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To top it all off the horses @$$es charged me for a game that wasn't even broadcasted. I am not sure you can do that legally can you? I sent them a nasty email and warned them that I will be calling this week.


THe Friday night charge has shown up as a "temp" on my card; if that status changes to a real charge I will send in my dispute letter to the credit card company and get it removed from my account. I don't want a freebee code from the REA.

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THe Friday night charge has shown up as a "temp" on my card; if that status changes to a real charge I will send in my dispute letter to the credit card company and get it removed from my account. I don't want a freebee code from the REA.


I looked at Wellsfargo.com it and it said that Friday's game was charged to my account, it didn't take them long. How the hell can they charge your account like that. They had to know there wasn't going to be any game on line, then the display of Data Flix last night was horrible and after 10:00 minutes left in the game there was nothing. That seems like a case to be sent to the Better Business Burea. I mean I am sure there are many like me out there that suffered the same thing.

Lastly if the charges comes out of your cash card you can still send a dispute letter right?

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I looked at Wellsfargo.com it and it said that Friday's game was charged to my account, it didn't take them long. How the hell can they charge your account like that. They had to know there wasn't going to be any game on line, then the display of Data Flix last night was horrible and after 10:00 minutes left in the game there was nothing. That seems like a case to be sent to the Better Business Burea. I mean I am sure there are many like me out there that suffered the same thing.

Lastly if the charges comes out of your cash card you can still send a dispute letter right?


Yes, go to your bank.

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Like I said earlier this year... I am keeping tabs of all the games that I missed and all of the games that Dataflix knew we would miss ahead of time but don't tell you about.

At the end of the year, I will send out an email to all of the people who have replied to me at my law firm in Minneapolis [email me at Harvey@rightsattorneys.com if you are interested] and I plan on filing suit against them for breach of contract/consumer fraud/etc. in Federal court to recoup mine and others money back for their actions.

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Very Upset!...History Lesson 2years ago we were asked to provide this service by REA mgmt...They installed my equipment, to there specs...We bought a proper computer (2 Grand),ect....In 2 years we have been able to show maybe 3 away games without problems...

We currently look else where 1st to Maine,BC,UMD,Wisc...and buy there webcast if at all possible...To try and serve are Sioux Fans....and yes they are cheaper(WE GOT UP TO 40 A WECAST LAST YEAR????) and better quaility with little or no problems at .......


It hurts my business to promise Ths Fans the games and not be able to get them because of REA......


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I broke down and bought the Maine webcast last fall, for $15. Quality was excellent, couldn't believe how much better it was than any dataflix Sioux webcast. Then there are the free ones (Wisco), which are also better. Recent MTU free webcasts looked good for a short time, but quickly became unwatchable as too many users logged in. The REA's dataflix has now been a bust for most of two years, I'd guess they have about worn out their welcome with most Sioux fans.

Very Upset!...History Lesson 2years ago we were asked to provide this service by REA mgmt...They installed my equipment, to there specs...We bought a proper computer (2 Grand),ect....In 2 years we have been able to show maybe 3 away games without problems...

We currently look else where 1st to Maine,BC,UMD,Wisc...and buy there webcast if at all possible...To try and serve are Sioux Fans....and yes they are cheaper(WE GOT UP TO 40 A WECAST LAST YEAR????) and better quaility with little or no problems at .......


It hurts my business to promise Ths Fans the games and not be able to get them because of REA......



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It appears they are taking some steps to provide refunds for last weekend's games - I received the following email this afternoon:

We would like to apologize for the Alaska series webcast last weekend. As

you are aware, we had some technical difficulties on both Friday and

Saturday that we were unable to fix before the end of the game Saturday.

I see that you had 1 order go through and we would be happy to refund that

for you. If you would, please send me an email with your...

Credit Card #

Expiration Date

Order Number(s)

Once I receive this information, I will put your request through as soon as


Again, we apologize that you did not receive the webcast this past weekend.

Christopher Lee

Fighting Sioux Sports Network

Ralph Engelstad Arena

P - (701) 777-6647

F - (701) 777-6693


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It appears they are taking some steps to provide refunds for last weekend's games - I received the following email this afternoon:

We would like to apologize for the Alaska series webcast last weekend. As

you are aware, we had some technical difficulties on both Friday and

Saturday that we were unable to fix before the end of the game Saturday.

I see that you had 1 order go through and we would be happy to refund that

for you. If you would, please send me an email with your...

Credit Card #

Expiration Date

Order Number(s)

Once I receive this information, I will put your request through as soon as


Again, we apologize that you did not receive the webcast this past weekend.

