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Posts posted by Sioux94

  1. 4 minutes ago, UND-FB-FAN said:

    UND lost by 21 to one of the worst Nebraska teams of all time … not happy with that. I’m glad (sort of) that you are, I guess …

    Where in my comment did I say I was happy losing to Nebraska by 21???   I didn't say I was happy with it.  But you did say....you don't even think Bubba would have the team ready to play/compete in that game.  As in it would be a one sided game from the opening kickoff, we were tied at half.  I'm not happy with the end result and final score....but our guys were ready to play.  Let's see how you can spin my comments next about how I've got a losers mentality. 

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  2. 1 hour ago, UND-FB-FAN said:

    No, not just win. That’s a loser’s mentality. Too much of that lately.

    Win by a lot. It’s a 1-7 team for God’s sake. Grow the confidence as playoffs loom.

    Coming from the guy that thinks we will end up 6-5.  Total Losers mentality right there!  You're judgemental arrogance get's sickening after awhile.  You think we are going to go 6-5 but yet if we say just win baby, all of the sudden we are all losers with losers mentality and you are the only one who is positive and a true winner.  You're a piece of work.    

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  3. 54 minutes ago, UND-FB-FAN said:

    Many you’re negative. Debbie downer. 

    I hope UND will beat NDSU. 

    You hope UND will beat NDSU...really....wow wish I did (sarcasm).  Negative because I don't think we will probably go down and score on our first two possessions at NDSU, ok.  This coming from the guy who said......he doesn't even think our team will be ready to play against Nebraska.....ok got it.  

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  4. 3 hours ago, Dustin said:

    First 2 drives, for sure. 

    Would love it if we could have two drives to start the game like that against NDSU, but doubt it will happen. Offense has started games pretty well this year though. 

  5. 3 hours ago, SIOUXFAN97 said:

    over under on rushing yds for the good guys


    im taking the over

    35-24 und


    Given they average giving up about that on the ground, and the crappy weather conditions (meaning we will probably run more than normal).....we better get at least that or we are in trouble.   Checking the hourly forecast for tomorrow, hope we win the toss and can defer, looks like chance or rain will be less in the second half. 

  6. 3 hours ago, The Sicatoka said:

    In the SDSU/NDSU game, SDSU had the better defense. NDSU defense was having trouble with angles and wrapping up. 

    Not saying I disagree with you, but lets remember the NDSU offense was going through the SDSU defense like warm butter to start the game.  If not for that dumb pass that got picked they would likely have hung 28 points on SDSU in the first half, and that is with NDSU's supposedly inferior offense to SDSU.  

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  7. 1 hour ago, shep said:

    I like when Smith and Red get outside the tackles and on screens.

    I don't think we've seen Red on a true sweep lately either, might not be a bad time for one.  I think on those Tommy just kinda pushes the ball up and forward slightly, if he bobbles it and drops it.....incomplete pass.  

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  8. 41 minutes ago, geaux_sioux said:

    I swear to God people, Quincy is NOT a running qb. He’s large and strong and has been great at grinding out those qb sneaks but he is a POCKET PASSER. Watch his hudl film. 

    I never said he was Eric Crouch.  I meant if weather conditions are horrible he could come in and power run up the middle and possible get 3-4 yards on occasion.  It's turf though so it's not going to be like it's a sloppy muddy field.  It's mostly going to have to be on the OL and Hoos to get it done though, and maybe more Ziebarth than normal this week. 

  9. 37 minutes ago, sioux24/7 said:

    I don’t think this is popular amongst all (especially the crowd that would rather have someone with no connection to UND or even the area) but I’m all in on Freund being the heir apparent and I kind of think that may be the plan, although I have zero knowledge on that. 

    I'd be ok with that too.  Danny has a very peppy and upbeat personality and I think players would really love to play for him and buy in.  Also, if that did happen I would hope it would happen immediately and not have to go through that 30 day window and watch a ton of transfers occur in the meantime.  

