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Posts posted by scpa0305

  1. Connor McDavid is just on a whole different level. That guy is a stud. It's like comparing Nugent-Hopkins to Crosby. Both first overall picks, both very good players, but Sid is on another planet in comparison. That's not a knock on Noel at all, just a compliment to McDavid's game.

    I hope Noel can get to campus at some point to see some UND hockey. Getting 'em there is a good start.

    Speaking of Crosby, it's too bad he couldn't make it up on the trip with Duncan & Toews like he was supposed to. Never know what may have happened! ;)

    Agreed McDavid is on a whole different level.

  2. Lol. This post is fairly ridiculous. MN out shot them 23-10 in the 2nd where they were apparently "dominated". And to call an upper corner water bottle shot of Paretua's a "cheapie" is pretty rich. You don't see a lot of 5-1 games where the winner was outplayed and got a cheap win. Let me guess...it was the refs giving it to us right?

    Haha I know, no way minny loses even a period to bsu

  3. Well we have to get lucky in the playoffs...this team is not very consistent but can play great at times. I was also at both games and msu did play better than the Sioux for much of both games. The Sioux definitely had their moments but overall I have seen them play better. A splits a split but I thought the Sioux should have gotten up for last nights game, I'm not saying they weren't trying but they didn't play their best hockey. Another typical weekend from this team.

  4. Elite prospects has him at 5'9'' wonder which one is right as Sioux Sports lists him at 5'11''. EIther way he may be a small puck moving defenseman. Either way, I had heard about him before he supposedly he's very good.

  5. Mario is way better off going to Europe than staying in the states. Hard to get and AHL call-up when you are not signed with the main club. As for money Robbie Bina makes more in Germany than he would make in the AHL. Robbie made more in 11 games in Norway than he would have for half a season in the ECHL. He made more money per playoff game in Norway than he would have in the ECHL going all the way through the finals. Guys that have no hope ever off making it to the NHL are much better off in Europe. So not getting a look from the NHL because you went to Europe? So fricking what! When you have only a .00000008% chance of getting a look what does it matter? How many 1000s of players that are better than Mario have never gotten a look? Maybe you should tell Brady Murray he was a fool for going to Europe.

    Robbie is 30 or 31 years old....big difference. I'm not saying Mario should hang out in NA for the next 5-7 year...I'm saying give it 1-3 years before going overseas. I have buddies who did the same thing....you wait 3-4 years before going over there (granted my buddies had a little more hockey talent than Mario though).

  6. This is what I mean when I point out that national titles don't seem as important to our fan base as they used to. I should bookmark this post so I can point it out every time I get told that "no Sioux fan would ever say national titles aren't important", because that is what this post is saying. I don't think every season without a national title is a failure (I don't think I have ever said that), but when you have the talent we have had over the past 13 years and have ZERO national titles during that time, it is fair to ask what variable is missing from the equation. And you simply cannot explain it all away to bad luck, hot goalies and all that other stuff.

    I think part of the problem is that we don't have enough 3-4 year players in our program anymore. We had those from 1997-2000 and, not coincidentally, that was one of the most successful periods in the history of the program in terms of both wins and championships. It is good to have a few 1st round draft picks on the team to add that extra level of firepower, but if your team is dominated by them, you run the risk of starting over with a new team every year. That is tough to overcome.

    If we get back to having a core of players that are talented and skilled, but not loved by the NHL scouts, I think we'll have more success in March and April. And I will close by saying this: I will gladly give up the "UND in the NHL" status we have had since the new REA opened in 2001 if it means hanging more NCAA title banners in that beautiful arena. Agree or disagree, but that is my position on the subject.

    Agree....but I like the top end talent we get, those players are fun to watch and put our program on the map (I know...so do titles).

  7. True statements. It has changed big time. No player will score as many points in a season as Hrkac did or as many points in a career as Johnson did. More kids are playing, and they are playing all year round, finishing high school away from home in order to become better players. It seems like that should make it more difficult to be in the hunt for the big prize on a consistent basis, but I'm not sure how that works, to be honest.

    I just know we are lucky to be able to watch such good hockey year in and year out.

    Agreed, just upsetting with how many draft picks we have on our team each year. In most cases, the teams we play have far less talent (on paper) than we do and more of our players go on to have successful NHL careers.....one would think we would take down more national titles. Just unlucky I guess (that's funny because we have more than most schools). It is a double-edged sword because we get there so often (which is great) but the season always ends in heart break fashion. Hopefully we're the lucky one's this year, I am just not feeling overly confident.

  8. Inconsistency is something we've seen a lot of this year, in a lot of different facets. The offense plays well in Denver but the goaltending doesn't show up. Then the scoring execution doesn't show up this weekend against the Beavs.

    Like goon said though, it just takes four games. Duluth winning the championship had a ton to do with their road to the title game, but also with an extremely inconsistent team getting it figured out when they had to.

    We were better than UMD when they won it all....but let's not kid ourselves, UMD was very good that year.

    • Upvote 1
  9. When did you grow up watching Sioux hockey? It took them 10 years to win a banner after the Circus left town. Don't even get me started on the teams from the late 80s/early 90s. Some of those teams had more offensive firepower than UND has ever had, with G Johnson, Dixon Ward, Russ R and others, yet they couldn't make it into the tourney some years. The '97 team got lucky that BU took down the prohibitive favorite. The '98 and '99 teams were supposed to win it all, but the coaching must not have been good enough, or the teams did not want it bad enough, or the fans just didn't care enough, because they just choked it up, at least in your mind. As for UND's ancient "glorious past," how many banners did they win between the time Kennedy was elected and 1980? What a pathetic program.

    Do you go to the games because you love the game, or are you just looking for someone else to accomplish something that will give you some second-hand validation you are lacking in other areas of your life? You are mistaking childishness for pride.

