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Everything posted by scpa0305

  1. This ones interesting, I’ve never heard of him
  2. Owen Power looks to be a cheat code, haven’t seen a frosh that dominant since Eichel.
  3. Yep agreed. Just pointing out that the UM team should be super fun to watch this year (unless it's against us).
  4. Playing in the pros? Again this is a 4th round draft pick. The odds of a 4th rd player playing in the NHL is not that great.
  5. That's 100% accurate.
  6. Interesting, but not surprising these days. We'll see what Bubs does now.
  7. I do agree with this. A 13 year old should have known better. He was punished though...whether it was enough we don't quite know yet. Bubs has felt this kid could fit in, I'm fine with giving him a shot. As I've said 2-3 times before, I'm sure his leash is really short. Just because of his circumstances doesn't mean he shouldn't be given a second chance to pursue a dream.
  8. Everyone is making assumptions...I'm sure Berry HAS made character assumptions and has done some due diligence on all this a couple years ago and continued to follow up. I am going to say this again, Mitchell Miller is a solid looking prospect....but he's no blue chip. Berry would NEVER have taken this kid if he thought there was a high level of character/culture risk. I'm hoping Bubs takes the Nick Saban approach on this.
  9. Again, this "two years ago" was a he said she said type of thing. No one really knows what happened. We do know he bullied a developemntally challanged kid in middle school. Everything else is from the mom (who know one knows). All his former coaches said he's been perfect the past few years. Bubs does not take "bad apples" and if one slips through the cracks (and there has been 1-3 the past 10 years) they are sent packing fairly quickly. I have pretty decent intel into several situations where he sent kids packing. Bubs is always known for passing on high end kids for not fitting the character of someone who fits in at UND. Let me point one thing out....this kid is good, but not THAT good.
  10. Some of the comments on here and other social media platforms are hilarious. If MM was your kid would you have the same reaction? Honest question. I'm not saying he deserves a break but it's odd when you can draw the line? The incident occurred when he was 13, none of us know what happened to him outside a court order. No one knows what type of punishment came from the parents (at that time), etc. Let's assume this kid has turned things around, when can he get past this? When can he live his life? We live in an interesting world (interest, twitter, etc.) where it's easy to dig up old dirt and everybody loves to slam on people. I think what he did was absolutely disgusting, but maybe he's already paid for it, we have no clue. I just think he should be given a chance. If he hasn't correct his ways....something will pop up and Bubs will deal with it swiftly I would assume.
  11. I don’t think keane stands a chance. That D core is deep. Moore is a 5th rounder. Miller would obviously play but his situation is iffy.
  12. Definitely....he committed when he was 16. The incident happened when he was 13.....finalized when he turned 14. Obviously not that important but whatever. I grew up and did some dumb stuff and saw/heard other kids do even dumber stuff. Could this have happened in my hometown growing up....absolutely 100%. Did some of those bullies end up turning out ok? It appears that way. I'm all for second chances so I'm fine with bringing him to UND and fine with the Coyotes drafting him. Obviously his leash is about as short as it gets. The environment we live in today is not going to let off him anytime soon. If I were him (or his parents/advisor), I'd get way out ahead of this because if he continues to develop this isn't going away.
  13. Well the M. Miller story is going "mainstream" now. I believe in second chances for sure....but curious what happens.
  14. Dunbar commits to UND....IMHO, he'll be a high ender.
  15. Yes he's older. Definitely kind of free fall'd a bit the past few years. Hopefully he plays this year...maybe next year in the USHL and continues to develop and he still gets a chance with UND. Big skilled kid however his skating is not good. That really hurts as you move up. Brad never mentioned anything on him during the coverage so there's that I suppose.
  16. I just noticed we don’t have one commit on the u18 NTDP roster. Interesting, it’s been awhile.
  17. Is it a great pickup...maybe. But someone has to be the highest uncommitted player at any given point in time and a ton of '02s are already committed. Either way, he's projected as a mid round guy. Works for me.
  18. At this point...if you're under the age of 60 don't even get tested. If I was a college student I would never get tested.....I would also never bring my kids to get tested. Too much to lose at this point.
  19. I’m honestly done reading that guys stuff. He’s been over the top negative (and yes I realize he’s back pedaling I this article) but he’s been doom and gloom since end of March
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