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I remember reading this in a past issue of the Dakota Student. While REA does treat us like second rate fans, the atletic department is who came up with the new seating arrangement along with the student senate. I don't really know if this article has anything to do with the current arrangement anyways. He can watch the games from his house or apartment, like my roommate, but I will continue to be a season ticket holder and watch my last season of Fighting Sioux hockey from my seats behind the opponents penalty box (knock on wood :glare: ).

As far as the drinking in the student section, I understand that. Being 22, I would like to be able to enjoy a sweet, tasty, beer (mmmmmm)in the student section if I wanted to, but unfortunately there are those that would buy alcohol for friends that were underage. So I have to drink it out in the concourse, I wish I didn't have to, but their reasoning for why I have to is good enough for me not to complain.


Note to writer (I hope he's not a journalism major): REA is NOT responsible for seating at Sioux hockey games (except when people are blocking the view of the suiteholders). And REA is not responsible for the no student drinking policy either.


I think it is stupid, personally I think the guy is whinning if you ask me. IF he doesn' t like it he can stand up all game in his living room.

Its pretty plain and simple and cut and dried, sit down or have your student seats moved. No offense if I had one of them over priced luxary box and I paid 25,000+ a season or what ever they pay I would like to be able to see the game. The almight dollar is going to win out...

Lastly being a student doesn't give one a birth right to stand up the whole game. Chearing obsenities all though funny is not socially exceptable. The reason I say this is that I many times last season looked over to see some moron(s) standing and not even watching the game, they were socializing and I doubt they were intimidating the opposition very much. Stand on break aways and after goals, cheer as loud as possible but have some common courtesy for other people around you, the people in the sections over cant see if you stand all game and really they did pay more for their seat than you did. Stand during the intermission but sit the hell down when the puck is moving, you can cheer sitting in your seat.


Sounds like you guys are going through the same pains as Gopher fans after the new Mariucci was built. Here's hoping that in the future both schools will find ways to get the atmosphere in the buildings closer to what they were before.

Sounds like you guys are going through the same pains as Gopher fans after the new Mariucci was built. Here's hoping that in the future both schools will find ways to get the atmosphere in the buildings closer to what they were before.

I agree, the atmosphere in both the old Mariucci and Eglestad was much better than the new respective arenas. The Gophers have seemed to deal with the lack of atmosphere the last few years, so to speak. Hopefully this year the Sioux will be able to cope as well.


How many times do we have to read "If it were not for the students, there would be no UND?"

Change the word "students" to "faculty", "alumni", "benefactors", "staff", "administration", "people of Grand Forks", or "state of North Dakota" and the statement would be no less true.

A real fan would go to the games and support their team with consideration for those around him or her. Please, Derrick, stay at home and pout. Use the time not to watch hockey on TV, but rather to reconsider your journalism major.



If the students who purport to be "fans" of the team are going to base their support on whether/where they can sit, stand, cheer or whathaveyou, I'd prefer they just do their whining at home and leave their seats to somebody else who can appreciate the sport. :glare:

We here at UND have a lot of pride when it comes to our hockey team, yet we are treated like second-rate fans when we enter those doors. First of all, we are the only school that doesn
Did the students feel like second rate fans at the old REA when they DID NOT have tickets behind the opposing goalies?

I am not looking to start a fight, but students could sit behind the opposing goalie for two periods at the old REA. Maybe Derrick wants to sit in the net so his voice can be heard. :glare:

I am not looking to start a fight, but students could sit behind the opposing goalie for two periods at the old REA.

I'm not picking a fight either, but directly behind the net at the old REA was a season ticket section. That was section 'A'. I am pretty positive that section 'B' was a season ticket section as well (possibly GA because of the band being in that section). I didn't sit there, so I can't say for sure. The student section then started across the next aisle, somewhere near the goal line extended. People have suggested that the students get 104, 105, and 106, "like in the old REA". Those same people probably never were IN the old REA, as those equivalent seats simply were not part of the student section, at least not since before the early 90's (with the exception of 106).


I am not looking to start a fight, but students could sit behind the opposing goalie for two periods at the old REA. Maybe Derrick wants to sit in the net so his voice can be heard. :glare:

This is categorically incorrect. Students did NOT sit directly behind the goalie in the old REA. Clayton hit it on the head. The two sections directly behind the net were reserved for season ticket holders.


At Old REA the students had one CORNER behind the opposing goaltender, not behind the net (I should know...I sat there).

Again though, students do feel we are treated like second class there (New REA). To be honest though, it has gotten better over the past year.


As much as students whine about poor treatment, they get pretty good treatment once they are in the arena. Outside the arena, they used to be treated like crap. It was at it's worst at the beginning of this year when we were all but ignored and then at the Wisconsin series all hell pretty much broke lose with a couple people getting injured. After that though, it got much better. So other then it kinda sucking to be outside, we really got nothing to complain about. And if you think about it, who made us get there so early? Nobody, so that was pretty much our own fault too. Wow, been done with school for about a month and I'm already going against the students. :glare:


Corner or end, whatever. I like to be on the side, so anything from the slot and back is the end to me. I liked the Pit Crew seats back then and I enjoy the seats where they are at now. I have to admit, I would would probably like the entire end like the Kohl Center in Madison, but that is not possible with REA. It really appears like there was no thought about the students standing when it was designed. You are supposed to think outside the box! :glare:


I wonder too if the (perceived or not) treatment of the students would have been better had not a student** fell at the hall of fame game. Although that was just one student's actions it probably gave the REA officials the idea that the students could/would get out of control; and they (REA) would prefer to err on the side of being too strict.

** now, maybe it wasn't a student, but from my recollection it was a student, right? or maybe it was an urban myth, spread by the REA officials as justification for their treatment of the students?


It was a student from Minot showing off for a girl, I believe. Anyway, his body was able to withstand the considerable fall due in part to his blood alcohol concentration (BAC) being over a .20, which is quite high. However, if his BAC was closer to 0.0 the fall probably wouldn't have happened at all!

It was a student from Minot showing off for a girl, I believe. Anyway, his body was able to withstand the considerable fall due in part to his blood alcohol concentration (BAC) being over a .20, which is quite high. However, if his BAC was closer to 0.0 the fall probably wouldn't have happened at all!

Ah, you can tell I'm old. Not only were my reading skills bad (blaming a UND student, when it's actually a magician) but when my significant other wants to show off for me it's: "you can pick the channel tonight" -- even drunk I doubt he'd try to do something as "spectacular" as a banister slide to impress me! :glare::angry:

Thank goodness the kid is okay.

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