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SIOUX vs. gophers


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I just love when all of you make fun of my name.  It is the first resort of small minded people.  Funny, how it is always the Sioux fan that goes there first.  Even St.Cloud fans make the funny yellowsnow comments after the short bus riding sioux fans.  There now you made me mad and I slung mud. The last time I promise, but you all pushed me over the edge.  Making fun of my name usually does that.


I just love how you think you are complimenting the Sioux, but in fact you are really doing nothing but stating things that could be considered a black compliment.

Need an example? Like my best friend was called after his piano recital: "I'm amazed at how great you are at piano coming from a family like yours."

Calling "UND is good, but UMN is better." Isn't complimenting UND at all. It's not a compliment at all.

Saying UND deserves to be where they are, but UMN is going to win it all for the next 3 years! And you call US Homers. :)

I'm not about to make fun of your name, but I will not respect you at all. You don't deserve it. And your complaints are retarded. If you take that to mean that you are retarded, that's your beef, not mine.

I'll say it one last time: RESPECT: Use it or get lost.

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gawd yellowdog, just give it up. You sound like a nerdy immature high-schooler running for his class presidency who can't handle mudslinging and starts tossing out incoherent generalities in response ["sioux fans" - as if we are all one group of solidarity :) ]. so please - just leave or be quiet, you aren't making yourself look any better.

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Your the fool that needs to learn respect. I have not been rude to anyone in well over a year( a special thanks to my therapist) I have however been constantly treated rudely by sioux fans. Some people claim they respect some gopher fans, yet it seems all gopher fans get treated rudely when they present facts sioux fans don't agree with. I haven't made claims stating the gophers are better than the sioux, i have only disputed who is hotter. Both are capable of winning next week. I, being a gopher fan, think my team will win, that is obvious. However, I am not so blind that i cannot see that the sioux are good enough to win the game.

I am not 16 and need you to respect me, I could care less. You apparantly have an inferiority complex that you need people to respect you in order to feel worthy. I am not saddled with that problem.


Respect is what Vanilla has for McMahon and it was earned. If you want respect on the Sioux Chat you are also going to have to earn it like some of the other Gopher fans who post here. If you want to come here to talk smack you are not welcome, and just so you know I would not have called you a retard as I prefer the term simple.

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You are all LOSERS,  see ya later.  I have had my fun and am now bored.  Good luck to your sioux.  gophers 5 sioux 3

See how easy it was to rile all you fools up.  I even tried to be nice, but in the end it is just too much fun to jab you all in the ribs a little.


See ya later good bye... :)

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I have two words for you:



You are all LOSERS,  see ya later.  I have had my fun and am now bored.  Good luck to your sioux.  gophers 5 sioux 3

See how easy it was to rile all you fools up.  I even tried to be nice, but in the end it is just too much fun to jab you all in the ribs a little.


Further proof that all you have to do is starve the trolls, and they will find a friendlier habitat.

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