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Posts posted by Sioux94

  1. 2 hours ago, Outsider said:

    Win :) 


    Nah, really, just be ready for us to spread the ball around.  Jeremiah Dobbins has been our #1 RB the last few weeks, but Anthony Smith may be back by Saturday.  Either one of those can do damage.  Heck, Banks and Davion Johnson will slide in there occasionally and send one off.  Kobe Clark is our workhorse wide receiver, but you will see Golightly and others get their fair share of throws.  I haven't noticed any mouthpiece tells yet :) We are used to getting blitzed, even with our young OL, so that won't catch us off guard.  You'll get some penetration, but like I said earlier McIvor can run it as well and has been known to get a first down or two.

    Oh we know we won't catch you off guard by blitzing, I'm sure your coaches are preparing for it. But handling a wide variety of blitzing in live action can be a different thing. You could burn is a few times on it, but from our end we'll hope we get home a few times in big spots.  Our sack numbers have been lower than expected this year though so we'll see. 

  2. Even though the crowd will be a lot less this week, I want to see our players come out fired up and ready to play right out of the gate......and continue playing with fire the whole game.  Their OL is young, blitz the heck out of them as Kelly mentioned in the podcast.  And oh yeah....Kelly....we like your rants on the podcast....no need to cut them short! 

    • Upvote 3
  3. 8 hours ago, SIOUXFAN97 said:

    see above post 

    2 wins against winning teams....2 against losing teams and 1 win against a 500 team.......

    What are the records of the other QB's in the MFVC other than the SU's since 2020, or include the SU's if you want.  My guess there would probably be 3....maybe 4 that are better.  

  4. 1 hour ago, Midwestern Hawk said:

    Just stop with the talent thing.  We lost on Saturday because we turned the ball over 3 times and gave the game away.  Win a few of these BIG games and the portal will be your friend.  We gave the Jacks a pick 6 and they started 3 drives inside our 20 yard line. 


    The 2 previous games vs SDSU we won and and lost the other by a TD and had a chance late.

    Talent is just an excuse.

    I think most everyone would say SDSU at this point has bigger/more talented players than us. at this point.  However, we did beat them in Spring 2020 and very close on the road last fall.  Actually, to me that says our coaches must be pretty good if we have slightly inferior talent but can still win.  Hopefully that means as they continue to build the quality of that talent and when we are equal in talent we will be able to win more often than we lose when we play the SU's.  Just because I'm saying that doesn't mean I think that I think Bubba is the best coach in the world.  I actually don't think his contract should have been extended when it was, and unless we have some playoff success this year and next year, I hope it's not.  But I'm not going to rip on the coaches every single time a player makes a mistake etc..  But because some of us don't rip on the coaches and program non-stop, a few of you love claiming that the rest of us love .500 football.  Which is about as true as when we say you aren't a real fan.  Neither of those are true, we are all big fans, we all want and expect to start getting some conference titles and ultimately a National Championship. 

    Actually I think this fall you haven't been that bad.  Last year you were ripping on Tommy and his arm....3-4 times a week.  Tommy has shown he is a pretty productive FCS QB, especially this year now that he is running a little more and I think even you see he's a pretty good QB. Doesn't mean he is perfect, deep balls are still a struggle for sure and that has been frustrating.  And the thing is, it's not necessarily due to arm strength all of the time.  The first play against SDSU he over threw the ball so it wasn't that.  

    • Upvote 2
  5. 3 hours ago, Sioux>Bison said:

    So did we burn Caden’s shirt yet?

    I might be wrong but I think that was his 4th game. Unless they plan on using him a lot more I hope they don't burn it. However I think since they have already played him 4 games I think they are going to burn it. 

  6. 1 hour ago, SIOUXFAN97 said:

    what i'm hinting it the db being so close to the line is ....what if SDAC's DC watched a ton of tape and found a "tell" of Danny's like in the movies Rounders....if they do this formation and from top to bottom it's maag, bo, and red....95% of the time they run "x" play from that formation with those three going 1,2,3 from the top...so the DC sees Danny's tell (the oreo) and signals to the DB (who signals something to his teammate as he creeps closer to the line) to jump that route...bingo pick 6 and Matt Damon is back to even!!!!!!


    There was only 1 defender within 5 yards of the LOS.  There is no route to jump if the WR even gets a slight block on the DB.  Even if DB does a crappy block, it's probably a completion but a gain of only 1 or 2 yards.  But if the WR gets half way decent block it's an easy gain of 3-5 yards. 

  7. 20 minutes ago, homer said:

    Again, if that’s what you want them to be and hoping for……

    Youngstown, UNI and ACU would all be better wins than most 7-4 teams could bring to the table assuming our 3 wins to get there are the next 3 games.  

    Win the last one (which I believe we can) and it’s a no brainer.  

    7-4 puts UND in for sure despite what some would like to see happen. 

    Even though I started wondering if we would be in at 7-4, I think we are in.  That year we didn't get in....I believe was the year we had the crappy loss to a 1-2 win Idaho State team at home.  We have zero bad losses this year and will have beaten everyone we should have.  Also, us pounding Missouri State may have set in the for them the beginning of their demise.   

    • Upvote 1
  8. Finally went back and watched the Pick 6 play.  Yeah...wow what a mess up by the WR who should have blocked the guy right in front of him.  That was not a bad decision by Tommy, if the WR blocks that guy just a little we get 4-5 yards on that play.  

