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Ovechin's goal


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Was watching on t.v. -- when they showed the replay on the big screen and the crowd cheered, Ovechkin cupped his hand to his ear and egged the crowd on and the place went crazy.

I considered posting the link this morning myself, but figured I'd get in trouble with the moderators if I made another off-topic Caps thread. :huh:

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Was watching on t.v. -- when they showed the replay on the big screen and the crowd cheered, Ovechkin cupped his hand to his ear and egged the crowd on and the place went crazy.

I considered posting the link this morning myself, but figured I'd get in trouble with the moderators if I made another off-topic Caps thread. ;)

As a Bruins fan I would be the first to report you. :D:huh:

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i vote to allow him his own assist and goal in this amazing play. i was working for the coyotes when he did his other one behind the back and saw that live which was just amazing. this guys insane. give him 1-1=2 on that play :huh:

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To bad he is such a punk :huh: ....

may be a punk to you but he may play harder than any player in the league every night. not only does he score like crazy but you will lay you out without thinking about it as well. most exciting and feared player in the nhl. he gives the nhl some flare which is BADLY needed. bettman must step down! he blows

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may be a punk to you but he may play harder than any player in the league every night. not only does he score like crazy but you will lay you out without thinking about it as well. most exciting and feared player in the nhl. he gives the nhl some flare which is BADLY needed. bettman must step down! he blows

I wasn't referring to his ability or work ethic. Hopefully people don't think he is the face of the NHL. Flair...yes, Class...no. I do agree with you on Bettman, he is killing the NHL. :huh:

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may be a punk to you but he may play harder than any player in the league every night. not only does he score like crazy but you will lay you out without thinking about it as well. most exciting and feared player in the nhl. he gives the nhl some flare which is BADLY needed. bettman must step down! he blows

I must say I have agree with the Bemidji boy again. Ovechkin is the class of the NHL. You never see Alex

pulling some of the antics I see from Cindy Crosby.

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I must say I have agree with the Bemidji boy again. Ovechkin is the class of the NHL. You never see Alex

pulling some of the antics I see from Cindy Crosby.

i dont wana make it a crosy vs ovechkin thing as crosby brings a hell of a lot to the game as well in his own right. phenominal player along with ovechkin but 2 different styles that are the face of the game. ovechkin brings flare, fun and style to the nhl which they are lacking big time and he, crosby, malkin and a handful of others mean tons to the nhl. now if bettman ciuld be gone weith someone else in then i think the game could try to creep up again and get a tv deal that shows the game like it needs to be. hockey is a soso tv sport at best but with HD it really helps out

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I can see how some would say he's not classy, it depends what traits you're examining.

On the ice, his rep is primarily hard worker and very clean player (to the point that when Heward heard it was Alex who hit him, he declared it must have been accidental -- there's your contrast with Crosby). He's also more active in the community than I remember any past Caps star being (e.g. he personally buys 8 tickets to every game and donates them to children and soldiers, with whom he usually takes the time to meet each game).

However, he definitely doesn't go out and get the job on the ice done quietly -- he definitely hams it up, embellishes, and plays to the crowd. I've always viewed it as a guy who's already getting attention trying to bring personality and excitement to the game and the crowd. I'd probably view it differently if a guy without the goods were doing some of the same stuff to try to get attention (e.g. the hat and glasses at the All Star skills contest).

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I can see how some would say he's not classy, it depends what traits you're examining.

On the ice, his rep is primarily hard worker and very clean player (to the point that when Heward heard it was Alex who hit him, he declared it must have been accidental -- there's your contrast with Crosby). He's also more active in the community than I remember any past Caps star being (e.g. he personally buys 8 tickets to every game and donates them to children and soldiers, with whom he usually takes the time to meet each game).

