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Even if we were put on the end, the suite holders and club lounge people would complain. Until the students are gone, there will always be complaining. :silly:

That is likely a very true statement so the students should just ingore them and continue to stand, cheer and enjoy the games.

Security actually asked the students to sit this weekend? What were they going to do, mace all the students and kick them out? :D

Even if we were put on the end, the suite holders and club lounge people would complain. Until the students are gone, there will always be complaining. :silly:

This is a good point. The students should keep the seats they have right now, because the only thing that will happen is they'll give up the best seats in the house, for lesser seats and be able to stand. But then in a year or two, they'll be forced to sit in the corner too. May as well keep the seats they have and be able to taunt the players in the penalty box.

Security never asked us to sit, the rink attendants did hand out the letter though when we came into the arena on saturday. We seriously do need to make up our own letter. :D


This is a good point. The students should keep the seats they have right now, because the only thing that will happen is they'll give up the best seats in the house, for lesser seats and be able to stand. But then in a year or two, they'll be forced to sit in the corner too. May as well keep the seats they have and be able to taunt the players in the penalty box.

Security never asked us to sit, the rink attendants did hand out the letter though when we came into the arena on saturday. We seriously do need to make up our own letter. :D

You got a letter? And you dared ignore it? :)

In the week's ahead, in addition to being frisked, the students will probably have to sign some sort of sit-or-be-kicked agreement to get into the arena!

Seriously, what did the letter say and who was it from?


When we got our tickets we signed a contract that said that we had to sit, among other things. Yet amazingly no students have been kicked out for standing. That tells you what the problem is. A few grumpy people who need something to complain about.

The letter didn't say who it was from and I don't really remember alot of what it said. Something about how great the season has been so far this year, but a reminder that we can't stand. That's about all I really remember because I blew my nose with it and threw it away. One of the Green Hairem guys ate his. :silly:


I'm going to let off a little steam here.

To you morons that don't like it when people stand up and cheer. Don't come to the games!

What makes college sports better than professional sports? Students! The crazy drunk students that come and cheer for all they are worth.

Stand up and cheer!


Moving the students to the corner section is NOT the solution, doing so would cut over a 100 student seats in the lower bowl, thats what they were trying to do this summer and thank goodness they didnt pull it off! This is our team, we should be able to stand and cheer whenever the mood strikes....Now, if the season ticket holders are alumni, then the team is just as much "THEIRs" That being said, maybe they should try to think back to when they were students and whether or not they stood during the games? I hope to god that 20yrs from now I will not be too old to stand up for 5 minutes!


Like everyone else around me, I skimmed the love note that I can only assume student government wrote/was asked to write and filed it in its proper location, along with little bits of chewed up, spit out Siouxper dog weinies and poopy diapers.

Like I said before, it basically was an "I love you, but" note. It said something to the effect of how great the season has been going so far, and how the students are doing better but there is still room for improvement. Students can stand up and cheer whenever they want, but that does not include standing up for entire power plays. Basically, we can stand up whenever we want as long as we sit right back down again.

Personally, I think this weekend the entire student body should collectively stand up, sit down, stand up, sit down, etc. during the entire 2:00 of a power play. A.)The students would be standing up to cheer during the power play, B.) The students would be sitting down immediately after standing up, and C.) The students would look awfully silly bouncing up and down out of their seats during a power play, which will distract the PK unit and drastically improve the Sioux PP. Everyone wins! :D:silly:

Personally, I think this weekend the entire student body should collectively stand up, sit down, stand up, sit down, etc. during the entire 2:00 of a power play.  A.)The students would be standing up to cheer during the power play, B.) The students would be sitting down immediately after standing up, and C.) The students would look awfully silly bouncing up and down out of their seats during a power play, which will distract the PK unit and drastically improve the Sioux PP.  Everyone wins!  :)  :silly:

HAHA :D ...perfect! I say we go for it.

One of the Green Hairem guys ate his.

Which one...was it Lenway? :0;)

I read it and laughed. When I go to my seat, I asked the guy behind me WTF is this? We both just shook our heads at it.

BTW...How does my student ID scan at the airport to give me access to secure areas...yet I can't get into REA with it? I was lucky I knew the ticket guy on Friday.


Love the stand up sit down idea forecheck. It would be like the old slow/fast wave.

At first I was bitter over the whole situation and thought the students should boycott a weekend so that the atmoshpere really sucked. Eventually I realized we'd just lose our seats.

I just graduated last year and spent all my time in the band (which is often forgotten about). I went to a few games where we didn't play. I love that the students stand. Problem is that my feet and legs can't handle it. So I sat in the arena where it was sitting. I still had a great time watching the game. If something exciting happened, I'd stand.

