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smokey the cat

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Everything posted by smokey the cat

  1. I thought the tiles were marble. Besides that MafiaMan you seem to be jumping all over others that you do not agree with. You know if you were such a great fan you really should have season tickets and make the drive to GF every game. I have friends who drive in from Bismarck for all the games.
  2. Wherever Steve has been a head coach he has been successful.
  3. I told my neighbors across the street who are big NHL fans to watch a college game. They never have seen one.
  4. That is because fans of the NHL need to give college hockey a shot. In the same way football and basketball fans watch college.
  5. Just think though to screen it on t-shirts that are white you only need two runs.
  6. Dave, So would I but there just is not enough of a fan base for it.
  7. The rodents I remember were really unhappy that Herb was at St. Cloud.
  8. You got that right. Even out internet boradcasts are superior to others and their play by play. Miami's was terrible and we all know how bad CC's is.
  9. That is what I always thought also. There have been times when someone got hurt and someone had to fly out the next morning to play.
  10. Money really should not matter if you are chartering though so that is ot it. I always thought there was a travel limit for some reason.
  11. I have seen 5 people in uniform trying to get on and only one of them making it. Getting worse all the time.
  12. That did not cost Vegas that much. There would have been little action on the game. All you see at the books on Tuesdays are the horse players.
  13. On the beach with a bottle of wine? How romantic..
  14. Does anyone know when they signed the contract to play?
  15. Maybe it should have been included. From what I have read it the posters are serious fans that understand the game and know what they are talking about.
  16. Bonuses would not count in the buyout. I agree with you that a poor season would not be it. 2 or 3 poor seasons different story, maybe.
  17. Just wanted to clarify the numbers. Didn't you say that something like 25% have the sports packages? I do disagree with you on one point. I think people can stumble across a game on FCS as easily as CBSCS. On my cable system they are only a couple of channels apart.
  18. Would those numbers actually be potential homes? How many are large systems like Cox or something? More interesting would be actual customers.
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