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Everything posted by forksandspoons

  1. Not sure why boltmann wasn’t in right away when zimm went down
  2. New pizza and chicken place opens up: https://www.grandforksherald.com/incoming/4660946-Boss-Pizza-and-Chicken-opens-in-Grand-Forks
  3. Looks like there's going to have to be a huge walkup crowd to even break 10K.. Maybe give away a bunch of tickets during the parade tomorrow?
  4. And we haven’t gone at the backup safety once
  5. Someone tell Danny their best secondary player is out of the game
  6. Need to get chunks on first down somehow
  7. Their safety is out, go at the backup
  8. No surprise we are way too small on the d line
  9. The X factor for UND offensively has to be Maag. Let them worry about Wanzek, and get the ball to Maag over the top.
  10. Enrollment up 126 students and Grand Forks Public Schools https://www.grandforksherald.com/news/education/4642911-Grand-Forks-school-district-sees-enrollment-increase
  11. Goal hit! What's next on the list to purchase?
  12. I want to talk about the matchup itself. Is there a position where UND has an advantage over NDSU? I think UND fans will say WR as the Hawks' wideouts are much taller than NDSU defenders. However, I am concerned they will need more speed to get open quicker as the Bison DL will be closing in quickly. I do think the UND defense will give Lance a crazy amount of looks which might work but also could give up some big plays.
  13. Ticket prices suggest it's a rivalry game
  14. Nice throw there!! Good blocking too
  15. Here we go again... zim with a nice toss on his first throw
  16. To be fair it doesn’t seem like much has been called downfield so far.
  17. And so far the offensive play calling is so much more creative than last season
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