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Everything posted by HeidiSioux62

  1. Hockey Day in Canada is tomorrow (as well as Hockey Day in Minnesota). CBC is hosting it from Winkler Manitoba (which is basically right across the border). Winkler is where Dustin Penner is from and Ed Belfour played his junior hockey. Ed's son Dayne also plays for Winkler and they will be showing high-lites from the Winkler/Selkirk game on CBC. There's a nice article on Winkler on NHL.com. http://www.nhl.com/nhl/app/?service=page&a...rticleid=352367 I had to kind of chuckle at this quote: "After years of being a
  2. Really nice video of Jon on the Blackhawks site. http://blackhawks.nhl.tv/team/console?type...0&catid=396
  3. No kidding. My mother is an english teacher and after listening to her constantly correcting me throughout my life my eyes dart right to those.
  4. Not always. Especially the way the stockmarket is these days.
  5. Talk about HALOS!!! http://nc.startribune.com/blogs/gophers/?p=360 Quote:
  6. He back to skating on his own. Is suposed to join the team in Calgary tomorrow and is scheduled to play in the Columbus game on the 13th. YEAH!!
  7. Don't think so. He's not listed as having been drafted on the DU site of the WCHA site. http://wcha.cstv.com/genrel/stats.html?0708/iros/denm
  8. Jonathan is still 4th in scoring on the Blackhawks and he's been out for a month. WOW
  9. Wasn't sure where to put this, so I'll just stick it here. Watching the Sabres/Devils game and heard an interesting comment during intermission. The broadcasters were talking with the Sabre's GM and they asked him about two of the college draft picks that they have. It was Gerbe and someone else (didn't catch his name), but the GM said that this other player was "a more complete player" than Gerbe.
  10. How fun would that be!!!!! 15 goals and that's just one apiece for the players picked.
  11. I love the chant they had when they were consistantly at the bottom of the league and couldn't win a game to save their soul. When the other team would score they would yell: "That's all right. That's OK, You'll all work for us one day!!!"
  12. I know nothing about the Wisco band, but I sat right behind the Tech band two years ago at the Final Five. As Sioux-Cia said the Tech team wasn't playing, but the band was great and they were having a blast. It was a hoot to sit behind them. Not only did they play fun stuff, they had a lot of great cheers and one liners. I wish I could remember them. Guess I'm getting old.
  13. Better be careful Sioux-Hockey-Fan and make sure Miller is dressed for the game. He probably will be with Zajac out, but better check Brad's blog before game time to make sure.
  14. Nah. We're too busy cheering the stick salute to rush out of the building.
  15. What in the world is going on with Bo? He's scratched again tonight for the Ducks game.
  16. Those guys from versus REALLY like Zach. Just about everytime he touched the puck they were pointing out how strong he was on the puck, how hard he worked, how well he saw the ice etc. It was kind of funny.
  17. Just finished watching the Edmonton (Matt Greene) / Calgary (David Hale) game. Man, those two teams like each other about as much as we like minny. Total of 59 penalty minutes for Calgary and 34 for Edmonton. Still a little short of our game on Sat, but then again, they had refs who actually called penalties prior to the game getting out of hand. By the way, both Matt and David had nice games. Both played on the PP and the PK. I was surprised Matt didn't play as much as he did prior to the broken leg, maybe he still working his way back to 100%.
  18. OK, let me put on my green glasses and adjust my halo. There got it. While I think Hak's move was stupid, I'm not sure why his action deserves a suspension more than Anderson's grabbing of a Duluth player or the actions of the AR with Malone. There seems to be a different standard being applied.
  19. Duncan
  20. Hey Hashomey You changed your avatar back - just when I was using it to make a point. Please change it back.
  21. How is he not being responsible for his actions? What more would you have him do? He screwed up, owned up the fact that he screwed up, issued a formal, public apology and said it would never happen again. You bet we would be all over Lucia if he did it (and if you look at Hakshomey's avatar he apparently has) but many on this board have also said that Hak shouldn't have let his emotions get the best of him. It was a stupid move but in my opinion anyway, a far less egregious act than Eaves "calling out" Hak after the Wisconsin game earlier this year or Jutting and his assistant "calling out" the refs last year and having to be escorted away by the cops.
  22. It would kill me to pull for the goofers, but it really would be best for us if they did sweep. History of teams we've swept (I know we didn't sweep MN, but took 3 points) over the last few weeks bodes well for the goofs. Swept Mich Tech, they came out and swept the next team, swept Mankato, they came out and swept the next team and swept UAA and they came out and got 3 points the next weekend. If by chance the goofs have a good weekend next week, they should probably send our boys a thank you card.
  23. I thought I heard Tim say last weekend that TJ was finally health and then during the post game last night Tim and Hak talked cryptically about TJ being injured again. Anybody know if he got hurt again in the UAA series or the UM series?
  24. While I will gladly take the 3 points that Minnesota gave us this weekend, I am concerned that we were not able to chase these guys from the building this weekend. This MN team is not that good. I know that you throw all the stats, etc out in a rivalry like this one, but this is two weekends in a row that we didn't play anywhere near to what we are capable of and this is going to really hurt us in the long run. If we really think we can "SKATE TO 8" this year, we're going to have to get much more consistant and be much more forceful about playing SIOUX hockey and not the hockey of whatever team we're playing.
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