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Since I moved out to this wasteland early this summer (where today it was 105), I never heard about the student seating situation.

Were they moved?

Are they still forced to sit?

Amazing how the the cheering seemed to die off once the students had to sit. :D

Maybe if I go to grad school I'll use that as my thesis.

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The students didn't move. They now have season tickets and have to sit pretty much all the time. The problem with no cheering isn't so much students sitting, it is more that some people just don't cheer or do anything. They'd rather sit and ignore the game, then to actually do something. :D

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The one problem that I have with the assigned seating: a lot of students don't bother showing up until right before introductions, or sometimes after the game has started since they no longer have to wait in line for a couple hours before the game to ensure a lower bowl seat. I think it sucks. And one of my biggest pet peaves of season ticket holders were the ones who didn't bother selling or at least giving their tickets away if they couldn't make it to a game, and now students are doing that too. Kind of pathetic when the upper bowl is packed by the time the doors open, and there are a bunch of scattered empty seats in the lower bowl throughout the game. I'd rather wait in line before every game and have the lower bowl and most of the upper bowl packed for warm ups.

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I was in the band for the last five years and it always was so sad that we were moved up next to the visiting fans. Then you look down and see about 1/3 of the lower bowl empty. What's even worse are those old time season ticket holders who don't even wear school colors. OR THEY WEAR THE OTHER TEAMS COLORS, because they don't bother to look at the schedule and see who we are playing.

I know they scan the season tickets; why don't they sell the empty seats as walkups? Or do they already? We need some sort of re-sell system.

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I'm giong to give a shout out on this debate being and feeling responsible for getting a ticket for one of those people. (if you know who I am and where I sit, I'll kill you if you tell him). I should have known he would pull this crap, only well, he spends right up until the intros either somewhere else or at the bar. Usually the bar now that the season has begun.

It was a mistake and I admit it. Oh well. Doing favors for friends who don't deserve it wasn't my intention. If my roommate didn't have to work every weekend, he'd be sitting there instead of him.

You may call them chumps and all, but at least one idiot who assisted one get a seat feels a little shame :D

As for selling them... No because the seats "belong" to the student who has those season tickets. Any behavior adverse to the contract we signed :sigh: and the student and the "owner" of the seat are banned from the arena for the remainder of the season. And I definitely don't want a member of the general public sitting with us. That was a bad idea even in the days of the Old Ralph.

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I feel your pain. :D While not exactly a wasteland, where I'm at is still to damn far from SIOUX HOCKEY!! It really gets tough this time of year.

Join the club boys. While Bozeman isn't exactly a wasteland... in fact far from it, its gorgeous, I still miss sioux hockey... 12 hours away is just too far. I made it back for the BC series, and I will be home for the MN series... also might try and come back once or twice after xmas.

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Join the club boys. While Bozeman isn't exactly a wasteland... in fact far from it, its gorgeous, I still miss sioux hockey... 12 hours away is just too far. I made it back for the BC series, and I will be home for the MN series... also might try and come back once or twice after xmas.

I do live surrounded by mountains, but it's rare that the smog allows you to see them. In fact I live on a mountain and can't see it some days.

On the ticket topic; I'm not talking about the students' seats being resold, but the other season ticket holders. For the most part, the students do sit and watch the game. Unless this has changed.

The students would show up to their seats earlier if they'd be allowed to drink while sitting in them. And why not? They're responsible for the seats now. Yeah, Yeah. Underage drinking. Why do you think they're late to begin with? :(

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I'm a season ticket holder and sit in sec. 114. The two seats next to me are held by a law firm down in Fargo and each week different people are sitting there. Sometimes they don't arrive until the second period and last year, when Gov. Hoeven was here, the rent-a-spectators were so busy brown-nosing with him that they didn't get into the seats next to me until halfway through the third period, bumping out a friend of mine who'd come down from the upper bowl. My point is: when should REA decide a season ticket holder isn't coming to the game since some of these people show up whenever they feel like it?

About the sit-on-your-hands crowd, I just don't get it. My seats cost me a significant chunk o' change, I love Sioux Hockey and, by all that's holy, I AM going to get involved in a game.

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I definitely agree that if you can't get to the game, sell/give/barter your tickets.

But the people who buy the season tickets are entitled to do with them what they want. IF they don't show up, it is their fault. You just can't talk about yanking their tickets if a different person shows up in the seats each night, regardless when it is during the game.

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I definitely agree that if you can't get to the game, sell/give/barter your tickets.

But the people who buy the season tickets are entitled to do with them what they want. IF they don't show up, it is their fault. You just can't talk about yanking their tickets if a different person shows up in the seats each night, regardless when it is during the game.

I agree.

I may not think highly of these people, but there is nothing I can do other than to try to get my neighbor more into the game or just ignore them and feel pity if something bad happens to them in the middle of their gossip session.

I just want to emphasize that these people, regardless of what they actually do during the games, actually paid for their tickets (or their tickets were paid for somehow) and so therefore are supporting the hockey team whether they are there or not, paying attention or talking about what that b!#ch whatshis/hername did yesterday at work/in class/etc. Nowadays, with all the technology, peoples' time is pretty precious. So, according to the board here, if 11,479 out of 11,500 show up to a game and those 21 seats aren't sold or given to another person, it still is ok.

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What has irked me the past few years is that my grandma has been buying two season tickets since the early '90s (as we all know these were some lean years). In the '80s she stood in line all day to get tickets. Now each and every year since the new building opened, she keeps hearing/being told her seats are going to be taken away. She's had to up her contributions to the fighting sioux club just to keep them. She gets to the game HOURS before hand, cheers, has a few heart attacks, and takes her high blood pressure pills. She also goes to all the Final Five's.

Now that is a fan.

She is almost 80.

I guess it is all about the benji's.

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I live in salt lake city now

How long have you been in Salt Lake City? I made it to a few days of the '02 Winter Olympics (including US vs. Russia hockey) and had a blast there. I can't tell you how much film I wasted trying to time it right to get a picture of a bobsled with a point and shoot film camera (I didn't even bother trying digital).

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What made you move to california?

I took a 7th grade math teaching job at a very poor, very full, very mexican school. I have a 36 kid class of spanish speaking only students...I...Don't...Speak...Spanish.

It's year round, which is neat. Three months on and one off. I just always wanted to go somewhere different for a couple years and they offered me 40k plus a signing bonus. Can't complain about that. GF starts at 26k and that is highest in ND.

I'll be off for five weeks starting at xmas. Of course, the Sioux only have their tourney at this time, and the Wild will be in Cali when I'm in GF.

I should mention I'm in San Bernardino, which is 60 miles east of LA. Or about 2 hours of driving. Vegas is 3 hours away in the other direction.

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BTW, ND is not the most boring state to drive through. Southern Utah is. They actually post signs that say no services next 150 miles. THAT is a wasteland.

I've driven through part of SW utah on the way into Colorado . It is charming in its own little way . I have been in salt lake city for 2 months, i am going to graduate school so hopefully this is a temporary stay.

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I've driven through part of SW utah on the way into Colorado . It is charming in its own little way . I have been in salt lake city for 2 months, i am going to graduate school so hopefully this is a temporary stay.

What's it like living in Salt Lake? I'm going to drive up through that way one time to get back to GF. Not in the winter though.

What are you studying?

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