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In your opinion, what is your best explanation for our recent dominating play?  

110 members have voted

  1. 1. In your opinion, what is your best explanation for our recent dominating play?

    • Playing for Bina
    • Just all finally came together
    • Tourney time
    • Coaching
    • On/Off ice player leadership
    • Great goaltending
    • Scoring offense
    • Solid defense
    • Our luck in Boston or animosity towards their teams
    • Simply on a mission making up for last year

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i didnt like the choices,

i wanted to pick on off ice leadership, but i think it didnt do my choice justice.


since bein called out,

those guys have played excellent, and have worked there ass off.


This makes me feel much better about the way UMD went out this year. We obviously ran into a team that was beginning to peak. Congrats on making the Frozen Four!!

  UMDDogz said:
This makes me feel much better about the way UMD went out this year.  We obviously ran into a team that was beginning to peak.  Congrats on making the Frozen Four!!


Does your sister still think that UND isn't very good? Were BU and BC just Land Cows? :angry:

  UMDDogz said:
Their lack of conditioning is really starting to show up... :angry:


We needed the "North Dakota rule" to have two weeks off, and the "Minnesota rule" to give us the night game. :lol:


Coaching...But, I think your giving Hak more credit than he has due. Have seen way to much of him standing in the middle of the bench with arms crossed watching the clock while Cary and Brad work the troops. Frankly, if any of you've seen Warroad play from 1993 to 2004 you'll see many similairities between the offensive zone play between those teams and this years Sioux - put black and gold on them they would be hard to distinguished other than the size and speed; still tenacious and devastating. I'm not comparing a HS team to a College team don't get me wrong it is the type of system being played. In their first year under Eades the Warriors took some lumps early in the season until they learned what was trying to be accomplished and they went on to a State Title, I think you can make the same observation here there was some early season struggles to pick up the new systems and now everyones having a hard time stopping them; wouldn't a National Title be fitting.

  Hockey Brain said:
Have seen way to much of him standing in the middle of the bench with arms crossed watching the clock while Cary and Brad work the troops. 

1. Isn't that what Blais used to do?

2. Ever watched Lucia?


I didn't see an option for:

When the moon is in the Seventh House

And Jupiter aligns with Mars

Now this is really dating me, isn't it? :)


Are you going with the delegation skills as the reason he's being successful now? I see the surround yourself with good people and you'll look great yourself. I look to the Associate and Assistant as his meal ticket. They sure aren't playing the Blais system in the O-zone and Hak was a D-man and Blais' hand-picked successor right? I've seen this system being played up-close and I know who's blueprints it's coming from. SO, is Hak really the guy or is he just a figure-head?

  Hockey Brain said:
Are you going with the delegation skills as the reason he's being successful now?  I see the surround yourself with good people and you'll look great yourself.  I look to the Associate and Assistant as his meal ticket.  They sure aren't playing the Blais system in the O-zone and Hak was a D-man and Blais' hand-picked successor right?  I've seen this system being played up-close and I know who's blueprints it's coming from.  SO, is Hak really the guy or is he just a figure-head?


Good grief. What does Hakstol have to do to get the credit he deserves? Lace up his skates, go into the game and score some goals?

Good leaders do surround themselves with good people. Good leaders know how to delegate. Good leaders know when to let talented subordinates do the jobs they were hired to do. Good leaders don't micromanage. Good leaders stay focused on the big picture while others handle the details.

The players I've talked to recently give Hakstol a lot of credit for how the team's rebounded and how it's playing now. Maybe you should too.


I agree with PCM here. Like was said Hak was a defenseman. So whats the big deal if he lets Eades work with the forwards. Obviously Hak has the last say but why not get advice from his assistants and if he likes it he uses it just like every coach. Give him credit because he deserves it. He has taken criticism all year and now has the troops playing their best hockey when it matters most.


I'm convinced. That stupid Hakstol....He hired a good offensive coach, and then made the guy install his good offensive system and then HE EVEN LET HIM RUN IT!!!!

Fire Hakstol!!!


