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Everything posted by Nodak78

  1. I bet you are correct. Nobody does better than Brady on taking charges.
  2. This is a confident team. This is so much improved from the beginning of the season.
  3. The difference was NAU. Best comparison.
  4. But we dominate at home. Home field is huge. We need to win road battles.
  5. I don't get changing from 3-4 to 4-3. tackling yes. But that has nothing to do with the formation. Arm tackles don't work.
  6. Ncaa gave up $100k for weber to survive.
  7. Hill should be a tech foul. Threw his headsets arguing with the ref.
  8. We get the ball 2nd we need to drive and score. Defense NEEDS to TACKLE. If they do we can climb back. Go Hawks.
  9. Weber long snapper and punter may have cost them the game against the Bobcats. 4 safeties.
  10. I think the special teams will play a big part today. One or two blocked punts or recovery of an bad snap. No or few mid range returns for Weber on kick offs. Maybe a fake punt but would rather save than for the Bobcats.
  11. Nodak78

    FCS Playoffs

    We realize it is more an art. Ex. Higher bid doesn't mean you get to host. It's time to move on and kick A$$ and take names.
  12. Didn't know where to post this but growing up TV was great before microwaves. Pop them in the oven for a quick meal. Mom prepared damn near every meal. Rare for a trip to a restaurant. I know i'm old.
  13. Spoken like an Atty. Ambiguity is the mother's milk foe Atty fees.
  14. No we wouldn't it was cheap.
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