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Everything posted by siouxguyinstpaul

  1. I believe Danny is Wild property - not sure about the other guy.
  2. They both will be gone a week from today.
  3. Its replayed on FCSP tomorrow (Monday) night at 10:00 for those that get that channel.
  4. Thought so - some Goofer guys I work with bought tickets 2 weeks ago and are in the upper deck - best available at the time. They must have just made these available. Well those that know me know I don't sit on my hands and I'll fit right in with the Sioux Crew. Maybe I'll get a T-shirt.
  5. I got my tickets this morning - section 109, row C - is that the student section?
  6. No we don't - but I want them to correct it, print up 20,000 more, have Tony Espozito(sp) sign them and mail one to every ticket holder.
  7. Naw - it wasn't on purpose but of course it shouldn't have happened either though. I guarantee you there would be hell to pay if the goofs were listed as " U of M Crookston" There should be hell to pay as it is as your right - they shouldn't have been passed out.
  8. Tim Skarperud - that guy could flat out fly.
  9. I disagree - sure his antics at times may not help the team, it is pretty obvious to me that he is the inspirational and emotional leader that the "A" needs to be. Besides, isn't that a player elected position?
  10. Shouldn't be a problem. On Monday, I heard that there were out going flights delayed as MSP was down to one runway - but I don't believe any incoming flights were diverted. Also, we got more snow that day than is expected tonight and tomorrow. The drive from Bloomington or Eagan to downtown will be slow though as this town does not move unless the weather and road conditions are perfect. See you here.
  11. Thank you - I tried a search for HEPA and I learned alot - about vacumes woops - did another and it looks like it's actually HIPAA
  12. sounds kind of like me - but it can't be as you didn't say "always has a beer in his hand"
  13. If I didn't live in St. Paul - I would join you.
  14. Of course - I'm sure it was just a slip - GO DOGS
  15. Club 25 - I haven't seen my seats since the move to the X though as I usually stand at the rail.
  16. I'll be in the Parade that St. Paul puts on for the Sioux every year that starts at noon. Look for the ND jacket (or hostile and abusive kelly green jersey if warm enough) in the Metro Transit group. Then I'll probably find a bar.
  17. Can't you guys still come down on Thursday as originally planned?
  18. Leaving now and returning tomorrow AM (staying with my son tonight) - love GF but will have to drive in some snow it looks like - at least folks that don't live in the cities know how to drive. GO SIOUX - GO DOGS
  19. Serious - I don't have tickets yet, but from the looks of last night's attendance, shouldn't be too much of a problem getting them at the door. I also have friends and family there if need be.
  20. wish I could join you there - but leaving for GF in a few minutes GO SIOUX and DOGS
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