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Sioux-per Villain

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Everything posted by Sioux-per Villain

  1. Phil is a slightly above average DI goalie at best which simply means we need to play better defense in front of him to have a chance to win games. He is capable of making a couple big saves per game but usually balances them out with a couple soft goals. Yes he may have been hurt early on in the season which effected his play, but he hasn't played at the same level he did during the Ledyard Bank Tourney thru the AA series. The only difference I see is our offense is coming around (still need more scoring depth to take the pressure off the DOT line to make a legitimate run). We'll all have more confidence in Phil once he stands on his head and shuts out a quality opponent. If that can happen in Denver or St Cloud, watch out.
  2. I give the dogs an edge on the PP but they give it right back on the penalty kill. We have the edge even strength. Friday UND 5-3 Saturday UND wins 6-4 ENG We're going to give up scoring chances to the bulldogs with a combination of defensive lapses and a couple sieve goals. We should win but I would be surprised to see a large margin of victory either night.
  3. When was the last time someone registered a triple hattrick in college hockey? This now becomes a "no brainer". I vote for MafiaMan!
  4. As a Fargo resident, I definitely would NOT trade Sioux hockey for USHL hockey, but I would attend the games when the Sioux are on the road and not being televised. That being said, I think Fargo would have a pretty good casual fan base. Not sure those people are potential season ticket purchasers though.
  5. this game came down to winning the face-off with 12 secs left. (Mavs won it and look what happened) I realize this helps in pairwise somewhat (for now), but we all should be more interested in finishing in the top 3 of the league.
  6. Toews is the best player in college hockey and everybody knows it. Doesn't mean he'll win the Hobey. Unfortunately, we only have a few more games to enjoy his talents......
  7. Considering the Sioux haven't swept a WCHA opponent at home this season, would one have to assume we're due. Or, based on the percentages, is it more likely not going to happen? I guess we'll see. If they play consecutive periods like they did Saturday night against Mankato, our short term goal will immediately change to a top 5 finish. If we want to maintain any chance of finishing top 3, a sweep is a must. It would be nice to head to Denver with our fate under our control.
  8. I recall many years ago playing baseball for the Sioux, myself and others were caught violating curfew and consuming alcohol (we were legal age). We were all scheduled to be platooned for the next game so we tied one on the night before. Our punishment was that we were thrust into the starting line-up the following morning.......I'm glad Hak is being consistent for Mcfeely's sake....
  9. Me too, but first I'm cancelling my subscription to the Fargo Fool-em'
  10. I just did my "what if" projections and I must say it's looking pretty good. WCHA Final Team GP Pts UND 28 36 CC 28 35 UMN 28 33 SCSU 28 32 Denver 28 26 MTech 28 26 UW 28 25 AA 28 23 Mankato 28 22 UMD 28 22
  11. Just like at Mariucci....
  12. We still haven't reclaimed our own building yet so I anticipate a sweep. But I also agree that the games will be battles. Stay out of the box guys! 5 on 5 we're tough to beat!
  13. USCHO is predicting a split with Mankato winning tonight due to all the distractions. I don't necessarily agree but I thought it was pretty cool that they added a link to our "what if" calculator.
  14. I couldn't agree more. Hak's utilizing his best abilities.
  15. He must be playing with guys that can't finish then. He can't finish either or he would get more time on the PP. Don't get me wrong. I think he has been a good player for us but IMHO he's incredibly average from a stats perspective. 5g 12a is hardly stellar and he's done very little in 2007. I think Hak is using him for what he's good at. Grinding.
  16. I've been really surprised at the love people have for Porter as an offensive threat. He's not. He does a good job grinding and as a defensive player but that's about it.
  17. I agree they're contributing as grinders and defensively, but there's very little offense coming from anyone other than the DOT line. When they start to really contribute, look out!
  18. The cement wall is what you're face is pinned to in jail.....ohhh Andy
  19. A thorough description of your automobile and license plate number would also be beneficial.
  20. What worries me more than anything is MnSt's physical play and our inability to get scoring depth on our lines. Check out the stats from these players since the start of the new year (8 games): Goals / Assists Miller 2 1 Porter 1 2 Watkins 0 2 Kozek 0 1 These numbers are rather poor and better improve if we expect to do well down the stretch....... If we could only get a goal a game out of these guys.....
  21. First things first. We have to beat/sweep Mankato which is historically difficult for us to do in our own building. With the exception of last year during the regular season, they seem to get points in the Ralph. With the recent off-ice distraction, we better not look past this weekend.
  22. PCM, I think you should consider moving to a better neighborhood.....
  23. I think Vandy is going to be a gorilla in a year or so. Can you imagine another 10-15 lbs of muscle on this kid?
  24. hope you were wearing your cast iron chastity belt. Don't want you to become North Dakota's Andy Dufrain. In my best Morgan Freeman voice...Oh Andy....
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