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Bad news: Greene arrested


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People ripping on PCM for reporting the story are dead wrong. Unlike the rest of us, it is PCM's job to report on college hockey. Like it or not, this story was newsworthy. I'd have lost respect for him had he not reported it.

People calling for Greene to be thrown off the team are just plain stupid. I surely don't condone driving under the influence if that is what happened. Hopefully Matt learns his lesson and doesn't do it again. As someone posted, he should be treated like any first time offender.

I may be wrong, but I seem to recall another important leader type figure who has a DUI in his past. Maybe we should be stripping the "C" from his chest. :blush:

My bet is that Greene responds in a positive manner and his teammates rally around him.

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People ripping on PCM for reporting the story are dead wrong.  Unlike the rest of us, it is PCM's job to report on college hockey.  Like it or not, this story was newsworthy.  I'd have lost respect for him had he not reported it.

People calling for Greene to be thrown off the team are just plain stupid.  I surely don't condone driving under the influence if that is what happened.  Hopefully Matt learns his lesson and doesn't do it again.  As someone posted, he should be treated like any first time offender. 

I may be wrong, but I seem to recall another important leader type figure who has a DUI in his past.  Maybe we should be stripping the "C" from his chest.  :blush:

My bet is that Greene responds in a positive manner and his teammates rally around him.


I agree. And I was a little harsh with SiouxTX as well. My apologies. Anyways, back to the topic at hand.

I agree with this. Greene's dismissal would really do more damage than good. Was he stupid for what he did? Yup. Does he deserve punishment should he be found to have actually driven under the influence? Absolutely. What should that punishment be? Gosh, I'm not qualified to answer that question. However, I do think it can't be light handed. Athletes from many different schools have done things far worse than this and gotten away with it (I didn't think Winchester's team punishment was all that severe, but I'm sure there are far more better examples), while some athletes at some schools have done less and gotten run out of town (Goephert and his plagarising).

Whatever the outcome is, we have to look at this in an objective manner. If he is found guilty, I'm sure some of the gopher flamers that come here will say that only removal from the team is adequate punishment and any deal that keeps him on UND's team would be like UND abetting a criminal or promoting the act. We have to ignore those posters.

I'm sure Matt feels awful, or did so when it was happening. But now, all he can do is ride this thing out. I won't vouch for his behavior and choices last Sunday, but I will stand up for his continuance on the team, even if it is shortened by suspension.

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The real bad outcome with this type of situation was with George Pelawa of Bemidji ("the great white shark", Mister Hockey MN 1986, Sioux-to-be with the Hrkac circus), and as some of you may remember he was killed while driving with his brother in an intoxicated state during the first week of college. Quite a loss for Sioux hockey. Something that no one wants to see repeated.

This also reminds me of another college hockey incident. I went to college at the UofM (hate the gophers), and lived in an apartment near campus. One night at a party their was a huge fight where Chris McAlpine of the gophers beat up this guy so bad he permanently lost the hearing in one of his ears, was slightly blinded, and ended up dropping out of school. I was always amazed at how this never made the news, not even the school paper.

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The real bad outcome with this type of situation was with George Pelawa of Bemidji ("the great white shark", Mister Hockey MN 1986, Sioux-to-be with the Hrkac circus), and as some of you may remember he was killed while driving with his brother in an intoxicated state during the first week of college.  Quite a loss for Sioux hockey.  Something that no one wants to see repeated.

This also reminds me of another college hockey incident.  I went to college at the UofM (hate the gophers), and lived in an apartment near campus.  One night at a party their was a huge fight where Chris McAlpine of the gophers beat up this guy so bad he permanently lost the hearing in one of his ears, was slightly blinded, and ended up dropping out of school.  I was always amazed at how this never made the news, not even the school paper.


Didn't something similar also happen to Brent Bobyk at a UND Frat party back in the late 80's early 90's?

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look, you guys HAVE to realise that Greene MAY have done something wrong, but trying to compare to other program's players and what they MAY have done just makes you look like you are trying to sweep it under the rug/justify that it is ok for it to happen. If you DON'T think UND has had more than it's fair share of issues w/ players and the law recently, you REALLY need to check what color the glasses are on your nose...


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If you DON'T think UND has had more than it's fair share of issues w/ players and the law recently, you REALLY need to check what color the glasses are on your nose...



