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Some Sign Ideas!?!


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might want to save this one until saturday :lol: damn this is going to be a long next couple of days!!!

"Sacrifices." I'm hypersensitive to typos, being victimized by them so often myself.

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Just a couple that popped into my head...

Sioux Stomp Eagles - Wicked Hahhhdd!

What's the difference between a baked potato and Bob Norton's Nose? No, really.

Boston Tea Party my ass!

Extinction coming for Eagles!

Boston Co--ege Eag-es. Knock the "L" out of them!

Kick'em in the junk!

Panzer was Robbed!

From the movie Stripes..."Ziskey rates the Eagles...they're pussies!"

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Here's a sign idea for tonight:

At least I'm not at my stupid brother-in-laws wedding rehersal tonight.

Oh and here's one for Saturday if the boys make it:

Why did NORGE's brother-in-law pick today to get married.

Lesson: Never commit without getting dates first!

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The "Me So Chorney" sign now has Taylor's autograph on it :silly:

I'm not a huge fan of any of the Nazi people that work at the Pepsi Center. They were a great help in having a bad experience while in the arena.

I'm pretty sure Colorado has more socialists and Marxists than Nazis, but that's just my opinion.

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The "Me So Chorney" sign now has Taylor's autograph on it :silly:

I'm not a huge fan of any of the Nazi people that work at the Pepsi Center. They were a great help in having a bad experience while in the arena.

the nazi ticket checkers are fixed with saying "Sprechen Sie nicht Englisch" and walking away.

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