Our school song is STAND UP AND CHEER!

On a side note: REA is making a fistful of cash. Now they are charging more for tixs. What happens when we hit a three year lull? They are going to need the students then just as was the case in the mid 90s.


Great comments by everyone...

I reallly appreciate the fans from 110 and 107 for their thanks, it's nice to know that it is just a few people doing the complaining. Honestly I think if REA acted more like you guys (and gals) and thanked the students things would go better, but anytime they say thank you it has that but work after it

Again I appreciate your thanks!


It is too bad the REA had to hand out that paper. I'm really trying to be sympathetic for some of the season ticket holders, but i'm having a tough time doing that.

As a season ticket holder myself, I really appreciate everything the students do to make the game seem a lot more fun. Keep up the great work everyone!!!!

Even if we were put on the end, the suite holders and club lounge people would complain.

I don't think people standing in the ends interferes with anyones view from club seats.

I think that the student government is probably more culpable than anyone else for the current arrangement. If a majority of the students don't like the situation, they should work through their representatives in the student government to have the situation changed, and do so in a constructive manner. Throwing a fit and painting all season ticket holders with the same brush is not going to get your cause anywhere, in fact, it is quite likely to have the opposite effect.

I personally believe that all of the student seats should be in the lower bowl at the end that the Sioux shoot at the 1st and 3rd periods (South end). This minimizes the problems with students standing in the way of adjacent sections and suite holders. Those suite holders that don't mind standing when the students do should be moved to suites in the student's end. Maybe move the UND president's box to that end to minimize the number of paying suite holders affected. Those season ticket holders that do choose to remain in suites and sections of the lower bowl adjacent to the student sections should be notified that the students may be standing and if they it something that causes them concern, they should consider relocating to the other end of the lower bowl or to the upper deck. There really is not a bad seat in the arena and if your intention is to go to see the game live there is absolutely nothing wrong with the upper bowl seats. Down by the glass are horrible seats for actually watching the game, but they are really good seats if you want to be sure the opposition knows you're there. Having the students all in the South end of the lower bowl will make the REA much more intimidating to opposing teams.

This should be viewed as a long term objective, because there is no way that the REA is going to move season ticket holders wholesale. This is really a problem that has it roots in the move from the old REA. The students need to realize that there are a lot of competing interests that need to be balanced, both now, and when the move to the new arena was made. Uncle Ralph may have had some very strong opinions on how the seating should be assigned. Since he was paying for it, if he did have his own notions concerning the seating, it is both understandable and right that they were followed. It seems to me that the students should have been involved right from the beginning to make sure their interests were being looked after. That's all water under the bridge now, so there is no use pointing fingers and taking away constructive energy that can be better used to remedy the present situation.

Couple of final thoughts. Maybe the students can gradually take over the South lower bowl starting from the glass and moving up. Let existing season ticket holders stay in those sections as long as they realize that the are going to be surrounded by crazy students and are ok with that. If there are really just a few party poopers that are complaining, don't cater to them. If they refuse to renew their season tickets, there are plenty of others on the waiting list that will take their place. The important thing to remember is that you need to keep a dialogue open with REA management and the athletic department. Try to be flexible and work with them in order to come to the best solution for everyone. If you keep engaged and really work with people, it's really surprising how much they'll be willing to do for you. It's a long uphill battle, but if you really want things to change, you're going to have to go about it the right way.


I don't think the students are grouping all season ticket holders together, most season ticket holders are nice and supportive. It is only a select few that have a problem. The current situation is just fine. 99% of the people are dealing with it and are satisified. While both sides could be happier if this or that happened, both sides realize that we are compromising and nobody can get entirely what they want. 1% of the season ticket holders don't understand this though and they pout, whine and complain at every turn. They think they should get everything their way. Their idea of compromise is the students do what we tell them to. I think that the students are the ones who are acting a heck of alot more mature than these select few people. During the first year at the new arena, we would have got into an argument with these people. Now though, we ignore them because we know that there is nothing wrong with what we are doing.

I wouldn't mind if ultimately the students moved to the south end, if it meant that they could stand up, taunt the opposition, etc. without being yelled at. What I really want though is for them to stop playing music during warm-ups. GRRR! That annoys me!


While I have been one who complained about visibility in the past, I have to say I've had absolutely no reason to complain about not seeing the game this season. The students to my left (108) have taken the issue seriously, and have extended every courtesy to us in Section 107.

My wife was given one of the little sheets of paper (yes, she still looks like a college student :silly: ) and I got a chance to read it. bull$%!#, I say.

Thank you, students, for your cooperation thus far. It is very much appreciated by all of us in Row E. ???

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