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When I lived in the cities I went to several Sioux Gopher games. Every game at Mariucci the vast majority of Gopher fans were great, very respectful fans. Even after the games at the bars no matter who won they were great.

At the Excel center for the Frozen Four, I was chearing for the Gophers (only WCHA team), but was treated very poorly by the fans around me. I was wearing a Sioux hat, the guy in front of me had a WI jersey, every Gopher fan around us gave us crap, two Gopher fans ended up assaulting the WI fan, resulting in all getting tossed.

My point - the 'true' Gopher fans are good fans - like Greyeagle and a few others on this board seem to be. Once they started winning - the 'bandwagon' fans came out of there caves. We all know trolls only make noise when they can gloat. What is sad is the large number of bandwagon fans. Every Sioux game (including 2 playoff games) I went to I bought tickets for face value or less the day of the game, there were plenty of empty seats. It appears the majority of current Gopher fans crawled out of their caves and jumped on the bandwagon.

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I was at the FF and had a good time with no incidents worth mentioning.

I'm a huge cubs fan (and have been since I was 7) and I'm covinced that if they ever win a damn thing I won't be able to enjoy it because I'll spend all my time discrediting jerk bandwagoneers.

I'm curious, and this is a question for the posting gopher fans, would it be safe to say that the majority of these 'dinks' wearing the maroon and gold were not fans prior to this title run?

CFM...pretty funny comment about the weight room. I'm about 5'10" and 190 lbs so I'd say I can hold my own. Maybe I need to talk to BALCO, though, and bulk up a little more during the off-season?

I'll bet that if you put "Mafia Man" on the nameplates on your jerseys, nobody would harrass you. ;)

I'm curious, and this is a question for the posting gopher fans, would it be safe to say that the majority of these 'dinks' wearing the maroon and gold were not fans prior to this title run?

No, there has always been a real solid following - I don't think there are any more bandwagon dinks in MN than with any other successful team. UND has had a fair share of riders jump on the wagon. Duluth picked up some riders this year as well. It is only to be expected. But I really dont think the "majority" of current gopher fans have jumped on the wagon after the past 2 years.

The punks (not fans) wrecking shop in Dinkytown though - they tend to come and go like truck-stop whores at the Big Sioux.

The punks (not fans) wrecking shop in Dinkytown though - they tend to come and go like truck-stop whores at the Big Sioux.

Is this comment based on your firsthand experience? ;)

Funny you should bring that up... ;)

MARGE: Where you girls from?


HOOKER TWO: LeSeure. But I went to high school in White Bear Lake. Go Bears!

MARGE: Okay, I want you to tell me what these fellas looked like.

HOOKER ONE: Well, the little guy, he was kinda funny-looking.

MARGE: In what way?

HOOKER ONE: I dunno. Just funny-looking.

MARGE: Can you be any more specific?

HOOKER ONE: I couldn't really say. He wasn't circumcised.

MARGE: Was he funny-looking apart from that?


MARGE: So you were having sex with the little fella, then?


MARGE: Is there anything else you can tell me about him?

HOOKER ONE: No. Like I say, he was funny-looking. More'n most people even.

MARGE: And what about the other fella?

HOOKER TWO: He was a little older. Looked like the Marlboro man.


HOOKER TWO: Yah. Maybe I'm sayin' that cause he smoked Marlboros.

MARGE: Uh-huh.

HOOKER TWO: A subconscious-type thing.

MARGE: Yah, that can happen.


HOOKER ONE: They said they were goin' to the Twin Cities?

MARGE: Oh, yah?


HOOKER ONE: Yah. Is that useful to ya?

MARGE: Oh, you bet, yah.


I saw a few fights & lots of potential fights

One I heard about was UMD fans & Gopher fans & the Dads were really going at it & the wives were verbally going at it & even the wives were near throwing blows & their kids were crying & the crowd around them had to break it up ;)

The place is spacious & there is no problem getting beer - & selling beer up & down the isles was constant. ---I like beer too - but the ushers did not control the people going in & out (during whistle stops) & there was way too much smack & one finger salutes & anger - rude fans & the abundance of beer seemed way in excess - I guess for the amount of people & how they are are all mixed together - overall it was fun - but at the same time the potential for a serious brawl was everywhere.

