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Everything posted by scpa0305

  1. One bad goal...scheel’s first goal the other night was significantly worse. This is a team effort problem TBH
  2. That goal wasn’t Thome’s fault at all but wow, these guys aren’t very good. Effort, PK, all of it is bad
  3. I agree, but watching the game...the boys have looked a bit flat the past two games. Also, besides the PP, we just aren’t getting the chances I had expected given the players that returned from last year.
  4. Agreed, the past two games they have came out completely flat. UMD is good but they lost a ton from last year. Even though we are missing a couple guys we have a lot of veterans on this team. Some of those guys simply aren’t doing much. They have the talent to win games, but they aren’t brining it right now. They’ve been outworked. Their even strength game has looked soft and conservative.
  5. Not good. Bubs better wake some of these guys up. Can’t buy an even strength goals. Looks like some of those gopher teams from the last few years. Soft.
  6. With the players UMD lost....we should have the edge.
  7. Yeah, dumb penalty for sure. However, he actually played pretty decent up to that point. Actually should have scored a goal or two. After watching the first two game I was thinking he looked out of place. Oh well....move on.
  8. Agreed...they had turned the corner and really controlled possession. Two stupid penalties at the end of the game. Either way, D gave up some uncharacteristic chances early on however played ok as the game went on.
  9. Boys aren’t clicking well on the odd man rushes. i like Moore, not sure if he’s been a D liability but I like his o game
  10. Ryan Chesley down time UND and the goofs
  11. Well I guess I’m confused then
  12. Here it is. It would be tough for this to be a lengthy activity. It would make too many local folks upset.
  13. I'm not sure, I've never felt so strongly about something that I would approach any sort of activism activities. I do understand why they've chosen this time....just asking a question whether there would be a better time as to not create any sort of further divisiveness. Are there issues with inequality in this country? Sure, but it's gotten a whole lot better than it used to be (I understand this isnt the greatest take). But to stick up the middle finger at another group of people isnt the solution...from my perspective. I know one larger donor in particular that is seriously questioning his donation...to the point where he's questioning why these two weren't sat. I attempted to inform him that Berry's hands are tied and that it would be terrible PR to sit this boys....but nothing really got through. I'm somewhat hoping they back off the kneeling.
  14. I definitely understand that they aren't trying to disrespect the flag, or the country, by kneeling and more using this specific time to draw attention to another cause. However, I simply wish these folks would choose another time/place or platform to call attention to these social issues. By selecting this one specific time (i.e. the time our society has chosen to respect the freedoms we do have) I think it creates more divisiveness. It's not very well thought out at all....it's almost as if they're looking to "poke the bear". My 2 cents.
  15. Agreed. He’ll be much more dominant...these guys are just knocking the rust off. Some of those forwards need to wake up a bit.
  16. Sloppy third, oh well first game. Some guys looked good, others I was unimpressed with. On to Friday
  17. Yep...Gaber looks like a top 6 guy from the get go
  18. Lineup is interesting...not what I would have guessed
  19. I have never understood the whole kneeling thing...but for the sake of the program, I’m hoping Bubs would never sit them or it would go national quick
  20. Anyone else not have their auto renewal go through? I just noticed they didnt auto renew me even though my card is still current. I've tried to reach out and no one is responding.
  21. Oh really...it means he has a good first pass out of the zone. Good attribute when evaluating d
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