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And all you Scandinavians in North Dakota get the he!! out or learn to speak Dakota!!

Now I'm being the elitist!! Sorry.

Everyone except Dakota Sioux who speak Dakota get the he!! out of North Dakota or learn to speak Dakota. Yeah, that will be historically correct! :glare:

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OMG!! Take a pill already!! And all you Scandinavians in North Dakota get the he!! out or learn to speak Dakota!! GOOD GRIEF!! This is the most ridiculous article to date!! It's so stupid, it's impossible to respond to without a bunch of exclaimations!!

If you liked that one, you'll really get a charge out of this Jensen screed.

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We can begin this historical journey in 1492, with the beginning on the European conquest of the New World. Estimates of the pre-contact indigenous population vary, but at the time there were approximately 15 million people living north of the Rio Grande, the majority in what is now the United States and perhaps 2 million in Canada. By the 1900 census, there were 237,000 Indians in the United States. That works out to an extermination rate of 97 to 99 percent. That means the Europeans who came to the continent killed almost all the Indians. It is the only recorded genocide in history that was almost successful. The Europeans who invaded North America, followed by their descendants who colonized the entire continent, eliminated almost the entire indigenous population, and in the process claimed almost the entire land base of those peoples.

I am pretty sure none of us were alive in 1492.

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The Past is the Future

Some work I'm doing has caused me to rethink my position on the SBHE and the "name change" issue.

While at first I was radically offended by the SBHE's decision to intervene, and to "keep the nickname," I've decided that these folks, and all who support the nickname, might actually have a great deal of foresight.

See, the way I figure it is that if ND population trends continue, before too long pretty much all the white folks will have abandoned North Dakota anyway, leaving UND and most everything else to Native Americans. So, while they might choose to change the nickname from "Fighting Sioux" to the "Resisting Sioux," or the "Victorious Sioux," or maybe no kind of "Sioux," at least by keeping the name we'd be giving them a head start in a direction they'd likely be inclined to go anyway.

Once the U.S. Army had done it's job around here it was, of course, too expensive, too cumbersome, and bad press to maintain a military occupation, so the northern European folk were brought here (much like the Scots were brought to Ireland) as a more or less self-supporting "army" to occupy the land and keep the natives off it and under control. But the family farmers and townsfolk haven't been self-supporting for years (it's only nostalgia and Washington transfer payments that have kept that illusion alive) and the ex-farmers and their offspring, proletarianized, flee the state, writing home when they find work, and encouraging others to do the same. All the while, Native Americans, who mostly haven't bought into the plan, increase as a proportion of the ND population (this may explain a good deal of the editorial hand-wringing we read about over the "decline in population." What usually goes unmentioned is that it's the number of white folks in the state who are declining). This is why, as Larry McMurtry recently pointed out, white towns on the Plains are starting to look more and more like reservations towns-- the white folks on the Plains are "in the way" of the (capitalist) Empire in very much the same way that the Indians were 200 years ago.

The future of North Dakota belongs to the Native Americans. There may be little point, in the long run, to convincing the diminished and declining white ruling class in North Dakota to change the name. We could get a head start on another name change for the hockey rink, though: how about Fort Engelstad?

Cliff Staples


This is from one of UND's professor, this is what we are paying these people to teach in our universities. If that isn't classic marxism and socialism I don't know what is.

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Now I'm being the elitist!! Sorry.

Everyone except Dakota Sioux who speak Dakota get the he!! out of North Dakota or learn to speak Dakota. Yeah, that will be historically correct! :D

I'm sorry, but weren't the Mandan, Arikara, and Hidatsa in North Dakota first, and then pushed west by the Sioux, as the Chippewa pushed the Sioux west?

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I'm sorry, but weren't the Mandan, Arikara, and Hidatsa in North Dakota first, and then pushed west by the Sioux, as the Chippewa pushed the Sioux west?

Which was the point of an earlier post of mine. If you think about it, the Sioux (Dakota, Lakota or Nakota or whatever) really spent a good deal of time getting their asses kicked around. The Pawnee gave them trouble in the south, the Ojibwa/Chippewa in the north and east. And as my late grandfather pointed out when discussing Little Big Horn "The Arapahoe got the land, the Sioux got the glory and the Cheyenne did the fighting." Then you look at what the US Army did to them ... Hell, if the Comanche had moved north, that would have been the end of it.

I think if UND changes the name, we should probably go with somebody/something with a better track record of success. :huh:???

