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ZPar leaving?


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For some reason Zach's leaving hurts worse than former Sioux players that have left early. Maybe because of the great promise that will now go unfullfilled. Do I blame him? Absolutely not. Any of us would leave in a heart beat. But if you think he won't get the rough treatment in the NHL that he got in the WCHA your kidding yourself. The WCHA stuff will seem like childs play compared to the reception he'll get in the pros.


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While I agree that I like to see players stay with the Sioux for all four years, I don't agree with your thinking on Parise. The amount of attention and publicity he generated and will continue to generate for UND's hockey program is invaluable. If you want the Sioux to land high-quality recruits, then you have to be able to accept the possibility that some of them will leave early. Parise's decision to attend UND will pay off for years to come, especially if he does well in the NHL.

I hope that you are right, but being devil's advocate for a moment, will it help recruiting? I agree that would be the case if the Sioux had won a national championship or at least made it to the Frozen Four. However, doesn't this give ammunition to the Gopher backers who have been saying for several years that he made a mistake going to UND? I would suspect that is what Don Lucia is telling new recruits.

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This is the part about college sports that I hate but it is the reality of it. Not exactly stirring success during the Parise era, one NCAA win vs Holy Cross. It is pretty frusturating. IMO we are better off w/ a player like Panzer who is going to be around for 4 years than a player like Parise who is going to bolt after two years.

Taking Parise was good for the program because of the publicity and the fact UND had the best player in the country for 2 years. The day he signed with the Sioux I think every realist knew he would not stay 4 years, I expect DB knew this and planned accordingly. What can hurt a program is when a player up and leaves in the middle of the season or right before the season starts.

I'm still a little surprised ZP will leave at this time - he has a lot of reasons to stay - playing w/ his brother and SSM friends, winning a NC, winning HB (he could still win). That with the uncertainty of the NHL makes me think the Devils are either:

1. Telling him there will be an NHL next season and/or

2. Throwing a lot of money at him.

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The WCHA stuff will seem like childs play compared to the reception he'll get in the pros.

I agree. By why should Zach risk having his career ended in the WCHA before he ever made it to the pros?

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I agree 100% DG, next year's team really had the chance to be something special . Not that it still can't be w/out Parise. I was really confident we would win a NC before Zach left and not having that happen makes this sting as a Sioux fan.

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I hope that you are right, but being devil's advocate for a moment, will it help recruiting? I agree that would be the case if the Sioux had won a national championship or at least made it to the Frozen Four. However, doesn't this give ammunition to the Gopher backers who have been saying for several years that he made a mistake going to UND? I would suspect that is what Don Lucia is telling new recruits.

I see what you mean. However, the strongest selling point for UND under Blais is the emphasis on developing young players for the NHL.

Brandon Bochenski told me that's why he came here. He thought that Blais' system and the facilities at UND would be best for his development. He is happy with the choice he made.

Blais has said that the reason the new Ralph has an NHL-sized rink rather than an Olympic-sized rink is because UND develops players for the NHL, not the Olympics.

What is most likely to attract a top recruit: The potential of an NCAA championship or the potential of a multi-million dollar NHL contract?

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What is most likely to attract a top recruit: The potential of an NCAA championship or the potential of a multi-million dollar NHL contract?

You would have a pretty good argument that you have a good shot at both at UND.

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I see what you mean. However, the strongest selling point for UND under Blais is the emphasis on developing young players for the NHL.

Brandon Bochenski told me that's why he came here. He thought that Blais' system and the facilities at UND would be best for his development. He is happy with the choice he made.

Blais has said that the reason the new Ralph has an NHL-sized rink rather than an Olympic-sized rink is because UND develops players for the NHL, not the Olympics.

What is most likely to attract a top recruit: The potential of an NCAA championship or the potential of a multi-million dollar NHL contract?

.....the chance of playing in the best facility with the best fans in the world.


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You would have a pretty good argument that you have a good shot at both at UND.

Agreed. That's why the seven national championship banners hanging from the Ralph's rafters are important. And even though some will deny it, so are the 13 WCHA championship banners. Even though the league banners aren't as important, they do send a powerful message: When you play for UND, you play for a school that's consistently in the hunt come playoff time.

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This was not what the doctor ordered for my Sioux hangover. Notwithstanding, best of luck to Zach. The kid is not only a special talent on the ice but a real class act off the ice. It was a pleasure watching him play.

My only disappointment is that he leaves without a NC ring. He has won at every other level. Oh well, maybe Jordan will let him wear the one he is going to get next year. :) I love the guys we have coming back.

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Zach Parise won't HELP Sioux recruiting? Let's see...Dean practically gave his blessing to Zach turning pro. Do you think there is something to be said for that? Imagine Don Lucia telling a recruit that Zach regretted his decision to go to UND and a prospect wanted to confirm that with Dean Blais. Dean hands the kid a cell phone number and says "call Zach yourself and find out." I think Zach has no regrets about becoming a Fighting Sioux and I'm sure he'll do his best to encourage other kids to go there. And THAT, my friends, is a positive.

UND has won 7 national titles without Zach Parise. In fact, the 1997 title was one without a real bona-fide superstar. It can be done and it will be done again without Zach. It just would have been nice to see the Sioux win one WITH Zach, but that's not going to happen, so it's time to set course for new waters.

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Oh boo-hoo, look at what we lose. :)

Yeah, we're loosing a great player and citizen early. Most regretable. But most of us figured we'd get two years at most from him at the beginning.

I'm looking at what we have. I'm looking at what level of expectations will they set for themselves now. I see a group of guys that have something to prove: that they weren't all about one guy.

I smell the distinct odor of March 1999.

Dear Brandon Bochenski,

Are you better than Lee Goren?

I think you are. I'm pretty sure of it.

And you've got all the same components of supporting cast that Lee did too.

Prove me right in 379 days.


The Sicatoka

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Oh boo-hoo, look at what we lose. :)

Yeah, we're loosing a great player and citizen early. Most regretable. But most of us figured we'd get two years at most from him at the beginning.

Alternatively, I smell the distinct odor of March 1999.

Exactly. If the Sioux defensive core remains mostly intact, they will still be the team to beat next year. The rest of the team may not be content with playing the oppenent to a draw and waiting for Zach and BB to beat them.

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Exactly. If the Sioux defensive core remains mostly intact, they will still be the team to beat next year. The rest of the team may not be content with playing the oppenent to a draw and waiting for Zach and BB to beat them.

(Goodness, I'm about to agree with a Gopher fan!)

Maybe, just maybe, we'll get a team of 20 guys on the ice each night all working for a victory and all knowing that they must contribute every night.

It's amazing how different you play when you know there's no one to 'save the bacon' but you.


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It's amazing how different you play when you know there's no one to 'save the bacon' but you.

I hate to say it, but Parise leaving could be a good thing! Other members of the team will have to step up and fill his skates and that is going to take at least two players to do! Maybe next year some of the seniors will step it up and take ND to the Frozen Four!

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