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Mama Sue

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Everything posted by Mama Sue

  1. And...we are starting g to see cases in vaccinated people... there has been inadequate testing on all of these variants.... maybe some on the UK but limited on the Brazil and even less on the West African....
  2. There are some”early threshold positives” but a positive is a positive, right...answer: many, many cycles.... not sure but 240 comes to mind...but don’t quote me i am told it is like a copier scanning snd scanning over and over for ? more than 24 hours, maybe 48..... that is the variants....it seems the PCR test has more false positives than previously thought...at least in MN politicians pleasing people
  3. Yup...can’t see how that decreases the spread of anything? I just really don’t get the rationale for these decisions.
  4. The masses... testing testing testing when the accuracy of the tests hadn’t been verified. It seems both Dakotas are using more common sense than MN. We have the MN Dept of Health FREE “COVID Aware” app for cell phones. You get a text if you were within 6 feet of someone with COVID for 15 min (seriously). We have the electronic “Vaccine Finder “ to see where you can sign up for vaccines. We had the MN Vaccine Lottery to take a chance on getting a vaccine. And so “the masses” are happy. The general public seems to have lost interest in anything COVID because no one can figure out why the wrestling teams do not have to wear face masks but the hockey kids with full face shields do have to wear them. I could write a book....
  5. Politicians Pleasing People AND Many MANY big companies ( health and technology) making Millions of dollars
  6. Yes...the protocols have changed many times from CDC and various states... it changes with the positivity rates. MSM made us all panic
  7. Good question... answer is not so simple.... how many days of isolation(positive case) vs. quarantine (exposed). Many of those recommendations change.... what day did this all start? 10 days or 7 days or 14 days? we will have to wait sand see... just be glad we are in ND and not MN
  8. I absolutely can not comment professionally.... death rate of less than 1% in college age students....overall 2%. think PPP... politicians pleasing people! At least the Dakotas have it together... MN has a bill introduced in the House to let MN counties vote on joining SD. I mean, MN had a LOTTERY. to get vaccines. I guess we take the week to heal up and train, darn!
  9. Bison06.... maybe you could consider leaving our board rather than blocking people....just saying! Just can’t figure out the purpose of these continuous urination matches....seriously!
  10. Your point? Insulting fans?
  11. If the JuiceU fans are so important, why do they start “disagreements “ on this forum? Things always deteriorate to the lowest common denominator of this forum..... I enjoy reading all these high level football comments .... but JuiceU comments seem to add insult to injury. Go bask in your glory on your own forums.... and geaux Sioux is not a dick unless provoked....
  12. Well their offense is a one man team that is for sure... very little depth or versatility!
  13. Leaving town now!!! UND dominance on both sides of the ball, strong ST, solid air and running game, and of course... those QB sacks! No injuries. Go. UND....
  14. UND dominance on both sides of the ball, strong ST, solid air and running game, and of course... those QB sacks! No injuries. Go. UND....
  15. You could probably get that nicklelisted on the National Rehister of Historic Places... they do objects and monuments.... it may need to be on public display...safely. You could get grants to do the nomination And then secure a location just saying PROTECT AND SAVE IT!
  16. I like refashioning the mickle and I know this is a ND thing but in MN we are still under the “rocks and cows” statement. Everyone knows the nickel and I would think gender neutral animals would not be offensive!
  17. Sexual overtones... and not gender neutral will offend someone for sure!
  18. Good idea... I defer to people who know more than me about this!
  19. Printed newspapers are in trouble.. all over and large and small. Two editorials in the Mpls paper this morning about it. They are talking about a law to allow newspapers to collectively bargain with social media giants. After the Thursday game, I was looking forward to buying the Herald and reading it over breakfast... nope a Wed. paper. Then in Fargo I stoped at 2 conniviecnce stores wanting to buy papers. Finally someone told me only Wed. and Sat. I was surprised cities of that size could not support daily papers. But here in Smalltown USA our weekly newspaper has news that is 2 weeks old. Staff is spread between 2 cities.... I just hope we keep our paper!
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