However, he definitely doesn't go out and get the job on the ice done quietly -- he definitely hams it up, embellishes, and plays to the crowd. I've always viewed it as a guy with the goods to justify it trying to bring personality and excitement to the game and the crowd. I'd probably view it differently if a guy without the goods were doing some of the same stuff (e.g. the hat and glasses at the All Star skills contest).

I think Ovechkin's bad rep around here comes from his pregame antics at the WJC in GF a few years back. I think he's probably grown up a bit since then.

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I can see how some would say he's not classy, it depends what traits you're examining.

On the ice, his rep is primarily hard worker and very clean player (to the point that when Heward heard it was Alex who hit him, he declared it must have been accidental -- there's your contrast with Crosby). He's also more active in the community than I remember any past Caps star being (e.g. he personally buys 8 tickets to every game and donates them to children and soldiers, with whom he usually takes the time to meet each game).

However, he definitely doesn't go out and get the job on the ice done quietly -- he definitely hams it up, embellishes, and plays to the crowd. I've always viewed it as a guy who's already getting attention trying to bring personality and excitement to the game and the crowd. I'd probably view it differently if a guy without the goods were doing some of the same stuff to try to get attention (e.g. the hat and glasses at the All Star skills contest).

great points and the nhl needs that more than anything. it would be on thing if he was just a decent player who hams it up but this guy gives a thousand percent every night, backs it up and whats wrong with having some fun anyhow? it seems we have gone so crazy in all sports to eliminate fun. i understand there is a boundry when celebrating but this guy gets it and the nhl needs to embrace it and roll with him and sid the kid and others to get this game where it should be. sean avery who many hate was dead on right when he stated in his espn interview that the game is boring and has many boring players. he was dead on so the likes of AO is a breathe of fresh air to me. i wont watch many nhl games unless toews, oshie or parise are playing in them but i dotn take who washington plays as i will watch them just to see what he will do next on the ice which is always amazing.

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I watch a bazillion games every season and Ovechkin is an awesome talents, while he and Crosby are the face of the

NHL right now I think Ovechkin puts a more positive light out there than some of the stuff I have seen from Crosby.

The diving and whining to the refs that Crosby does gets to me and Alex just seems to ozze (sp) a more positive light.

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I watch a bazillion games every season and Ovechkin is an awesome talents, while he and Crosby are the face of the

NHL right now I think Ovechkin puts a more positive light out there than some of the stuff I have seen from Crosby.

The diving and whining to the refs that Crosby does gets to me and Alex just seems to ozze (sp) a more positive light.

thats fine if you see it that way as some do about AO as well with things but you cant deny his talent and that he is one of the faces of the new nhl with AO. they both have their flaws although not many but also both are dynamic in their own way. the nhl is damn lucky to have these 2 right now but bettman has no clue how to use them to benefit the sport. the guys a joke overall.

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thats fine if you see it that way as some do about AO as well with things but you cant deny his talent and that he is one of the faces of the new nhl with AO. they both have their flaws although not many but also both are dynamic in their own way. the nhl is damn lucky to have these 2 right now but bettman has no clue how to use them to benefit the sport. the guys a joke overall.

AZ are you a big crosby fan?

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AO is clearly a goal scorer. However, he's not all that good in the defensive zone.

Crosby is more of a two way playmaker. He can score, but IMO he's better at setting up the play.

The only thing I balk at with Crosby is the hype. He's not the next Gretzky. He's great. He's a sure fire HOFer at this pace. But he's no Gretzky.

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Sorry to ask, but what were the pre-game antics anyway? Admittedly I wasn't a big fan of the WJC then, although I did make it to a game. Thanks.

As I remember he skated into the opponent's end just before leaving the ice after pre game wamup and shot the puck into the opponent's net. He was warned by team Canada before the game with them that if he did that when they met, there would be a huge brawl on the ice. It's the only game he didn't do it.

There was more hot dogging that got the home crowd enraged, it was nice to beat the Russians on Christmas day, unfortunately for the US, the tourney didn't go so well after that win.

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