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From today's Herald:

ROSEAU, Minn. - UND goalie Jake Brandt pleaded not guilty on Wednesday to a charge of misdemeanor theft in Roseau County District Court. A pretrial hearing has been set for 1 p.m. on Aug. 25.

Brandt is accused of stealing $200 worth of pull-tabs from the Roseau Eagles Club during normal operating hours on July 12. He faces a maximum penalty of 90 days in jail and a $1,000 fine.

Coach Dean Blais said he will wait until the case is settled before determining whether Brandt will be suspended.

Brandt, a Roseau native, started 19 games for the Sioux last season. He had four shutouts and posted an 11-4-4 record.

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Especially since it appears to be a 2nd offense.

Ok here is my feelings on that issue. My first question (1) is this a true story or some dreamed up rumor. Come on really, Jake beating his girl friend. This sounds like some dreamed up vicious rumor that was probably floated out of gooferville and it was something that came from a friend of a friend that new a 3rd cousin of a buddy of Jake.

I am telling you I am surprised about this one, because if this was true it would have been in the Heraldo... Second if true, Blaiser would have to cut ties with Jake, look at the crap that Rocky got with the running back Reggie (or what ever his name was), the press had a field day with him... This story should prove to be interesting. Second if the first story is true then this some thing I would think Blaiser would not want to come out. Who knows really...

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In reviewing this post, New Guy has eluded to Brandt having a previous THEFT charge against him and does not mention a domestic incidence. If this is factual, New Guy, additional details would be appreciated. Apparently you must be aware of something or else you wouldn't have brought it up in the elusive manner that you have. First you suggest that there might have been a second theft charge, then you suggest it a second time, then in your 3rd post you state that the charge was in '02. Speak up!

For everyone's info, it is a common misconception that a woman who is a victim of domestic violence must show some signs of injury to substaniate her claim. Thousands of women are victims of domestic abuse each day in this country and it is hidden from and unknown to even their closest family members and friends. I am not taking any side on the Brandt domestic violence issue, just pointing out a very sad fact.

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It came from a Goofer fan, not even someone from Roseau, MN or from UND...

Goon, I reported the information and you certainly are aware of my ties to the criminal justice system. Unfortunately, the information is factual, but certainly irrelevant as it relates to the theft charge.

In fact, Brandt was on probation during a portion of his first season at UND. Keep in mind that over the years there have been several criminal charges faced by fighting sioux hockey players, but the tendency is to not publicize them.

collegehockeyfan1 is correct in his assessment of domestic violence. In Minnesota to be convicted of misdemeanor assault, you don't even have to make contact with someone. Committing an act with intent to cause fear in another of bodily harm or attempting to inflict bodily harm both constitute assault in Minnesota. It is a very low threshold.

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Rumor is just what it is ..... Rumor!! If NewGuy is just trying to tarnish Jake's name, then that is sad. Jake is a very nice guy

and he possibly made a mistake .... haven't all of us made mistakes in our lives? Would anyone like to be judged by a mistake they made?

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In fact, Brandt was on probation during a portion of his first season at UND. Keep in mind that over the years there have been several criminal charges faced by fighting sioux hockey players, but the tendency is to not publicize them.

collegehockeyfan1 is correct in his assessment of domestic violence. In Minnesota to be convicted of misdemeanor assault, you don't even have to make contact with someone. Committing an act with intent to cause fear in another of bodily harm or attempting to inflict bodily harm both constitute assault in Minnesota. It is a very low threshold.

Wow, that is amazing that the Heraldo didn't report that one.

Second Minnesota's laws for just about anything are so riduclous.

What are they going to do start charging males with sexual assult for oggelling the opposite sex.

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Rumor is just what it is ..... Rumor!! If NewGuy is just trying to tarnish Jake's name, then that is sad. Jake is a very nice guy

and he possibly made a mistake .... haven't all of us made mistakes in our lives? Would anyone like to be judged by a mistake they made?

We are judged by the "mistakes" we make. As such, Jake has another court date in the near future, and it will be determined whether his case proceeds, is thrown out or he pleads guilty. IMO Jake has done more to "tarnish" his image to fans, his coaches and his team than anybody on a hockey board.

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It is not a rumor (the 02 theft)...but rather a matter of public record. Something that could be verified with a check of Grand Forks County District Court records.

As far as tarnishing his name, I was not the one that allegedly stole the pull tabs. When you play hockey at UND you are put on a pedestal, whether right or wrong. Each and every player is willing to accept the "praise and worship" from the local community when things go right, which is fine. However, they need to also be willing to accept criticism when they screw up.

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Rumors suck!

That being said I would appreciate people not tarnishing the name of someone who I consider a friend. I've known Jake for two years and I think it is sad that people are spreading rumors about him. If he stole the pull tabs he made a mistake, a bad mistake, but it is up to the legal system to determine his guilt and punishment. I'd like to hear his story before I pass judgment. Maybe I am getting overly defensive about these rumors, but I get angry when people start making allegations about my friends.

This is the USA where people are innocent until proven guilty. If Jake is found guilty I'd like to be the first to ask him what the heck he was thinking, but I'm not going to hold it against him for the rest of his life.

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I feel obligated to disagree with you. You see, Brandt hasn't been proven GUILTY yet. So, if this is all false, then he HASN'T DONE ANYTHING WRONG except being in the wrong place at the wrong time. So, how does that tarnish his name? Simply being falsely accused makes him a bad person?

If rumors tarnish the name of the person in the rumor, then I wonder what rumors are out there about you right now? If there are rumors, they surely must be true then.

His story is all that matters, that much is true. Until the verdict is out and the man talks, the only people tarnishing Brandt's name are the ones passing judgement without knowing the facts.

After the OJ trial, you should know better than to declare someone guilty before the court is even in session.

Condescending attitudes don't fly well with me. UND players are not G-ds. Imagine how you would look if the jury says "Not guilty."

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The only thing that I will say is to check gf county court records. It is free and available to any concerned citizen. The court does not keep "rumors" on file. You want facts, go there and check it out. If you do check, you will be surprised.

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In fairness to JB and as the risk of weakening my credibility on this board, I feel compelled to clear the record with regard to the domestic assault matter. I had an opportunity late last week to speak to a GF police sargeant who has a lot of knowledge of JB's criminal history and the criminal history of all hockey team members.

He told me the GF police department had their hands full the last year and a-half to two years dealing with matters involving the UND hockey team, but that most of those matters remain unpublicized. They do continue to be very concerned about the incidents of underage drinking by the team at The Edge, of which they are well aware.

He also told me that there was a GF County probation agent that made it public knowledge last year that he had supervised JB on probation for assault. That reality is, that is not the case. To the sargeant's knowledge, JB has never been convicted of assault nor has he submitted to probation for such offense, although he too had heard otherwise. The assault matter actually involved a different member of the hockey team, but I didn't dig any further.

BTW, that agent is no longer employed by GF County. As to his purpose in misleading people, I cannot even begin to guess.

Anyway, since I was the individual who aired this story, honestly believing it to be true based on the information I was privy to and based on my dealings over the years with the people "involved," I also wanted to be the individual who officially put it to bed.

As for me, I will be busy for the next few minutes cleaning the egg off my face.

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