didn't think UND was a problem until I actually spent some time on campus, then I found out how those on campus "truly" feel about my people.

He's had plenty of family who has attended and who have achieved at a high level, apparently. Somehow they must have forgotten to mention their problems to him? Or, possibly, they actually had positive experiences? How can you say he should spend more time on campus when so much of his family has been there and were apparently happy with their experience? How can you continue to dismiss the experiences of other Sioux who disagree with you out of hand?

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From the Enid (OK) News:

Not all American Indian mascot names derogatory

Several northwest Oklahoma high schools have some form of American Indian name as the mascot for their athletic teams. There are the Enid Plainsmen. Waukomis Chiefs. Cherokee Chiefs. Wakita Warriors. Okarche Warriors. Shattuck Indians.

School officials have said those nicknames are a source of honor.

At Waukomis, head football coach Mike Felder, who is one-third Cherokee, said: "I think it's a compliment we would use that nickname."

From the San Antonio Express-News:

The Water Cooler: 'Fighting Sioux' must vacate North Dakota

North Dakota 'Fighting Custers'

If you can't honor the winners of Little Big Horn, maybe the NCAA would have some sympathy for the losers.

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People in Glass Houses editorial with editing by them. The original column regarding discriminating against white women by refusing them entry to a forum was not cited. Instead, it is noted that the forum was opened to all after complaints of discrimination. I think that probably happened after the forum was already over.

Who is this University of North Dakota hockey player who chose to wear a different jersey then his fellow Fighting Sioux teammates?


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