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The "Official" BSU Friday Game Thread


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Sitting here at Northwestern in Chicago... BSU's coach is crying on the radio now...talking about how heartbreaking this tie is for them...Heartbreaking is how the Sioux managed to get themselves in that position to begin with...I have tickets for Columbus and if these guys don't start playing with some heart, I don't think I'll be watching the Sioux this year...


Common, you don't think it was at all heartbreaking for BEMIDJI STATE to have a chance to beat UND, AT THE RALPH, no matter how the Sioux played? This is BSU vs. UND here folks.

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What we are saying is that BSU is not in the WCHA. No league game. No points.

You're killing us.


killing who? You?

So, in other words, we could lose both of these games and it wouldn't affect us at all in terms of NCAAs? These games have to count for something, they aren't exhibition!

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Power plays

BSU 0 of 5

UND 2 of 3


BSU announcers made it seem like the BSU penalties were undeserved and that the refs gave UND the game...Anyone know if the penalties were soft? According to the announcers, all of the UND penalties were obvious and good calls.

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BSU announcers made it seem like the BSU penalties were undeserved and that the refs gave UND the game...Anyone know if the penalties were soft? According to the announcers, all of the UND penalties were obvious and good calls.


You can be assured that the UND announcers were exactly the same way only the other way around.

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killing who? You?

So, in other words, we could lose both of these games and it wouldn't affect us at all in terms of NCAAs? These games have to count for something, they aren't exhibition!


Yes, they do in the pairwise, but as explained earlier, NO LEAGUE GAME, NO POINTS!!!! Look I don't mean to be insulting, but are you really this obtuse? :0

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TH is always good about admitting when there is a bad call by a REF one way or the other and I only recall him stating that one of the calls against the Sioux in the third was weak. Therefore, no one on either side can blame the officiating. BSU had a great forecheck going against the Sioux early tonight. The same Sioux players showed up to play and did outperform the Beavers, while the same group of Seniors did absolutely nothing. I think we have waited long enough to now understand that this team just doesn't have the depth of talent that is required. On the bright side the current Freshmen and Sophomores, and the incoming recruits give us hope for the future.

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Yes, they do in the pairwise, but as explained earlier, NO LEAGUE GAME, NO POINTS!!!! Look I don't mean to be insulting, but are you really this obtuse? :0


Would BSU get into the NCAA on a win here? I'm thinking that they are an automatic if they win their conference. Is that correct? I also think that if they win (and UND loses), UND is out of the NCAA for sure (unless they win the WCHA playoff)...

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Would BSU get into the NCAA on a win here?  I'm thinking that they are an automatic if they win their conference. Is that correct? I also think that if they win (and UND loses), UND is out of the NCAA for sure (unless they win the WCHA playoff)...


There are a lot of smarter people around here than me, but few who are better looking in a pinch.

My read. BSU only gets to the NCAA if they win their conference tourney. Sioux will get in by the hair of their chinny chin chin if the go about .500 from here on in, especially against the quality teams that are on the schedule.

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flew up this morning and got to see 2 1/2 periods of very bad hockey by the sioux. wow!!!! good last 10 minutes but that is just bad. DH says the layoff could have been a cause of the slow start?? what?? but if they come out and win 7-2 then they say well the layoff really paid off, we were very fresh tonight...........whatever..just come out and play 60 minutes please...come on sioux!!!!!

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My thoughts after watching the game on TV.

1. I disagree with those that say the Sioux played with no heart tonite. I thought they busted their butts all night long.

2. I believe the call on Schneider near the end of the game was a good call. I qualify it this way, had the roles been reversed, I would have been bitching that Bemidji wasn't called. It was a crosscheck and the guy was about 2-3 feet from the boards and took a header into them. Gotta call that in my opinion.

3. Still having some trouble keeping our cool. Canady took a penalty he shouldn't have. Smaby and Prpich ended in the box together. Gotta figure out when the game is more important than "face", guys. Win the game, save a lot of face. Push and punch when you are frustrated....lose a game.

4. What's up with guys making passing motions but the puck sits on the ice motionless? Maybe it's the ice but it seemed to me this happened more often to the Sioux than it did to Bemidji.