Comments like the ones that explain the success of the Sioux due to reasons that do not include Hak's coaching decisions certainly seem to expose a very inexperienced person (as far as understanding how teams are coached). Unless you have coached in a big-time program (pro, college or high school), I could see how a naive mind could contrive such a implausable scenerio. The head coach is where the buck stops, fair or not fair! The same should apply for fault or fame.

To actually believe that a head coach has to be running up and down behind the bench, continually talking to players, only shows the lack of understanding in how coaching staffs prepare for and operate during games. That might be the way some youth hockey coaches operate, but Hak knows he has good men in Barry and Birdie. Responsibilities are delegated to them. He lets them do their jobs. The final say has to come from Hak, but the groundwork for that final say comes a long time before the opening faceoff takes place. Between-period adjustments are discussed by the coaches and addressed to the players, only after HAK has decided on the plan of action.

PCM is right on. Good Grief! Give the guy the credit he has earned.

I have one parting suggestion:

It's easy to sit back anonymously and snipe at a guy. Send him unsigned letters, put up posts under message board nicknames, and shoot your mouth off to your buddies over a few cold ones. How about if all of the so-called "intelligent hockey people" that have been bad-mouthing Hak ever since his hiring, send him a nice congratulatory note and thank him for the way he has helped to continue the great tradition and the classiness of Sioux hockey?

And for a few of those out there (you know who you are)..... apparently, because of your feeling that the job was an "inside deal," you'd better send a thank you to Tim O'Keefe, also.

Oh yeah, you don't have to sign your name, just send it like you did when you were so negative about him. He's got a lot of class and coaching experience. He'll understand.


I was critical earlier this year - & They Deserved it :)

But I also was mad - cause I thought this team was so talented & with the returning Folks (Especially Defense) we should have been Good & I was hopeful the new guys would prove their quality also

But I'll take a year like this over last Year anytime

These guys have played like so many of us knew they could - I'm glad for Hak that they came together & seemed to mature & peak at the right time

I like the WCHA being so Strong & many teams having the potential - Made the year more interesting than just walking all over everyone

I enjoyed the Heart Mercyherst showed, As well as Bemidji (great to see players want to win that Bad) & see Montoya & Schinder get thumped to show the rest of the Country where the really Good Players are

Just Beat the Goophers - stomp em into the ground every time they stick their buck teeth out of their Holes :):)

& I really Hope we can break a scoring record against DU or CC - I'm so sick of those 1 goal wins or losses against them. It's Time to make up for all those times we shoulda coulda scored more goals against these guys :D

It's Battle Time !!! were going into this to WIN IT ALL & prove it is NO FLUKE & We plan on being even Better Next Year & for many years to come :)


You miss the point, Boys. Give the entire Coaching STAFF the credit. I hear Hak, Hak, Hak, Hak, Hak, Hak, Hak, Hak, Hak all day long on here. I have never been critical of Hak but I do want to point out there's more to the success than just Hak. What about Brad & Cary haven't they made a HUGE difference and that's NEVER discussed here. The so-called know-it-alls that have been around a "big-time" program and write for the "big-timers" haven't acknowledged that fact. You're the fellas that are naive. I'm pretty sure you could interchange all three: Head, Associate and Assistant mix them up anyway you want and you would be at the same point as right now. There were lots of moaners at the beginning of the season with the systems changes. No patience; early season calls for Haks head. Wasn't me, I sat back and watched them learn and look where they are now. I've looked back to the early season posts that whined about what was going on with the style of play. What you so-called "experts" couldn't see is that the players were struggling to learn. So, PCM & dagies take a bow for your expertise. To paraphrase one of my least favorite persons: It takes a Whole STAFF to lead a team.


The head coach gets the criticism if the team is lagging, and the praise if the team is doing well.

Hakstol is responsible for who is on his staff, so ultimately, he takes the heat when things go bad, and should get the rightful share of the credit when things go well.

I absolutely agree that Berry and Eades deserve their share of the credit.

I specifically defend Hakstol because no one ever calls for firing the assistant coaches. They call for firing the head coach.

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