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Mama Sue

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Everything posted by Mama Sue

  1. Some college teams do not have the players take the field until AFTER the National Anthem. If we have to not play the National Anthem because of some childish behavior.... that is sad. It says something about our society.
  2. Excellent post...enough said!
  3. Do you have a link to that article?
  4. People in MN do not care or believe about a lot of this... the state is sooo divided and Minneapolis burned... elected officials ignored it. Businesses are closing all over... ND and SD look good to us. Our gov called outstate MN “just rocks and cows” and insulted our National Guard as a “bunch of 19 year old cooks.” Apathy is worse than negative behavior..... I did not watch the game but if the Bison took a knee NOT GOOD. Bad enough in pro sports but not college. Total reflection on the school and coaches. Sports should not be a political statement... but I am old, crotchety, and conservative. Did the Fourm have anything about this?
  5. And ALL of MN...and for sure Minneapolis after Nero let Rome burn
  6. Minneapolis paper sports section this morning: “Twenty some scouts will watch NDSU QB Trey Lance I perhaps his final college game on Sunday.” Speculation on whether or not he will go pro.....
  7. Mid-American Conference is back... a short season. Is there hope?
  8. MN State High School League votes 14 to 4 to allow high school football and volleyball in MN! Yes.... start recruiting again. GO UND!
  9. This would make sense...
  10. Someone has already filed a lawsuit about students not being able to play....
  11. Big Ten just reversed decision about no fall football. Mn State High School League is meeting as this is typed to decide about fall football....
  12. Many groups have sued Gov Walz. A youth hockey association sued to be able to have summer youth sports and won. High schools are protesting the MN State Hifh School League’s decision. Who would have thought the Packers and Vikings would okay in an empty stadium, ever? Generally, people in MN have had enough!
  13. Comments were that people were more concerned about COVID spreading than the score.
  14. I am still in mourning over the fall season.... no opinion until Nov. or Dec. GO UND
  15. Well they are talking about the new data about the heart... this is not coronary artery disease ( heart attacks and stents) but myocarditis. Myocarditis affects the actual muscle of the heart, causing heart failure like symptoms, many times in young people. When it is bacterial, it can be treated with antibiotics. Viral myocarditis... which is not too common and can happen with any viral infection, is not easily treated if at all. Now a days, anyone will sue anybody for any reason.... the transmission would have to be “proved” on the team and the college found negligent, or so I was told, With so many unknowns about the virus, this may be hard to prove. But people would try!!!! But who or what do you believe? It is just a cluster and may change sports for a long time... I hope not.
  16. I thought it was a mess but cluster is a better word.... “High profile college sports lawyer TOM Mars told Sports Illustrated last week: Whatever conference(s) decides to play football this fall will be taking a ridiculously high risk they may soon regret. I know and have talked with some of the best plaintiff’s lawyers in the country this week, and they’re praying the ESC, Big 12 and/or ACC are greedy enough to stay the course. These are lawyers who have already slain bigger dragons than the SEC, and they can afford to finance the most expensive litigation on the planet. As a coalition, they’d be the legal equivalent of the Death Star.” Morning sports section....yup a BIG CLUSTER.
  17. What is needed at the Alerus? 1) football 2) people
  18. Information in the media about a players union or college football players association.... would invoke the states at public colleges, bargain for rights to sponsorship compensation, etc., etc. sounds like transitioning to pro sports to me....a whole season with nothing to do.
  19. It doesn’t. Best to ignore this.... if it is dog doo doo on a sidewalk, you have a choice. Walk around it or step in it and spread it. I will miss football this fall....
  20. I like this idea..... worth the drive. Fall looks more and more dismal.
  21. Big 10 just cancelled fall football...
  22. So could one of these games be a homecoming game??? Will we be able to sit in the Alerus? The church was packed for George Floyd’s 3 ( ?4) funerals, asking for a friend...
  23. This is all just a mess... from elementary flag football to college ball. I hope and pray we all weather the storm.
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