I'm not without sin - After hearing us being called siouxage I came up with "I thought you Rodents liked sewage" ;)

Many who wanted to watch good hockey & enjoy the game even seemed to have run ins with idiots. There were enough potential problems around where I was - that if it came to blows I would have really, would of had to of, restrained myself, not to take sides & come to the aid of some, that would have needed help. ;) & when we scored the UM fans were way to mean spirited & bumping & pushing & physically annoying to Sioux fans that were trying to celebrate

Security was present in the concourses - but not in the arena seating. Some of the verbal jabs against the Sioux name were classless & I agree the alphabet chants were annoying ;) But at the same time at least they have a chant they all participate in ;) (you can see the influence Sesame Street had on a generation) ;)

The xcel sure made a fortune on beer sales - but somehow seemed lacking in drunken crowd control & the potential for brawels & real bad feelings were everywhere.

Just makes you wonder if society has decayed or is this just normal fun these days ? & if this keeps going at the pace it is ? is it close to getting out of hand ?

As much Fun as it was - I was overall uncomfortable with the potential for real trouble & felt way too many seemed way to serious about the rivalry & that real hate & anger & beer are almost out of control

It is always a few bad apples that ruin it for the majority & the majority were great fans having fun & being loyal to their teams. But are we (& places like the xcell center) allowing it to become too wide open & anything goes ? ? ? & then will they go from one extreme to another ?

You can see why athletic events spill over into violence these days & that can't be a good thing for the majority of us.

No, there has always been a real solid following - I don't think there are any more bandwagon dinks in MN than with any other successful team. UND has had a fair share of riders jump on the wagon. Duluth picked up some riders this year as well. It is only to be expected. But I really dont think the "majority" of current gopher fans have jumped on the wagon after the past 2 years.

The punks (not fans) wrecking shop in Dinkytown though - they tend to come and go like truck-stop whores at the Big Sioux.

Sorry Basil, I didn't mean the majority of Gopher fans are bandwagon, only the majority around me at the X during the FF. I'm sure many of those drunkin fratboys were in dinky town right after the game. ;)



I believe you are talking about the section that I was in with the dad/mom/kid fight. That was a near-disaster in the making. There was another near-fight in the section next to us when four or five drunken Gopher fans wanted to sit with their buddies even though Sioux fans rightfully occupied the seats. The Sioux fans showed their tickets, but that apparently wasn't good enough. The Gopher fans tried shoving their way into the seats. Several jabs were thrown and there was plenty of smack-talk, yet for 3-4 minutes, not a single usher or security officer arrives. Pretty ridiculous.

The UMD/UM fight started when a Gopher fan held up a sign that suggested UMD fans sell their tickets to the championship game because they wouldn't need them. A UMD fan took offense when the sign was displayed a second time, then the Gopher fan said something about his daughter's dancing. This totally set the UMD fan off since his daughter was right next to him. Several other fans got into the fracas and the woman behind us (holding a 6 month old baby) got bumped rather harshly. She started exchanging words, some popcorn got thrown around, and eventually, a Gopher fan leaped three rows back to get this UMD fan. This went on for a good five minutes and NOBODY came down from above to stop it.

In all the Final Fives I have been too (97 UND/UM game included), I've never seen such sparse (were there ANY security guards/cops???) security presence at such a tense sporting event. That just leads to trouble. Had the first moron been escorted out Friday afternoon and sent home, everyone would have settled down. Instead, it just escalated all the way to after the game where I should have removed my Sioux jersey completely so as not to be harangued by any "grateful winner" walking by me. And I've already pointed out the loudmouth Sioux fan who was jawing with the guys in the row in front of him on Friday. He thought he was funny and tried talking to me since I had a green jersey on. I told him to shut his yapper and that just because we cheered for the same team didn't mean that I wanted to socialize with him. He got the point because he was pretty quiet on Saturday.


This was the worst ever. I could not believe the abuse we had to take from the Gopher fans, at the Arena, the hotel, the restraurant, the streests, etc... I had beer thrown at us, called names, you name it. What a bunch of idiots.


If I wasn't going to Vegas on 3/25 with my a-hole gopher friends I probably wouldn't talk to them for at two weeks. The gophs fans have excuses for every loss and ....ah hell I don't have the energy to even discuss these people anymore.


I'm glad somebody started this topic. I was at the X this weekend with my friend. After the Gopher and UMD game on Saturday night we were walking down 7th street back to our hotel and we were both wearing our Sioux Jerseys. Some Gopher fans in a truck rolled down their windows and yelled we're going to kill you guys tomorrow night! Then I had an encounter with a little kid who was a gopher fan at the end of our game on Saturday night. The little kid turned around and said to me "Somebody had to loose now." and he took off running in the other direction.