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  10. 1 hour ago, geaux_sioux said:

    I don’t trust Tommy throwing into a strong wind. He’s a finesse thrower without a very tight spiral. Kinda like manning. And he had major struggles in weather games.

    We may have to watch those long WR screen type passes out wide in the wind if there are any defenders close to line of scrimmage ;)

    The scramble drill type of pass plays may become pretty dicey.  Seems like on a lot of those he has to loft them in there, and generally does so perfectly....but with a 30 mph wind those perfectly lofted type of throws could hang and get picked.  

    Maybe we see a bit more of Quincy in for running, or maybe even Romfo for a play or two.  That said, don't get too cute unless you really need to. 

  11. I guess that is at least one good thing about most of our passes being short, maybe still be able to complete some of those.  If it is that windy.....and some showers, that sounds like about as bad of conditions as you can get.  Definitely have to hang onto the ball! 

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  12. 53 minutes ago, UND Fan said:

    Don't think he got a raw deal other than we were unable to pay him what he received to move to SDSU!

    I might be wrong, but I believe he was our OC the last year under Muss.  So when Muss got fired they let everyone go other than Freund.  Luke appears to be doing quite well and moving up the ranks.  But he has also surely gained a lot more knowledge in the last 10 years working for one of the better offenses in the FCS (SDSU).   With his experience at the time, I don't think any FCS school would have made him their OC when we did, but we were familiar with him and got him cheaper than most FCS coordinators were getting paid at the time.   He appears to be doing really well at Idaho now though, well the Idaho team is doing really well I haven't really looked at their offense specifically but it all goes hand in hand.  Is he a better OC than Danny, it could turn out to be that he is, but who knows.  I do think Danny is a pretty good OC though, even though I get frustrated with him at times.   Maybe if Danny got elevated to Head Coach, he would try to recruit Luke as OC.  Which I'm sure he would only  take it if we paid him more than Idaho and if it appeared to be a step up for him in general.

  13. So the defense has obviously been a disappointment this year.  Snowball effect of having young corners on one end and also just not getting much pressure on the QB to help out the secondary.  Holinka at times in the past, many of us thought he was maybe better than Schmidt so far as defensive coordinator and/or thought maybe he would be the one to get the nod as head coach over Freund when that time came.  I don't think a coach goes from being a good coordinator one year to a bad coordinator the next year.  Since I don't think a coach goes from being good to bad in a year, are the players just not making plays?  I think it is probably more that than anything.  I don't know the answers or what can be done to change it, but usually when the defense performs poorly you look at DC, so you do have to look at that in a sense (I don't mean canning Holinka).  As some others have said, at this point in the season we are what we are, and our defense just isn't that good......and we are going to have to win despite of it, get some timely stops....etc..


  14. 3 hours ago, UND-FB-FAN said:

    Care to stick your neck out? 

    I wouldn't say you really stuck your neck out.  You said 6-5...but if we go 7-4 we make the playoffs and everyone is happy and your comment is mostly forgotten.  But if we do go 6-5 you get to rail on it...on a weekly basis the entire off season about how you are the only one who has high expectations etc. etc. etc.  Very low risk high reward statement for you saying we will go 6-5.  

    If we do end up 6-5, you won't be the only one who is pretty pissed off/upset. 

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  15. 5 hours ago, UND-FB-FAN said:

    Something that brought a tear to my eye yesterday … return of the traditional green helmet, green jersey*, white pants. I’ll take a ton more of that, please. Thanks. 

    *yes, I understand the style of the jersey with white shoulders is a bit goofy, but still the best overall look. Next time, have Adidas just give us nice clean all KELLY green jerseys with white numerals, black outline. 

    Normally my favorite uniform is the traditional green jersey with white pants. But I forgot how much I don't like those new green tops with the dumb white on the shoulders.  I think our black jerseys are our best ones now at this point. 

    Game was far from perfect, but a win is a win.  

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