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Everything posted by Nodak78

  1. Damn we are playing 11 guys in the first half.
  2. Danielson is shooting 3's much better this year.
  3. Playing with some hesitant. Need to develop confidence in a game like this.
  4. Agree but glad he gets this experience it will help down the road.
  5. Honest question. Anyone have the game this close at the media time out.
  6. Norman has been taking pointers from Brady on picking up charging fouls.
  7. UND are making some nice passes and cuts to the paint.
  8. If you pick up your dribble. You better be passing quick or shooting. Out of bounds plays need to get open quick. You miss that pass you are in deep doo doo against this team.
  9. Probably should have put him on the haybuster owner found in a trunk in Jamestown I believe. Could have started with a casino or two in Vegas.
  10. Looking forward to watching this game on ESPN+ at 7pm. Hawks vs the twisters.
  11. Be interesting to see how we improved comparing the Creighton game.
  12. If our defense steps like the last two games. I would take UND and points.
  13. Nodak78

    FCS Playoffs

    Very good read. Sam did a bang up job on the article.
  14. Nothing new here at least a week old news. I think the police and others have contaminated much of the crime scene.
  15. Looks like he committed to NDSU in June. The star tribune stated North Dakota.
  16. Check this out. http://reachingthesummitpodcast.com/2022/11/28/reaching-the-summit-power-rankings-11-28-22/
  17. That was made Saturday no doubt. Rest of the committee gave stamp of approval on Sunday.
  18. Not selfish which leads to many assists and points in the paint and open 3's
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