There was a couple of times that we were sitting and watching the game. I yelled go Jordan!!! as loud as could and some gopher fans behind me started singing "Jordan Parise's a big fat sieve, doo dah... doo dah.. " What kind of stupid cheer is that? There was another time my friend yelled Go Zach!!! and one of the gopher fans yelled Zach Parise sucks!!! How nice can they get?

I have to admit though, the older gopher fans were alot nicer than the students. We ended up talking to some of them and most of them complimented on how great both of the teams played. My friend and I were wearing our green hair and I swear to god people asked us if it was still saint patrick's day three times. We also came across a bunch of nice wisconsin fans who were going to ruit for the Sioux.

There were a bunch of annoying UMD fans sitting in our section and they were yelling all these stupid things. They wanted their band to play tequilla I turned around and yelled at them "Gopher rejects!" A couple of Sioux fans behind us were laughing but the UMD fans didn't get it I think. They had the dumbest looks on their faces. There was another time when they yelled "We want icecream!!! My friend and I were like wtf. I don't know who's fans are worse. UMD or UM.


I was in the club level in row 7, right in front of the standing room crowd. A guy behind me was yapping quite a bit we exchanged unpleasantries a few times but then we found out we went to the same high school and he did not direct his comments at me anymore. That is the only bad experience I had with the Goofer fans. The club level is more sane as it is easier to monitor problems. Skarperud was in the bathroom between periods of the Fri night game and some Goofer fans were really giving him s&!t. He did not back down though and the other couple of Sioux fans in there kind of joined in, lots of back and forth. That was the most disappointing part of the loss, to see those A#@hole fans gloat. I sure HOPE we get the last laugh!!!


I ran into many nice, but also many very very bad Gopher Fans. We were walking down towards Tom Reid's after the Friday afternoon Sioux game and every now and then a Gopher fan would pass by and say something like "Sioux suck". One young man, in his 20's with a gopher jersey on walked by a bunch of us Sioux fans and yelled: "F--- the Sioux, the Sioux can suck my left n--!" I commented loudly on what classy fans the Gophers have. Before, during and after the Sioux Gopher game we were taunted. After the game was the worst, as all kinds of people, men, women (and children!) made their remarks...there were some good fans who shook our hands and said what a game it was too...but they were in the minority. I think a lot of these fans were pretty drunk.

Bottom line: The Gopher fans showed us all what a huge, maybe unexpected win it was for them. Their anger towards the Sioux and their fans can actually be taken as a huge compliment. They know we are the team to beat and the most storied program in college hockey...and base their hatred on that.



As a guy who went to both UMD and UM and a Gopher fan, I can only say it is pretty much the alcohol that gives a lot of these fans the courage to open their big fat mouths. And it is too bad the Xcel doesn't monitor it in any way. I used to work in the Hockey Lodge and at the Wild games these people who were loaded would come into the stores and act like they owned the place. When you told them they couldn't bring beer into the store they would tell you well I am a season ticket holder. To which I would think but not allowed to say, so are 18,000 other people, should I be impressed.

I don't talk much except to the UMD and UND people I know. To me it is more fun to banter back and forth with them than someone I have no idea who they are.

As I walked out of the arena there was one 4 year old wearing a Bulldog shirt who was holding his dads hand and he wandered my way after seeing my Gopher jersey and took a swip at me with his pom pom. I was amused. Then about 30 feet later a 12 year old girl I walked by was said "yucky." Again I was amused, never saying anything.

When I was at the old UND arena I have nothing but positive things to say about the fans. I sat in the student section one year as we won and tied, and no one said a bad word to me. I am pretty sure people would say the same at New Mariucci Arena. Suprise no alcohol is served there as well.

The worst I ever saw it was in UMD where they just hated Dave Spehar. If I was his folks, I would have never attended the games up there.

I think the Pepsi center and Bradley center are bidding for 2006 or 2007 final five. It would be interesting to see how it is out there.

And as far as UMD routing for the UM instead of UND, I think some people route for each other because they are both in the state of MN. Just a guess. I route for UMD once the Gophers are eliminated. I am torn a bit if UND is left, because if they win, I don't hear the end of it from my UND friends.


We went to a bar close to the Xcel between games on Saturday and some clown tried to move us back into the corner and kept asking me why we were there. I'll admit that I have a big mouth but I would never say anything to an opposing fan unless they threw the first stone because I know how it is to be in an opposing arena and being outnumbered. Man, I hate the gophers


During the UMD/UM game there was a tUMD fan 2 rows behind me who had jsut finished shouting Let's Go Dogs...a little kid then yelled "Bulldogs suck." The Duluth fan then shouts..."I just got owned by an 8 year-old." The kid's dad then says...nope he's 7. Apparently this happened in Wisconsin too with a 6 year-old ;)

The difference is...everyone in the section laughed at it, and the kids dad didn't let it get out of hand.


