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UND moving up?


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NDSU doesn't need UND for anything

what do you have as an asset that SDSU doesn't

oh, wait they are DI, aren't they

haven't you been saying all along that you wanted to make the move with UND? we wouldn't go, so you fell back on your crutch, the step-sister's @ sdsu, to take the leap of faith with you. "what do you have as an asset that sdsu doesnt?", as you so eloquently put it. well, if UND doesn't have any desirable assets over sdsu, then why the hell do you keep talking about the reasons why we should move up with you either in the past, present, or future? The real answer is: You WANT us to go DI-AA, you NEED us to go DI-AA, and if and when that does happen, then what happens to your little bee-otches in Brookings that have so many "assets"? i think we all know ndsu would throw sdsu to the wolves if they had to make a decision on travel partners for a conference affiliation. i think you and i both know that UND has many more "assets" than sdsu.

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we don't NEED UND, but it would have been nice

(present tense)

i WANTED UND to move up with us, you didn't

(past tense)

SDSU is a quality institution with quality athletics and academics as does UND

(present tense)

the big reason imo that NDSU wanted UND to move up was because of politics and tradition, that bridge has been burned and that benefit is definitely in the past

i also think you're wrong about us leaving SDSU, they've been allies while you've been a$$holes (at least your fans and administration in general), why would we leave them?

because we used to play you guys in football, give me a break

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i edited my post

but i was referring to your confusion over the words want and need

no one can believe its necessary for UND to do anything to ensure the success of NDSU or vice versa, it may be beneficial or make the other institution more successful, but to for either party to say its necessary is pretty egomaniacal

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that's a tough one,

if NDSU/SDSU become travel partners, which they aren't now as independents, but will be in some sports if/when we get in a conference, there will be a definite relationship

if UND moves up later and this relationship between NDSU/SDSU exists, i think it might be difficult to end unless a fourth school appears, which is doubtful

if UND applied for admission to the Big Sky or another conference and enters the same time as NDSU/SDSU, i'm not really sure what would happen

three teams in the Big Sky wouldn't matter too much as they already have a mess with the geographic dispersal of their teams

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that's a tough one,

if UND applied for admission to the Big Sky or another conference and enters the same time as NDSU/SDSU, i'm not really sure what would happen

well i'll answer it for you, then. when talking about the Big Sky, ndsu would have to dump sdsu and take UND as a partner. it would only make sense for the conference and travel costs. i think its fairly obvious.

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i think you're nuts on your last post

NDSU does not NEED UND that is ridiculous, if it were true NDSU would not have made the move to DI

NDSU is not in dire straits because UND stayed D2, though the move to DI has been a challenge, NDSU is and will continue its commitment to quality athletics.

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that could be the administration's feelings and intent, i really don't know

as i fan, i like sdsu and feel a sense of loyalty to them

if only one of us is offered a conference affiliation, i'm sure the other one will be left in the dust which is already in agreement with regards to football

but i don't see just one of us joining the big sky, wyobison postulated and i agree is that if they add one it will be unc, two it will be the dakota schools, and three the three of us

i was focusing more on the three dakota schools joining a conference and the impact of timing, economics, tradition, and loyalty playing into things

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Enough already--I can't take much more. Please Bison people go back to your board and talk about UND there--there is more than enough topics about UND to talk about there. Leave us alone---We will call you when we go D1-AA. Fair enough?

Go join Montana's or Nebraska's or some other D1 message board and talk with your equals.

Just one guy's opinion.

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To be completely honest, as a football fan, I really don't care that much about SDSU. They suck at football and have shown little interest in improving. Maybe all that will change this season. I hope so.

But as far as getting into the Big Sky and football is concerned, I'd take UND any day over SDSU.

Last thing, we don't need UND to go DI, obviously, since we've already made the jump without you.

However, for the sake of revenues and rivalries, I hope UND moves ASAP!!!

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Enough already--I can't take much more. Please Bison people go back to your board and talk about UND there--there is more than enough topics about UND to talk about there. Leave us alone---We will call you when we go D1-AA. Fair enough?

Go join Montana's or Nebraska's or some other D1 message board and talk with your equals.

Just one guy's opinion.

why in god's name would i post about UND on a non-UND website

i'm a bison fan who's interested in UND, posting on a UND board, on what i feel is a very relevant UND topic

there are occasional references to other schools, but these have all been related to UND

i don't see what the problem is

also are you going to be calling collect?

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However, for the sake of revenues and rivalries, I hope UND moves ASAP!!!

I'm sure Gene Taylor agrees with you. :p

Interesting statements posed to me one day:

____'s key sport is _____.

History says the key rival that consistently fills their house, and thus their wallet, and maintains fan interest in the program, is _____.

When you put UND versus NDSU in the first blank, the answers are much different. I think the answer to the "who needs" question is in there somewhere (and it is also pointed to somewhat by the quote from BF1234).

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The obvious reason is NDSU's key sport is football while UND's is hockey. UND is one of maybe a dozen schools in the US in which hockey is the highest revenue producing sport.

The point being 'who needs who?' Get it?

If NDSU didn't need UND, all you NDSU fans sure wouldn't be on this message board. And you sure as hell wouldn't be devoting so much time and effort in trashing UND on bisonville.com, either.

That said, I hope UND announces soon a decision to make the move so we can end all of this drivel.

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I agree with UND-Gary and Joelbird. Can you Bison people please leave the UND board. Your arguements and comments get old. We come here to talk about the Sioux. If you want to talk about your Bison do so on your Bison boards. You say you talk about UND and UND related topics, but all you really do is interject NDSU into everything. Your intentions are mainly disingenuous. Comments from I don't want to start a flame-war to Where is UND's advertising are caused to stir a pot. Not only that, but we also get to hear posts about NDSU is on this sports station in these states. Let me repeat this. If we wanted to hear about NDSU we may visit a Bison site. Since most of us care less about them we don't visit those sites. So please go back to your sites and talk about the university you like there. We can have a healthy discussion about many topics with differing opinions among people who went to UND or like UND without your comments. Thanks

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my goodness, someone shows interest in your teams and you get upset about it?

i've been involved with most of this string, which i would describe as interesting, thought provoking and UND CENTERED!,

i'd imagine most UND fans who've actually stuck to the issue of UND moving DI would agree, even if we've had differing opinions on what might be happening

have the few guys who just started saying Bison fans go home even read any of this, or did you just recognize that we enjoy NDSU athletics and decide that we have no place here?

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I agree, bison fans don't need to be here on the UND board in lowly minor Division II land.  I haven't heard many Sioux fans talking about the Bison, instead we talk about teams like Delta and Mesa who we are playing.

You forgetting somebody?? GVSU

Eh, The Buffalo are just jealous because the Sioux will have better things to worry about this year than them. :p:):)

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