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fan demands


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1. I demand that North Star gets laid before he explodes.

2. I demand that Red Wing be nominated for the 1st annual Mapletoft Award.

3. I demand that PCM improve his knowledge of Cold War Soviet goalies.

4. I demand that farce poobah collaborate with YaneA in teaching today's students creative cheers.

5. I demand that dagies not be so even-keeled.

6. I demand that Jim Dahl be less analytical.

7. I demand that cheeringsiouxfromsmoggycali & I not be attacked by illegal aliens before our 50th birthdays.

8. I demand Diggler respect his elders more.

9. I demand less polls about cute Sioux players on this site.

10. I demand the Sioux win #8 this year.

1-9: ???

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1. I demand that North Star gets laid before he explodes.

Yet again with the harsh words for North Star....again true, but still ;):D

you would end up going down that dark path where you'll end up like him or Golum, from LOTR.

Ok, with that statement you just lost me...never seen the movies, never want to. ???:ohmy::D The State of Hockey rules!!

Go Sioux!!

Jones for Hobey!!

BTW....if you know any Tech fans, send 'em to USCHO, so we can hear from them. It's quite lonely with only Sioux fans.

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BTW....if you know any Tech fans, send 'em to USCHO, so we can hear from them. It's quite lonely with only Sioux fans.

I'm pretty sure electricity hasn't made its way up to Houghton yet.

Once Detriot builds an arena that can hold the entire population of the city, they can be the true "hockey town USA" until then Warroad gets my vote. :D

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I have the "Parise Good as Gold" poster.

I demand that I be give the Bochenksi half-naked poster to complete the Hobey Wannabe set (actually, I want the one from the Sioux locker room upon which someone wrote "don't blow it" below the "Bo Knows" declaration).

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For anyone who's curious, here's my entire list (for the record, cheerleaders were never mentioned).....

1. I demand that I get laid this weekend.

2. I demand Ziggy plays.

3. I demand everyone bow down to my newly altered jersey.

4. I demand dirty's buddy gets annihilated on Friday too.

5. I demand a free fan special from Domino's.

6. I demand Greene kicks Scott's ass this weekend.

7. I demand to see the hot chick in only chaps out at the El Roco again.

8. I demand to see the hot 5'3" blonde twins that were out after the Gopher series there too.

9. I demand that my student ID is good enough for REA...it gets me into the secured areas at the airport...REA is NOT that special.

10. I demand Matt Jones wins the Hobey.

11. I demand Hockey East sucks

12. I demand Detroit stop using the name "Hockeytown." You're not. Warroad, Minnesota is.

13. I demand Tech fans stop telling us how good Conner is.

14. I demand that we stop talking about male showering habits.

15. I demand Tech fans stop defending the "overrated" chant...learn when it is acceptable to use it.

Here's how they have worked out so far

1. No ;)

2. We'll see tomorrrow

3. Done...great responses to it

4. Diggler...did he?

5. No ;)

6. Almost...but, not

7. No ;)

8. No ;)

9. Done

10. Probably not

11. Done

12. Don't think it'll ever happen

13. Done

14. Done...and should continue to be :D

15. Done

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