5. They created some good scoring chances, but not enough. I'm not buying the "bounces" complaint, or "hot goalie" complaint. The guys missed a few great opportunities but every team does. You have to create enough chances where you bury a certain percentage of them, and enough chances to score enough to win the game. They didn't create enough.

6. I thought they did a pretty decent job of crashing the net, just couldn't corral a rebound. I felt they had quite a few guys in front, but the rebounds were going every which way but where they could get a stick on them. You might call those bounces, but I say had they created more chances, they'd have got those bounces.

7. I believe we have difficulty creating chances because we don't seem to know what to do with the puck IN OUR OWN ZONE. Criminy, it seemed like we had no idea what to do with the puck or how to get it out of our zone. What a mess that looked all night.

8. They didn't do a good job of controlling play in the offensive zone. We'd get a rush, a chance, and Bemidji would clear it out or run it out. Very little continuity.

9. Lammy. PLEASE don't play the puck anymore. Sheesh. In fact, don't leave the crease. Holy smokes.

10. They work hard but create little the first 2 periods. Whether Bemidji when into the prevent or the Sioux just got their wheels under them I don't know but the 3rd period was a lot more fun to watch. They controlled the puck better in the offensive zone, and had much better luck transitioning from the defensive zone. HOWEVER, as soon as we tie the game what happens? Bemidji is all over our goal. What the heck?

11. Could they actually scare someone in OT once? Seems like almost every OT period I watch the Sioux are getting it handed to them. This one was no different.

12. I didn't catch the number, someone said it was Zajac, who put the backhander into the crossbar. That one really sucked, as he totally beat the goalie, but didn't quite get enough lift on the puck. It appeared from the replay that it bounced off the top edge of the goalie's leg pad and caromed high into the crossbar. That was a beautiful play otherwise.

13. Genoway had a great game after a slow start I thought. He really helped create some chances. Fylling seemed to do very very well when I saw him out there too. Spirko....what can I say. He might be my favorite player to watch around the puck. He just find it, or it finds him, even in a crowd. That guy is GOOD. Porter also had a strong game, made some good plays and played hard.

Well, you're all bored by now, so I'll finish here.

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FWIW, here are the scoring stats of our current seniors going back to when they were Freshmen, note that Fylling's freshman year was actually one year earlier then the rest since he went to the USHL for a year. Also, Genoway had to sit out his freshman year.