My glasses are green. That said, I disagree. Bochenski's problems occurred before he came to UND. The Sioux coaches decided to give the kid a chance. As far as I know, he seems to have met the challenge and earned the confidence shown in him. How much concern should UND/UND fans have about that?

That leaves two issues that I know about. Brandt and Greene. Is that more than UND's fair share? Maybe. Has UND handled them appropriately? I don't know much about the Brandt situation. We'll see how the Greene matter is handled.

A DUI is very serious. The apologists are wrong.

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look, you guys HAVE to realise that Greene MAY have done something wrong, but trying to compare to other program's players and what they MAY have done just makes you look like you are trying to sweep it under the rug/justify that it is ok for it to happen.  If you DON'T think UND has had more than it's fair share of issues w/ players and the law recently, you REALLY need to check what color the glasses are on your nose...



What the hell are talking about? 99% of the posts here and previous posts are saying to suspend the kid. We can't help it if others who are fans of other teams constanly monitor our website and scrutinize us. We realize that there have been issues with other players. What do you want us to do sit here and cry about it all day? Get a clue punk.

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It's been a long time since this thread had anything to do with the topic of the allegations against Greene. 

Feel free to continue the discussion of that topic here.

Please do not carry any of the ancillary bickering between/about other fans there.


my 5 yr old listens better. :blush:

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Back to topic, does the UND athletic department have a procedure for something like this?  Just curious as to how it will be handled.


The only thing I've heard is that it will be handled internally by the coaches. I think we're all curious to know what that means.

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My glasses are green. That said, I disagree. Bochenski's problems occurred before he came to UND. The Sioux coaches decided to give the kid a chance. As far as I know, he seems to have met the challenge and earned the confidence shown in him. How much concern should UND/UND fans have about that?

That leaves two issues that I know about. Brandt and Greene. Is that more than UND's fair share? Maybe. Has UND handled them appropriately? I don't know much about the Brandt situation. We'll see how the Greene matter is handled.

A DUI is very serious. The apologists are wrong.


A Parise was tagged for underage drinking last year? I'd side with you on Bo's issue.

What the hell are talking about? 99% of the posts here and previous posts are saying to suspend the kid. We can't help it if others who are fans of other teams constanly monitor our website and scrutinize us. We realize that there have been issues with other players. What do you want us to do sit here and cry about it all day? Get a clue punk.


Punk? I'd lay dollars to donuts I am older than you....at least I am not insulting fellow posters...and I'd recount if you think it was 99%...


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A Parise was tagged for underage drinking last year? I'd side with you on Bo's issue.

Punk? I'd lay dollars to donuts I am older than you....at least I am not insulting fellow posters...and I'd recount if you think it was 99%...



Well if your that old and on this board as a gopher fan.........? What about Chris Mcalpine and the whole Lou Nanne and Glen Sonmor issue with Parise? Wooger paying one of your players $500.00 under the table. We acknlowledge our issues but don't well on them. Don't be coming onto our site and start tossing falicies around.

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look, you guys HAVE to realise that Greene MAY have done something wrong, but trying to compare to other program's players and what they MAY have done just makes you look like you are trying to sweep it under the rug/justify that it is ok for it to happen.  If you DON'T think UND has had more than it's fair share of issues w/ players and the law recently, you REALLY need to check what color the glasses are on your nose...



Go back to POI!

Thank you!

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look, you guys HAVE to realise that Greene MAY have done something wrong, but trying to compare to other program's players and what they MAY have done just makes you look like you are trying to sweep it under the rug/justify that it is ok for it to happen.  If you DON'T think UND has had more than it's fair share of issues w/ players and the law recently, you REALLY need to check what color the glasses are on your nose...



This issue has turned into more of a referendum of people's attitudes toward drinking and driving, as much as it is a hockey issue. The varying opinions on the issue are not at all surprising, regardless of what team Greene plays for.

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I guess there goes this being an open forum...


Hey, don't go away mad, just go....kidding! :D

It is an open forum for those who behave. As far as I know, you're in that category, which is surprising considering who you cheer for. :blush:

Yes, I, too, sometimes get perturbed by some of your "weenie" posts, but I'd hate to see you leave because of a few cranky posters.

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