I had a great time at the X. Lots of classy and Classless gopher fans. It was fun to deal with the Yapping type, in the battle of wits, they were essentially defenseless. The two couples to my right were knowledgeable and a joy to talk to. When the Goophs scored I allowed them time to whoop it up and they reciprocated. Then we continued discussion of the game as it transpired. After the game, I was happy to shake their hands and congratulate them on their team's effort. Made the yappers in front of me look again a little foolish again. I congratulated many gopher fans as I made my way up the stairs.

In the concorse between periods and after the game, I'd meet a buddy who was in another section, and no gopher fan gave me a hard time. No one approached a 240 lb man drinking a beer with a 250 lb'er. I guess size does matter! ;)

Would we be having this discussion if the Sioux had won? ;);)

actually I think you still would. It seems that all Gopher fans hate UND fans and swear at little children and pick fights... ;) at least that what I see here.

Actually, I had no problems with any Sioux fans except one, and even her HUSBAND was getting sick of her and telling her to be quiet and shut up. I let the Sioux cheer for their goals with out comments and didn't get any back when we scored (except chick noted above). So in my mind all this is a bunch of drivel.



Thats a fair question PCM - I think it could have been worse for anyone who would have stayed for the ? what ever they did after the game ? & for anyone who went out that night ;)

Don't get me wrong - The vast majority were great & I love the xcel center & would hate to see it (tourney)moved further away

But they have got to provide more / better security in the arena. Even if a Cop or Security Guard would walk up & down a isle once or twice a game - would most likely be enough to slow down the real idiots.

I love to give & take as much as anyone & have Fun ! & I'm no prude or scared of people - But what I was feeling was that the Nuts were getting control of the nut house & respect & sportmanship & pride & tolerance are getting to be rare to way too many & when zero tolerance kicks in - it won't be Fun like it was or could be.

Seems now days your either brave & crazy or trying to ignore the problems & crazies & is that up to the crowd to control ?



This is how one in our group was treated by a Gopher fan on Friday night. The guy was beaking his wife who had a Dogs jersey on so he told him to get lost and pushed him away from his wife and the guy popped him a good one. The Dogs fan above is about 55 years old and the Gopher fan that got him was in his early 20s. Gotta love them.

Most of the Sioux fans we met were terrific. We walked with some all the way from our hotel for the championship game and had some good conversation. Also had good times with them at the hotel bar that night.

The worst part of the weekend was the Saturday afternoon game where we were threatened by security because we were "being too loud." I just about lost it. They had several complaints we were yelling "too loud" and asked us to tone it down. No swearing was used or racy language. It was just Gopher fans that wanted to watch the game in peace and quiet. Hello? There are other teams that play there over the course of the weekend. We had two cops and 4 ushers surround us for the remainder of the game hoping for one of us to swear but it never happened. I just had never heard of someone being thrown out of a hockey game for being "too loud."

The whole weekend got me hoping that the Pepsi Center wins a Final Five in the future to rid the bandwagon fans of ALL midwest WCHA teams. I think it would make for a much more enjoyable weekend.


I don't think it is all a bunch of drivel. It's clear that some supporters of every team act like jerks and bullies. I suppose we could take a page from the traveling football fans of North Alabama and Winona State and write to UM's president, condemning all Gopher hockey fans for the actions of a few. Do you think that would be a more effective use of our time?

Losing is no fun but when fans of the losing team are chased down, taunted and challenged to fist fights by the victors, that's beyond the pale. To answer PCM's question, if the Sioux had won, I imagine we'd be hearing from Gopher fans that ND fans had acted just as badly. But, tell you what, I'd be the first Sioux fan to offer an apology to an offended Gopher fan on behalf of all of us who didn't sink to that level.


I realize we are all great fans of our teams...but in the end, IT'S JUST A HOCKEY GAME. There's no need to personally insult other fans (especially their wives) then go off and punch them. My guess was the only thing your guy did wrong was cheer for his team...like everyone else in the building (except the Wisconsin and St. Clown fans ;) ).

The fans of other teams I met this weekend were great...I feel fortunate after reading this thread. I've noticed that most incidents happened on the opposite side of the arena from where I was.

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