Name                  Yr GP  G   A Pts. Pt/GP

Colby Genoway, F      Sr 26  5  20  25   0.96

Rory McMahon, C,      Sr 25 10   7  17   0.68

Nick Fuher, D,        Sr 25  3   9  12   0.48

Matt Jones, D,        Sr 26  4   6  10   0.38

Quinn Fylling, F,     Sr 26  1   5   6   0.23

Andy Schneider, D,    Sr 24  1   5   6   0.25

Brian Canady, F,      Sr 17  1   1   2   0.12

James Massen, F,      Sr 22  1   1   2   0.09

                         191 26  54  80   0.42

Name                  Yr GP  G   A Pts. Pt/GP

Colby Genoway, F,     Jr 40 11  23  34   0.85

Quinn Fylling, F,     Jr 39 12  15  27   0.69

Nick Fuher, D,        Jr 39 10  15  25   0.64

Rory McMahon, C,      Jr 41 10  11  21   0.51

Matt Jones, D,        Jr 41  7  14  21   0.51

Andy Schneider, D,    Jr 39  2  10  12   0.31

James Massen, F,      Jr 20  1   5   6   0.30

Brian Canady, F,      Jr 19  2   2   4   0.21

                         278 54  95 149   0.54 

Name                  Yr GP  G   A Pts. Pt/GP

Andy Schneider, D,    So 43 11  30  41   0.95

James Massen, F,      So 42 15  20  35   0.83

Quinn Fylling, F,     So 41  6  24  30   0.73

Nick Fuher, D,        So 40  8  17  25   0.62

Rory McMahon, C,      So 41  7  13  20   0.49

Matt Jones, D,        So 39  1   6   7   0.18

Colby Genoway, F,     So 31  1   2   3   0.10

Brian Canady, F,      So 26  1   2   3   0.12

                         303 50 114 164   0.54

Name                  Yr GP  G   A Pts. Pt/GP

Andy Schneider, D,    Fr 35  3  11  14   0.40

James Massen, F,      Fr 34  5   8  13   0.38

Rory McMahon, C,      Fr 36  5   5  10   0.28

Brian Canady, F,      Fr 36  4   4   8   0.22

Matt Jones, D,        Fr 37  2   5   7   0.19

Nick Fuher, D,        Fr 33  2   2   4   0.12

Quinn Fylling, F,     Fr 42  4   3   7   0.17

                         253 25  38  63   0.25

Looks like Masson and Schneider peaked as Sophs, Canady was never a factor, and Fylling really tailed off this year. The entire class as a whole peaked as Sophs, not what you want to see. Don't understand what happened to Quinn, as a Soph he played a lot with Parise and Bo and as a Jr his scoring was almost as good. This year he is a non-factor. Masson had a good first half as a Soph and nothing since.

Only two players have shown consistent scoring improvement, Genoway and McMahon.

For the Sioux to do anything in the NCAA (or maybe even make the tourney), the seniors need to step it up big time. Don't have much faith that will happen.

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i was at the game tonight and the sioux got pushed around for 2 periods. everyone around me noticed the same thing.. they played a solid 10 minutes and thats it. thank god they pulled off a tie..they did take a few more discipline penalties...hak said prpich took a step back tonight after thinking that he thought prpich was making good strides with his game...phil was fine again....bad defensive turnovers again lead to good bemidji chances...bemidji came out playing and the sioux did not......simple...........

go sioux!!!!!!!!!!!

My thoughts after watching the game on TV.

1.  I disagree with those that say the Sioux played with no heart tonite.  I thought they busted their butts all night long.

2.  I believe the call on Schneider near the end of the game was a good call.  I qualify it this way, had the roles been reversed, I would have been bitching that Bemidji wasn't called.  It was a crosscheck and the guy was about 2-3 feet from the boards and took a header into them.  Gotta call that in my opinion.

3.  Still having some trouble keeping our cool.  Canady took a penalty he shouldn't have.    Smaby and Prpich ended in the box together.  Gotta figure out when the game is more important than "face", guys.  Win the game, save a lot of face.  Push and punch when you are frustrated....lose a game.

4.  What's up with guys making passing motions but the puck sits on the ice motionless?  Maybe it's the ice but it seemed to me this happened more often to the Sioux than it did to Bemidji. 

5.  They created some good scoring chances, but not enough.  I'm not buying the "bounces" complaint, or "hot goalie" complaint.  The guys missed a few great opportunities but every team does.  You have to create enough chances where you bury a certain percentage of them, and enough chances to score enough to win the game.  They didn't create enough. 

6.  I thought they did a pretty decent job of crashing the net, just couldn't corral a rebound.  I felt they had quite a few guys in front, but the rebounds were going every which way but where they could get a stick on them.  You might call those bounces, but I say had they created more chances, they'd have got those bounces.

7.  I believe we have difficulty creating chances because we don't seem to know what to do with the puck IN OUR OWN ZONE.  Criminy, it seemed like we had no idea what to do with the puck or how to get it out of our zone.  What a mess that looked all night.

8.  They didn't do a good job of controlling play in the offensive zone.  We'd get a rush, a chance, and Bemidji would clear it out or run it out.  Very little continuity.

9.  Lammy.  PLEASE don't play the puck anymore.  Sheesh.  In fact, don't leave the crease.  Holy smokes.

10.  They work hard but create little the first 2 periods.  Whether Bemidji when into the prevent or the Sioux just got their wheels under them I don't know but the 3rd period was a lot more fun to watch.  They controlled the puck better in the offensive zone, and had much better luck transitioning from the defensive zone.  HOWEVER, as soon as we tie the game what happens?  Bemidji is all over our goal.  What the heck? 

11.  Could they actually scare someone in OT once?  Seems like almost every OT period I watch the Sioux are getting it handed to them.  This one was no different.

