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Everything posted by scpa0305

  1. I thought we were 1? i was looking out a couple years with my op
  2. Michigan and Notre dames upcoming classes are out of this world
  3. Maddox Flemming to Notre Dame...huge blow. We were a favorite from some of the folks I know
  4. Yep top 10. It is what it is. High ender
  5. Ryan Chesley announced Und is in his top 10 final school list. High end 04 dman
  6. I don’t see that happening barring a ton of injuries.
  7. I think miller is going to play, he’s really good
  8. They actually do it daily. This has been going on for years and years, we’ll before covid. Coding audits occur and fix at a later date. This is a well known issue in the healthcare industry. #coding4dollars
  9. What’s the avg that someone over 90 makes it through the following year? 100?
  10. I strongly doubt the CHL was in the mix here....his numbers in the BC were pretty avg given his age/hype. He's definitely one that needs 3-4 years of college. He'd only have one year left in the CHL.
  11. Because younger people (w/o other issues) don't die from rona.
  12. I am disgusted with that story and I believe teams not drafting him and others judging his character have the right to do so (and is probably expected). I do believe in second changes though. However, Miller will have to "overdo" the comeback with his character.
  13. I could definitely see it cancelled that’s for sure, just not sure if that’s the right call. Either way, hopefully they can book another team/different venue if it is cancelled. As to covid....you know I probably underplayed it. I was actually pretty sick. The issue for me was how long it lasted (24 days) and the lingering cough (which I still have to this day). But looking back, I was never bedridden just very fatigued. I actually was getting worried I was diabetic or something. I’ve had hangovers and flu bugs that were significantly worse...but hangovers are gone by evening ( ) and the flu typically disappears after 3-4 days. For me, covid lingered forever. I was popping DayQuil like skittles for like a month. Oh well, in the past
  14. Nope....unless you have Delta. I'm currently at $2k+ of airlines credits. This isn't the thread however the COVID thread is a mess. I had COVID and it wasn't that bad at all, however I am younger (mid 30s). This virus is dangerous for the elderly and folks that have serious respiratory, heart, obesity, etc. issues. I've tried to stay off this topic, especially the politics behind this, however I am too starting to think the press may be trying to hype this all up.
  15. He's also not nearly as talented....no where close really. We probably won't have room for him and it was "advised" for him to go elsewhere to develop. Never a bad idea. Only so much scholarship $
  16. Oh boy. I read those messages on twitter...pretty bad. I didn’t see keanes name at all though.
  17. That’s the exact point I’ve been making about our d core. But I wasn’t really saying that about the forward group, I was more mentioning F’s who could come in. Someone mentioned Kunz as only being a senior this year and I was joking that shattuck is know as being able to skip a grade pretty easily. Long story short, I do agree with you. Skilled guys gotta play, if there is even a hunch that they may ride the pine they are better off in juniors.
  18. Completely agree on all fronts. I think what a lot of us underestimated, was the loss of Hak in 2016. Sure our team went on to win a Natty and we were able to still bring in Jost....however I follow our prospect (and potential prospect) pipeline fairly closely and we weren't pulling in the number of high-enders we were in the past. We also brought in more "fill ins". Sure some lower prospect guys can make an impact, but more often than not, they are what they are. Bubs sure seems to be winning those dman battles. If we can get Flemming and Chesley...the 04 group will be stacked as well.
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