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Everything posted by siouxguyinstpaul

  1. "The Gophers are the most pompous organization in the country" says Patrick Ruesse this morning on KSTP. They were a victim of poor coaching, their own arrogance and are now old news- lets move on.
  2. If they go totally neutral - they get 1/2 the attendance. Semi neutral, like the X and what we saw in Green Bay this weekend is a joke if they think that is fair to all teams.
  3. Working til noon = then next stop sec. 109 row C
  4. Nice - I'll definately keep this one instead of scruntching it up in front of the X people - I knew it wasn't their fault - but at that moment, I had to show my severe displeasure to someone.
  5. Gopher fans don't even go to their own consolation games.
  6. Nice try yourself. There may have been 16,000 tickets sold to that game - there were not even close to 16,000 folks in the stands and the last two championships were definately NOT packed. Why are you here anyway? You should stay where folks may believe your posts - even though they know it may not be accurate.
  7. My son says the U of M is staying at the Holiday Inn. Sorry, that would be Michigan - the REAL U of M no idea where the other u of m is staying
  8. This morning DH stills says day-to-day and also said that he gets some funny looks when he says this. Day-to-day 3 days before gametime does seem alittle odd - all we can say is that he is not a for certain scratch - I bet he plays.
  9. they tried to burn Dinky town down the next year too - even when the games were out of town. I know all too well as I had to detour buses around the area - twice go Holy Cross and GO SIOUX
  10. They probably cancelled because they found out the hockey tourney was in town the same night.
  11. My seat is in sec. 109, row C. In the student section I believe and pretty close to the ice. Tough to see the whole rink at times I imagine
  12. Me too with the Sioux logos - but I'm afraid that I can't leave until around noon - damn work
  13. Didn't we win the Great Lakes Tourney a couple of years ago as well. It was a down year - but we won that trophy anyway.
  14. I would think that he would not miss these games if at all humanly possible - but everybody probably thinks the same.
  15. I know - I was being facetious as I wished the games were earlier. I didn't mean anything by it.
  16. Is 8:30 still prime time? Maybe if your watching it on the left coast.
  17. We won't have WCHA officials this weekend will we? And if not, whom do we get and how would they differ from our regular crew?
  18. WHAT? Thats a long time - 5:30 to 11:00
  19. My son is the night/weekend asst. mgr. at the Holiday Inn and as of this morning - one of them will be staying there - but he didn't know which one yet. During the regular season - the visiting teams almost always stay there - must give them a pretty good deal.
  20. I'll probably be rolling into town around 5 and heading straight for The Ralph. Southgate on Saturday sounds good to me though.
  21. nope - Danny and that other guy.
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