12.  I didn't catch the number, someone said it was Zajac, who put the backhander into the crossbar.  That one really sucked, as he totally beat the goalie, but didn't quite get enough lift on the puck.  It appeared from the replay that it bounced off the top edge of the goalie's leg pad and caromed high into the crossbar.  That was a beautiful play otherwise.

13.  Genoway had a great game after a slow start I thought.  He really helped create some chances.  Fylling seemed to do very very well when I saw him out there too.  Spirko....what can I say.  He might be my favorite player to watch around the puck.  He just find it, or it finds him, even in a crowd.  That guy is GOOD.  Porter also had a strong game, made some good plays and played hard.

Well, you're all bored by now, so I'll finish here.


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Damstrait, NDH, et al.,

What's the point of insulting (or whatever you want to call it) me? I just don't understand a concept of the game and I asked such and the reply I got I didn't understand.

What's wrong about that?

I do feel I know something about hockey, sprig. I know way more about hockey than football, but by no means am I an expert on anything! I don't claim such! Never have.

I just don't understand why an obvious attempt to learn how nonconference games affects my team is grounds for insulting me even if you may have taken it as a stupid question.

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This team obviously doesn't want to be playing come tournament time. If UND chokes this away before the final five which is getting more and more realistic each day the scamming east coasters may look back to this 3-3 tie to a CHA (practically division II hockey if you ask me) and run the Sioux out. I don't wanna hear the injury and DUI excuses. It's a Wahpeton beating a Grafton type of situation, Bemidji State should be way out of their league when they come up here, not outplay the Sioux and get a tie.

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I think tonight...more than any other...was a BIG shot for back-shelved members of the team to shine...(Fylling, Massen, Canady...et al) Let's face it!! Greene and Fuher were out for team or conference infractions...Murray is hurt...a couple others (Kaip et al) are also dinged up. I think this says - in a big way - we don't have "IT" this year. NOT A CRIME!!!! Every program has a few down years.....I'm not pushing for jail time...just time to clean house and get players who'll EXCEED expectations instead of trying to conform to them....there IS a difference!!

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Damstrait, NDH, et al.,

What's the point of insulting (or whatever you want to call it) me?  I just don't understand a concept of the game and I asked such and the reply I got I didn't understand.

What's wrong about that?

RW77 . . .

I did not at all mean to be insulting toward you. They were legitimate questions, and we all are a lot less smarter than we sometimes often think.

I really did think that you were pulling our legs. I've always known you to be a smart and informed poster here, and figured that you were just being sarcastic after a lackluster effort resulted in a tie against a CHA school.

Please accept my apology, for what it is worth.

You da man. Or woman. Or kid. Or player. Or coach. Or President Kupchella.

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Either the recruiting is poor, or the coaching is poor. IMO "Hack" will never be anything more than a .500 coach. UND needs to take a serious look at this immediately after the season. I'm also not convinced the talent of this team is as high caliber as everyone seems to think. Every week they miss huge opportunities to capitalize on there opponents mis-queues and on legitimate scoring chances. However when the Sioux make mistakes, even weaker teams around the country make them pay. Week in and week out, they're not moving their feet, their hand skills are poor, their passing is off the tape, and they lack intensity. I'm sure the homers on this board will retaliate to this posting but let's face it, this program deserves better and their performance this year is totally unacceptable. If a team is ranked #1 at anytime during the season, it's not a rebuilding year.

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Redwing, yes Zajac beat him clean. The goalie was sliding over hoping to block the bottom of the goal with his leg pad. It's all he could do in desperation. Zajac only needed another inch of height on his backhander and he had a TON of goal to shoot into. The puck just clipped the top of the pad and deflected into the crossbar instead. It was a great move by Zajac.

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Someone else mentioned this but to add to my 13 points above, I don't think Lammy had his best game. He appeared to be struggling to control the puck a few different times, and left some nice rebounds. The first goal was one I think he wishes he had back. The pass came from behind the goal to right out in front. Lammy had the post covered and his stick out to block any pass that would come from the back of the goal past the post to the crease area. Unfortunately, the puck slipped underneath his stick. Before Lammy could react the lone Bemidji player slipped it through Lammy's five hole. Whether he should have had that hole closed I don't know.

The second goal was a juicy rebound that did happen to find an open Bemidji player.

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