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From the Herald-Review:

U.S. Rep. Johnson leads discussion on his proposal to

limit NCAA's ability to sanction universities over mascots

CHAMPAIGN - Dozens of people were present Friday at Parkland College in Champaign for the Education and the Workforce Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives congressional field hearing to examine legislation introduced by U.S. Rep. Tim Johnson, aimed at protecting university governance.
Johnson, who said he supports the Chief, questioned whether the NCAA Executive Committee took into account that the decision may have defamed the U of I and everyone associated with it.

"One thing is certain, this policy effectively puts all colleges and universities on notice," he said. "Should the NCAA Executive Committee find something objectionable about an institution, they can now strong-arm its members into making changes with absolutely no credence or respect for the institution's autonomy."

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I love perusing the BRIDGES site, it's good for a laugh or three on an otherwise very hectic day. :)

They are living in the past they haven't posted any fresh stuff this year. kind of like their examples of racism. If that is all we have UND isn't sitting too bad.

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The Past is the Future

Some work I'm doing has caused me to rethink my position on the SBHE and the "name change" issue.

While at first I was radically offended by the SBHE's decision to intervene, and to "keep the nickname," I've decided that these folks, and all who support the nickname, might actually have a great deal of foresight.

See, the way I figure it is that if ND population trends continue, before too long pretty much all the white folks will have abandoned North Dakota anyway, leaving UND and most everything else to Native Americans. So, while they might choose to change the nickname from "Fighting Sioux" to the "Resisting Sioux," or the "Victorious Sioux," or maybe no kind of "Sioux," at least by keeping the name we'd be giving them a head start in a direction they'd likely be inclined to go anyway.

Once the U.S. Army had done it's job around here it was, of course, too expensive, too cumbersome, and bad press to maintain a military occupation, so the northern European folk were brought here (much like the Scots were brought to Ireland) as a more or less self-supporting "army" to occupy the land and keep the natives off it and under control. But the family farmers and townsfolk haven't been self-supporting for years (it's only nostalgia and Washington transfer payments that have kept that illusion alive) and the ex-farmers and their offspring, proletarianized, flee the state, writing home when they find work, and encouraging others to do the same. All the while, Native Americans, who mostly haven't bought into the plan, increase as a proportion of the ND population (this may explain a good deal of the editorial hand-wringing we read about over the "decline in population." What usually goes unmentioned is that it's the number of white folks in the state who are declining). This is why, as Larry McMurtry recently pointed out, white towns on the Plains are starting to look more and more like reservations towns-- the white folks on the Plains are "in the way" of the (capitalist) Empire in very much the same way that the Indians were 200 years ago.

The future of North Dakota belongs to the Native Americans. There may be little point, in the long run, to convincing the diminished and declining white ruling class in North Dakota to change the name. We could get a head start on another name change for the hockey rink, though: how about Fort Engelstad?

Cliff Staples


This jerk was one of UND's professor, I can't believe I paid money to listen to this guy , this is what we are paying these people to teach in our universities. If that isn't classic marxism and socialism I don't know what is.

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I don't like the sound of this.

COLLEGE ATHLETICS: Nickname becomes D-I issue

The University of Minnesota won't compete against UND in any sport except men's and women's hockey because of UND's continued use of the Fighting Sioux nickname, the school's athletic director said Monday.

That position could have serious consequences for UND after the school's proposed move to NCAA Division I in the fall of 2008.

According to Maturi, he asked the advisory committee to loosen the policy at a Nov. 2 meeting and open the door for Minnesota to play UND regularly in several sports. Instead, he said, the committee's consensus was to enforce the policy more strictly, barring Minnesota's Golden Gophers from playing UND in any sport except hockey, where the two teams are in the same league.
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I love the Fighting Sioux nickname but with all the constant negative press and responses of potential opponents stances on the issue it is time to find a different logo that we can all be happy with . It truly just isn't worth it. It will just get worse. It's isn't going to go away. Even though I totally disagree with the hostile and abusive attitude out there, it is time to move on. The only thing hostile and abusive out there is way OTHER schools fans and administration treat us. But that is the way it is so let's continue to take the high road and put it behind us. I will continue to totally support UND athletics no matter what our name is. We need to be the mature adult on this issue and not behave the way OTHER factions do.

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Other schools have to protect their (tender? young? immature? mindless? soulless? freedom-less?) student bodies from different words and different ideas, so much so that they'll censor them from campus.

Campus, the place where the courts have deemed the 'free-est' of free speech must live.

To me this isn't about an adjective and a noun.

This is a First Amendment case.

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