Christopher Lee

Fighting Sioux Sports Network

Ralph Engelstad Arena

P - (701) 777-6647

F - (701) 777-6693



Schmitty is right I just got off the phone with Chris from REA, and they sent me the same email. Apparently its hard to broadcast a game from UAA based on the distance and a few other things that they didn't forsee happening.

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As a general rule, I would be very hesitant to provide credit card info by unsecured email. ???

As far as Dataflix is concerned, as somebody else noted, offering goods and then not delivering them probably trips over a few state and federal laws, and really isn't a good way to do business. If Dataflix has "technical issues", they should resolve them on their own dime, not yours.

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As a general rule, I would be very hesitant to provide credit card info by unsecured email.  ???

Not that I don't trust an e-mail from some random employee of the Ralph, but is anyone actually planning to do this? They have my credit card information from when I paid for the game - I'm curious to know why can't they just credit that account. ;) Call me paranoid, but the risk of having my CC number stolen really isn't worth a $20 refund...

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As a general rule, I would be very hesitant to provide credit card info by unsecured email.  ???

As far as Dataflix is concerned, as somebody else noted, offering goods and then not delivering them probably trips over a few state and federal laws, and really isn't a good way to do business.  If Dataflix has "technical issues", they should resolve them on their own dime, not yours.


That is a pretty good point. Seems like they have a lot of issues to work out before next season.

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I guess they only offered refunds to those of you that purchased the one game in hopes that they will sucker you into buying one of the SCSU or playoff games. They got my $99.00 for the season so they aren't interested in making me any offers or apologies. Disgusting business they are running ???

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When things are connected to a university, I expect more intelligence with things. :silly:


How can "Distance" be an issue when dealing with the internet? It could theoretically be faster connection from Alaska to Dataflix than it is from Grand Forks to Dataflix? Does anyone know what the other things that "they didn't forsee"? Such as adequate planning??

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I sent an email to the DataFlix guy with my concerns - he assured me that their email system was "behind a firewall." Like that would prevent him from forwarding the email with my CC info to all of his friends...my only other option would be to call him and give him the number personally over the phone. Makes me feel SO much better. I think I'll just eat the $20 unless anyone else came up with a better option. :D


Dispute the charge with your cc company when your bill comes. You didn't receive the product for which you paid.

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To add insult to injury, since I charged the Friday webcast to my card, I've starting getting charges to adult web sites, as well as a charge for the purchase of the Palm OS, and others. The usurped cc info has nothing to do with the unsecured email request, but rather the payment on the dataflix site itself, since the charges started before the refund email was sent to us from the REA. It does not appear that dataflix uses a secure, encrypted payment method (good luck with that firewall). If your cc is listed in your dataflix account, I'd make an effort to get it removed from the site. My cc has been cancelled.

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Oh my gosh.  I was SO close to subscribing last weekend too.

What a joke that service is.


Can't be sure that's where my cc info was stolen, just suspect. Trying to run down the ip from where one of the charges was made.

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To add insult to injury, since I charged the Friday webcast to my card, I've starting getting charges to adult web sites, as well as a charge for the purchase of the Palm OS, and others. The usurped cc info has nothing to do with the unsecured email request, but rather the payment on the dataflix site itself, since the charges started before the refund email was sent to us from the REA. It does not appear that dataflix uses a secure, encrypted payment method (good luck with that firewall). If your cc is listed in your dataflix account, I'd make an effort to get it removed from the site. My cc has been cancelled.

Okay that goes well beyond screwing up a hockey series. It appears they have wholesale problems, and people with confidential information in DataFlix's hands are at risk.

I would suggest that North Dakota residents file a complaint with Attorney General's Consumer Protection office, and document everything you have from this company. Same with Minnesota residents. You can find their sites online. I would also name REA in the complaint, as they sold the service. However, if you really want to either get your money back and/or get their attention, go here:


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Okay that goes well beyond screwing up a hockey series. It appears they have wholesale problems, and people with confidential information in DataFlix's hands are at risk.

I would suggest that North Dakota residents file a complaint with Attorney General's Consumer Protection office, and document everything you have from this company. Same with Minnesota residents. You can find their sites online. I would also name REA in the complaint, as they sold the service. However, if you really want to either get your money back and/or get their attention, go here:



I'm not certain this is the site that my cc was stolen from, it appears someone had it prior to last Friday. I've tracked the ip and have an email address and the isp the individual uses, so I'll proceed with LE at this point.

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