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Everything posted by squirtcoach

  1. Hi Pete, Can't get CCTV today. The scan takes about .5 seconds I must have another setting problem but I can't find it. What else can I do before I need a service call? Thanks
  2. Hi Pete, I just tried scanning on galaxy 11 12000 V 4880 and I get nothing, what am I doing wrong? I'm tryiing my satellite for the first time since March Any ideas? thanks
  3. Paul Campbell, Grafton is a junior this fall. he is listed as a senior.
  4. PSB and Iceberg. Thanks for monitoring this for us. I can't wait until FSSN starts broadcasting. It looks like a pretty good schedule for this year. This KU band receiver is sooo worth it to this Sioux fan.
  5. Is this information old? The games the have scheduled are for Jan-Mar of 2004
  6. Referring to P. O. I. on this board is truly offensive
  7. Wilbur, I'm excited to hear Red River is one of the top teams. White Bear Lake (my squirt is now a Junior) is coming up to play Moorhead and Red River this winter, and none of my friends or relatives from GF will give me any indication how much competition the Rough Riders will give the Bears. Looking forward to the game already.
  8. Agreed: Moorhead will have a solid sophomore class next year. I think Centennial again will be the class to beat. WBL will be young, with more underclassmen than seniors, and Moorhead will have a lot of D-1 prospects if they all come back. Doesn't appear that any WBL kids are going to USHL. I know WBL takes their hockey seriously. I have had 6-7 10 year-olds quit baseball this summer to do hockey strengthening programs. Wilbur, I kind of agree with you. I think it detracts from the game, I would prefer a system where a kid from a school has grown up with his teammates. The open enrollment system as it stands has the potential for abuse, and coaches are put in a situation where they are pressured to put the best team they can field. Unscrupulous coaches would have an advantage. And in the Parochial schools, top recruiters, not the top coaches, have the most success. I always cheer for the kid who stays with his home-town team (Like Bostrom from Moundsview) knowing that they won't even make it past the semi-finals in a sectional populated by the likes of WBL, Centennial and Hill Murray. WBL Senior High and Centennial Senior High are about as far away from his home as Moundsview Senior High.
  9. I too have heard stories connecting regarding Warroad High hockey players and and Marvin windows employment opportunities. My sources were very close to the situation. It is incredible to hear those kind of numbers of kids being denied a chance to play. I am travel director for one of the largest (in numbers of travel teams) travel baseball associations in the Twin Cities, and we go to great lengths recruiting coaches and preparing ballfields to make sure there is a team for every kid who wants to play baseball from ages 9-15. Time to talk smack with Jloos: I can't wait for that "Best sophomore team in Minnesota" to play the kids who were crowned 2003 Bantam A champions (WBL) the next couple of years. I assume that the Bantam A Moorhead team that year wasn't representative of all the class of 2006 from Moorhead. The freshman Bears won their semi-final game handily. In the Moorhead/WBL JV game this year, it went down to the wire with the ref missing a WBL goal in the last seconds that had tied it. The Bears JV team was without the top five sophomores, including WBL's top goalie, all of whom who played varsity last year. We'll be coming up to Moorhead to play in December this year. Maybe we can get together afterwards. I'm not so experienced at talking smack, but better at talking hockey. Hopefully I got the emoticons right. Diggler could probably give me pointers God, I miss Sioux hockey already.
  10. Jloos, I know your nephew moved with his family, so any accusation of his move being driven by recruiting is false. I apologize if I made it seem there was any impropriety. However, I know how other students-athletes are "recruited" by public schools as well as how the kids are "shopped" around by themselves or with their parents. I have seen first hand methods and strategies. My kid was invited to "try out" with a neighboring school by the head baseball coach. There was an implication that we never investigated. I repeat, I make no accusations toward any of the programs. It's just that we continue to hear the same schools every year who have open enrolled players on their rosters. This makes for lop-sided hockey games with talent being concentrated in a few schools. Just curious, are there any open-enrolled hockey players from the smaller surrounding communities who tried out for Moorhead that the coach did not select for the final team? That would dispell, to a certain degree, the belief that hockey players are promise a spot (recruited) if they come "on their own".
  11. The open enrollment issue is as big a problem as the recruiting by private schools. People hear were shocked to see the Monticelo Moorhead score in the AA sectionals. What was it like 23-0 or something. Elk River has the top kids from Monitcello and the western Ex-urbs "open enroll" every year. There are always accusations of "recruiting" by this coach, but nothing is ever proven. You hear the same thing for Duluth East from the North Shore teams and now even Moorhead from the Fargo teams. I'm not standing here accusing these teams, but where there is smoke.... I can't blame the kids, everyone wants to play on winning team. Thats what drives them to play. As far as the parochial schools, there are several ways to make it more fair. In Wisconsin, private schools used to not be allowed to play in the Public School Tournaments. They had their own. When the public schools let them in, the parochials had to play one class up, i.e., an AA team had to play in the AAA Tourney. Another way address parochial advantages would be to have the parochial school play in the class with equivalent number of student athletes. For example, Cretin (In St. Paul) is be-moaning being moved to Suburban East conference. They will be playing schools with larger enrollments. They only have 980 students in their high school, compared to 1800 in Stillwater or White Bear Lake. However, if you compare the number of kids in sports, Cretin has 920, whereas most if not all of the schools in Suburban East have fewer than 920 students playing sports. Using sports participation numbers may be the "fairer" way to address parochial school classification. Will we ever get rid of recruiting? No, the pressure on coaches is too great. But if you want to talk about how publically-funded school vouchers would be selectively used by the parochials, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure it out. I urge you to watch the documentary "Hoop Dreams". It would be more money for these parochial schools if the kids they recruited from the tough streets of Chicago for their "machines" came with tax dollars as well.
