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Everything posted by gundy1124

  1. I did some research concerning the stable of stallions- Word on the UAB kid is he's an angry runner....I like the sound of that. Simmons has applied for a hardship, and the NCAA looks at these on a case by case basis. I think he has a good case. That said, his shoulder isn't healing as well as the Dr's would like and it's up in the air as to his status going forward. With that, we hope to bring in another 2015 football ready running back from JUCO or FBS ranks, much to the dismay of queenranch.
  2. Agreed, I will take what we have going compared to last year. With all the wisdom floating around here, Simmons played 6-7 quarters of ball last year before his injury.......and chance of a hardship, meaning 2 years eligibility left?
  3. Well, there it is on twitter. Arrington has virtually no stats from last year, very limited carries........
  4. With all those RBs listed 1 word comes to mind......unproven. That's not saying a guy can't have a break-out year, but this position will be a big question mark until game day. I hope to see one more JUCO or FBS option at RB, and that is with the assumption Arrignton is on board. Unless Sharp is packing on the muscle and increasing agility and toughness, he's not an option.
  5. I made that point before that with limited scholarships things even out. SU has an established roster taking up money, without infinite scholarships, you run out of money trying to keep upper classmen happy while having enough to get all the recruits you want. I am surprised Ellefson is the #8 player in MN, I think that is too high given the competition. As always, just an opinion and recruiting is part speculation with projection, hope, and wishful thinking.
  6. Momoh will be an OLB coming off the edge......a lot. The inexact science of recruiting. In the 90's UND had a highly touted Mask kid and a guy that was second fiddle, Riendeau. Just one of so many examples of how all teams miss on big recruits and hit on lesser recruits. It seems like the Thielen kid from DL was missed although UND and NDSU were told the kid is a late bloomer. UND probably had to take a few 'flyers' last year considering the time table. I expect this recruiting class to be more of a foundation for years to come.
  7. I have only been following Sioux Sports Forum for around a year, posting less than a year. But I do have good connections and would prefer to converse with fellow supporters and not hear from the SU 1% club, which consists of the most arrogant and annoying. I am in favor of some monitoring. And with that I will await the responses from the idiots on how UND fans are more arrogant and annoying........
  8. Orange jacket and white hat at middle of the field celebration, that's me. Big fist fight the night before the game in bar parking lot against Grand Valley Alum, me too. Good times-
  9. Everything said that day was so ever true. Thanks for that-
  10. Yep, no doubt you earned it and should be proud. NDSU has reached the status of Montana in which every benefit will be given to these 2 teams to ensure either a bye or first round home game. I have no problem with this, it's earned on the field and with ticket sales. But, UND hasn't played an NFL team and never will. NDSU has played 2 road play-off games, 1-1, and will eventually play another road play-off game. That's the difference. To point out it's hard to play on the road vs. 12 or so home play-off games is just a fact. I don't know why some SU guys monitoring this site are so insecure about this. I am done pointing out the facts. Time to go pheasant hunting with the Cogswell Cannon. Roll Bearkats!!
  11. Mr. Thin Skin, want to put some money on it. We could have it fact checked. Sports analysts, coaches, and players talk every week about home field advantage. I don't need a lecture on what players think.
  12. Bison Championship seasons, zero road victories and counting!! No one with a brain considers neutral site games road games. We are beating a dead horse on this point.
  13. And I did verify that 2 of these signings count against last years numbers. So, we still have spots open for 29 more players......might help a little.
  14. Gasp for air!!! You mean the Bison didn't mold Turner from a lump of crap into an NFL player!! Current players all said he was the best athlete on the team....could throw the ball 70 yards was one interesting tidbit. Thanks for your honest and very reliable post.
  15. My folks wouldn't even let me talk to NDSU......Rocky was crashing and burning at that time.
  16. So you are leaving us a triangle between Grand Forks, International Falls, and Walhalla. Then throw in Canada, Alaska, the north pole, and maybe Iceland and that's the only places NDSU will allow us to recruit? Thanks Turd, I mean Herd. The broad moronic brush of NDSU fans is nauseating. Al Gore and the Wright Brothers..........something to think about. (Al Gore invented the internet) In spite of the MVFC being the strongest conference this year there is still something about the Big Sky that kids connect with.
  17. Please tell us more. I guess we should drop football cause the king of idiots said UND has gone away. You don't honestly wonder why people chuckle when you post?
  18. Dear Bison Faithful- You speculate on recruiting classes their freshman year, the measurement of a recruiting class will always be right after the final game of a recruiting classes senior year. If NDSU had 100 full rides to give your fairy tale of eternal dominance of FCS could be augured. But, you don't. Limited scholarships limits the talent level.....you can't expect a kid to take a walk-on or half ride compared to a better offer at SDSU, UND, or UNI because 2 years prior SU smoked Delaware St. after College Gameday in Fargo. And some students may actually care about a college degree.......or does SU dominate with that, too. With limited scholarships, limited playing field opportunities, injuries, a kid simply not panning out, coaching changes, etc. on the variables it isn't possible to avoid adversity in a program. I don't care about the one recruit that took this over that and that means whatever.......NDSU has had an amazing run, maybe a little grace and humility could balance out the arrogance once in a while. Is that too much to ask?
  19. I think we are at 3 signings today, 2 are public.....was hoping for more but let's look at where we are compared to last year.......we didn't even have a coach yet.
  20. Cause I am clearly a Doctorate of football and you are in Pop Warner if you don't understand what I have already said about it......... So throw your stat sheets away and continue sipping on your soy based latte at Starbucks.
  21. silly to even discuss- so many variables.......like SU had a ball control offense and UND was down to a 3rd string red shirt pulled freshman at QB with only 1 healthy RB.
  22. Hilarious, just having a little fun with that one- knowing you couldn't handle it.
  23. Different schemes, different philosophies, different conference style of opponents dipsmack- I don't know how you would compare so it's a pretty silly comment.
  24. So 2 Bison faithful agreeing makes a statement true......good one. Shouldn't you guys be focusing on scheduling SMU next year for another premium FBS win? (SMU finished ranked 128 out of 128 teams, has to be an attractive option) (Iowa St. finished 116)
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