  9. As much as I hate to say it, thinking we might be better off with NDSU winning the next 3 weeks to make our game against them bigger/more important.  If they get beat again before we play them, and then we get beat by them.....that loss looks worse.  

    Do we want UNI to win or lose?  USD beating SIU makes our loss seem a little worse, if UNI beats them also...also helps makes that loss not look good.   UNI still plays SDSU, so I don't think they will beat SDSU and therefore wouldn't get to 7-4.   Although if SIU loses, and then lose to NDSU then they are at 6-5 and would be out.   I think SIU will be fired up back at home next weekend and likely win.  SIU plays at Youngstown the last game of the season, that will be a pivotal game if Youngstown is sitting at 6 wins going into that one.  

  10. 4 hours ago, UND-FB-FAN said:

    That Covid-19 season was a unique one. Very unfortunate UND didn’t carry over the momentum to the 2021 fall season, considering majority of team returned. In my opinion, that was an absolute travesty in terms of coaching blunders. 

    If I remember correctly, 2 OLineman decided not to come back for their extra fall season, plus Hergel had left as well.  Losing those 3 starters on the OL had a huge impact, we could not gain a yard on the ground when we needed to. We probably averaged -1 yard on 2nd and short running plays.  We were in all of the games, but lost too many of them....fumbles etc..  

  11. Getting YSU to 7 wins would be nice as that would then be a high quality road win for us.  Seems crazy people are saying the MVFC would only get 3 teams in.  Like really....some of the other teams in those cream puff conferences should get in over the 4th best MVFC team?  I wouldn't mind getting some style points in at least one of the games the next three weeks.  That said, I'm more worried about us slipping up somewhere....but at least two of them are at home.  Also have to show we belong when we play at NDSU, an upset would be even better. 

  12. My thoughts.....as others mentioned.....them getting so much pressure with just their front four really made us ineffective.  Although, not sure why we were so much more effective in the first half.  Obviously they made some adjustments, but would be curious what their major adjustment was.  I'm hoping this game eats at our players.......and makes us a better team the rest of the way.  Defense played better than expected, I'm not taking any moral victories but that was good to see because we've still got 4 games left, and we need to win at least 3 of them.  SDSU is just flat out a good team and deserves #1 ranking.  We had such a great start, but obviously way...way too many mistakes to beat a team as talented as they are.  

    A few weeks ago I said we are for sure in at 7-4, but it has been such a weird season this year.  At the time us destroying Missouri State I thought was huge.....now it doesn't really mean much.  The NDSU game will probably have some impact on the selection committee, if we lose....is the game tight, or do we get bulled over right from the start.  Obviously I want to win, but we have to look like we belong when we play them the last week of the season. 

    Agree with some of the others as far as my feelings about SDSU, watching that dude smile on the sidelines and their other personal fouls etc..  I might now be rooting for them to choke again, unless it's against NDSU.  

    We'll see how the team responds next weekend when the crowd will be much smaller and not nearly the hype for the game, will the team be lethargic or will they come out fired up.  Don't let this SDSU loss beat you twice! 

    • Upvote 1
  13. 1 minute ago, Dustin said:

    This boils down to Tommy and the offense not playing the game they needed to play.  Hard to fault the defense too much when the other team is gifted so much. The next we play them will be different. 

    Agree, defense did what they needed to do.  That pick 6 and then zero offense in 2nd half....offense let us down.  

    • Upvote 1
  14. Just now, SWSiouxMN said:

    Partially blocked punt!

    Could this be the turning point?

    One big play and a TD sure would turn the momentum and put some pressure back on them.  Also would get the crowd back in it when they are on offense.  

    • Upvote 2
  15. 1 minute ago, Midwestern Hawk said:

    Much different now that we are behind than when we were up by 14.  That’s when you pound it with your biggest back.

    Disagree, we were scoring in the first half when we were mixing it up, not necessarily feeding the Hoos.  SDSU is giving up like 67 yards rushing a game, and all of the sudden we have a bunch of Rudy's on the board and we want to pound the rock all day long.  

    • Upvote 3
  16. 1 minute ago, forksandspoons said:

    Because you wear teams down who are banged up and played back to back road games, eventually busting a big one 

    Hard to wear a team out when you go 3 and out and our offense is on the bench.  Yes give Hoos  some carries, but sprinkled in with a mix of other plays.  

  17. Just now, forksandspoons said:

    Best player on the field has 9 carries… 

    And he's averaging like 3.1 yards a carry.  We does everyone want to pound the Hoos when it's not there.  It can be there if we open it up with some passing.  

  18. Ok...now it's a game.  I'm f'ing pissed about some of the things that happened in first half, but a this point....who cares.....let's go make some damn plays now and win this!! I'm gonna bitch about the first half after the game. 

  19. 5 minutes ago, SWSiouxMN said:

    Perhaps USD isn't dead, tied at 24 with SIU in the 4th quarter

    YSU up 10-7 at the half over WIU

    in the knockout game, UNI up 14-0 on Mo State

    Such a weird year this year, if SIU gets knocked off all of the sudden they don't look as good nationally.  The way things are playing out, it's making the MVFC not looking as good as normal, may hurt us when comes to playoff rankings.  But it's not like Montana looked good last week in the Big Sky either.  

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