  12. You mean he doesn't have the offensive skills of a Travis Roche or the defensive skills of Vanek? And I was hoping he was gonna be good.
  13. I was wondering about his myself on my trip back from Chicago. Is it beneficial (and therefore a good idea) for a team to pass on the league playoffs to rest and prepare for the NCAA's. If it is, it worked for BC, too. I understand the Final Five was put together to aid more teams from the WCHA to get into the NCAA's. With the expanded NCAA invitations, does the august field of Hockey Guru's at Siouxsports.com feel it is time to re-examine the necessity (or wisdom) of having our best teams pound each other the weekend before the NCAA's, when their invitations are, for all intents and purposes, guaranteed?
  14. WPOS As loaded dice don't always land on 3 & 4, a home ice advantage does not guarantee a win, ask Wisconsin. However, if there is an advantage, in a close game, it is not out of the realm of possibilities that a referee could be intimidated, or a linesman could hesitate, or some other human factor could be affected and push the balance over, the same way loaded dice will. Re-read my post; I never said there was a HOME ICE ADVANTAGE at the X. I was merely stating that people comparing their "visitors" experience at other home rinks to that of the X IMPLIED a HOME ICE ADVANTAGE for rodents. If one made the same comparison then he or she agrees with the implication. Ironic isn't it? I discredit home ice advantage for the players to a great extent, Back in my playing days, I never heard a cheer once the game started, and I played in full houses. But if there is a phenomena called home advantage, your argument seems whiny and overly defensive, or as the Bard might say: "Methinks he doth protest too much".
  15. I am sure no one would compare the negative behaviour they witnessed or experienced at the X with that which they have seen at a school's HOME ice arena. That would imply a HOME ICE ADVANTAGE at the X for the Gooph's, and we know from our UofM posters that is just not so!
  16. Redwing, Obviously I have not heard anything. Either there are no Sioux Alumni in Chicago or they don't have internet access in the Windy City yet (I knew there was a reason I stopped moving East when I got to White Bear Lake). The default for us will be ESPNZone downtown, unless my two shots at the "Second City" brings fans out of the woodwork . Go Sioux!!!
  17. I had a great time at the X. Lots of classy and Classless gopher fans. It was fun to deal with the Yapping type, in the battle of wits, they were essentially defenseless. The two couples to my right were knowledgeable and a joy to talk to. When the Goophs scored I allowed them time to whoop it up and they reciprocated. Then we continued discussion of the game as it transpired. After the game, I was happy to shake their hands and congratulate them on their team's effort. Made the yappers in front of me look again a little foolish again. I congratulated many gopher fans as I made my way up the stairs. In the concorse between periods and after the game, I'd meet a buddy who was in another section, and no gopher fan gave me a hard time. No one approached a 240 lb man drinking a beer with a 250 lb'er. I guess size does matter!
  18. Bump Are there no Sioux hockey fans watching the game in a Chicago bar this weekend?
  19. At the end of the first period, Vanek hit a Sioux skater about the head and neck witht he blade of his stick that wasn't called. The Gopher fan beside me saw the play and by the way Adam and the assistant ref acted, we were both sure the Sioux would start the second period a man up. No Call.
  20. Calling out to the Sioux hockey network. I'm in downtown Chicago for this weekend, and I'm looking for a place that will be carrying the games. Anyone from Chicago know where to go? ESPNZONE? DITKA's? Any information would be appreciated. Thanks to the Sioux for a wonderful weekend of hockey. Gopher fans aside, the X is a wonderful place to watch hockey.
  21. When a goalie with a 4.00 GAA is named MVP of a team, let alone a tourney, in the famous words of Carl Spackler, "I have to laugh". The people who selected him had to be drunker than the gopher fan in front of me. I guess I missed THE pre-game party.
  22. I doubt he'll give us a ring, but I have seen him and the players acknowledge the crowd after the Final Five in the past.
  23. Frank never played before a packed house. Fans can make a difference.
  24. I like the way you think! If it is so good for the WCHA to have the Gophers play at night, how about having them play three nights!!! No matter where they are seeded. Think of all the revenue! Send this idea to McCleod.
  25. Just curious, Did the Loos kid transfer through open enrollment to Moorhead or did his parents move across the river? Can an ND kid even do that? Keep in mind I never blame a kid for transferring if he thinks it helps his hockey chances or for better education. Someone even talked to my kid about playing baseball at a neighboring school. I am just seeing some of the more successful public high school programs in the state are becoming all-star teams from their region. Duluth East and Elk River are two that come to mind. There are more out there. Do others find this troubling or is it just the evolution of the sports? Is it the only way to compete with the Holy Angels, Hill-Murrays, Brecks and Blakes?
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