    Haha...hockey has changed since then old timer....more and more American kids play the game now and more top end talent is playing college hockey than defecting (even including the past 1-3 years). You can't compare todays college hockey to the early 80's/90's.

    Also, you noted it took them 10 years to win after the Circus.....it's been over a decade since we've won one and look who has came through our program. I do appreciate the talented hockey players I was able to watch however.

  10. I try not to get into "who's best" arguments with other schools. I think UND's record speaks for itself, and "decent" fans of other schools know that. Vice versa as well.

    When was the last season that UND didn't contend for the NCAA title? 2001/2002 in my book. BC didn't even make the NCAA tourney field in 08/09. They are certainly in a nice little run recently, but potential recruits certainly realize that any pick of UND, BC, UMN, etc are going to be title contenders every season. And I think UND's record of putting kids in the NHL speaks for itself too.

    Agreed. We definitely have better NHLers than they do :)

  11. I have been a UND fan since 1992 ish, I hate everything about the Minnesota Gophers, if they were playing the B.C. Eagles or Satan's team I would cheer for them, they disgust me.

    I also, think I bawled my eyes out after the 1998 game against Michigan. I had way too many pictures of beer at the Down-Under club on 42nd street. I would still go to the games if they were 1-35. I think some of my fellow fans' expectations are a little high. Fan=fanantic. I don't like losing in a pick-up game of golf but I am only an 18 handicap.

    I told another great hockey mind the other day during media day, that I think that this team is actually kind of flying under the radar this season. I am kind of feeling it. Will it happen, who knows. Nothing in life is a given. They have the horses to get there and three lines that can fly, you never know, some of those pipes might start going in. Some of those younger defenseman are starting to play like grizzled veterans.

    Forbs and Schmaltz are starting to look like a couple of stalwarts on the back end. MacWilliam is a stud shut down defensman that is on the ice for big time penalty kills. To quote Joe Gleason, this was a guy that had 300+ minutes in penalties when he came here from juniors.

    Right now B.C. looks like couldn't they fight their way out of a wet paper bag. NCAA titles are won by the team that gets hot for basically a 4 game period of time. Some of it's luck. Look who UMD beat to get to the Frozen Four, if UND had beaten Michigan we're probably looking at another 5-0 game. That's life though.

    Calming post...I like it. I also agree with your comment on the young D men. Schmaltz is really starting to show up. We need the guys to keep chugging along. I was super pissed at the BSU tie (obviously) but I'm starting to ease up a little. I just don't want to see (or hear about) some terrible performance again this weekend. How you play now really matters going into tournament season.

  12. I've been a Sioux hockey fan longer than almost everybody on here (showing my age), and although it hasn't always ended the way I would like, I wouldn't trade it for anything.

    Almost every year I come into the season thinking it could be a NCAA Championship year, even last year when I was expecting a very average record the team came within a game of making the Frozen Four.

    Have the losses hurt? Damn right, certain ones in particular are hard to forget. The Michigan loss took a long time to get over, in fact I'm not sure I'm over it yet 2 years later.

    But in the end I would rather live and die with a team that year-in year-out puts a team on the ice that is a threat to win it all than follow an average team that makes a great run and wins one every x-many years...or only one ever.

    Keep the faith people, #8 will come...hopefully this year.

    That one hurt physically. There was a BC one while I was in school....like '04 or '05 that hurt bad too. Actually I think we lost to BC back to back years....when Boyle was on BC. Those hurt bad.

  13. Mein Gott. Why even bother to watch the games if you're only disappointed with the team every season.

    I want another national championship as much as the next Sioux fan, but some fans here are so quick to write off this team (or past Sioux teams).

    Did we have teams in the past decade capable of winning the title? Of course. It sucked watching some of them dominate all season and then come up short in the end. But that's hockey sometimes. The best team doesn't always bring home the hardware.

    Either way, I'm going to enjoy watching the rest of the games this season. We have an incredible group of seniors and players this year and I would love to see them go out on top. But if they don't, I'll still enjoy the ride that they've taken us on...through both the ups and the downs.

    Yes, I just hope you aren't one of the SIoux fans using total number of Natty's in the "who's best" arguement between us and the Gophs, or BC, or whomever. At some point...we need to win another if we're going to jump on that "go to" point to make most of our arguments. At some point that 2001 natty is going to be a championship won a long, long time ago.

    Look at the recruits BC is starting to get every year....it's because they win a lot (recently). I'm guessing McCoshen chose BC over us because they contend (actually contend) for the national title every single year. I for one am hoping that changes this year.

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  14. Agreed. It is a little "intense", but the OP makes some pretty valid points. I for one am not satisfied that our last title was so long ago. We expect/demand better than that around here, and I would think any reasonable fan would feel the same way. A title once a decade isn't too much to "expect".

    Hopefully this year is the year we get it done. Although I'm not sure the mentality is there for a Championship type team. I think it's evidenced by the way we so often let up a goal just a few seconds or a minute after we score one. This team doesn't seem to have that "killer instinct", but I don't get paid to coach hockey..so it's just an opinion.

    We'll see how it goes. Ya just never know.

    Exactly, especially for how close we get every year. At some point how doesn't a team just get lucky and string a couple of wins together late a win the whole thing. I do hope that is this year.

  15. Bahhhhh Bahhhhh! Go sheep Go!

    ooooo we are ranked 6th in the beginning of March!!!

    Take that to the store and see how many loaves of bread you come home with in April.

    Who cares how we are ranked in the regular season? You be proud of that this offseason while the team probably CHOKES another postseason away. At least you'll still have something to hang your hat on.

    I forgot it's a crime on SS to have expectations. We need to be "ok" with being UND and letting our ancient past speak for itself. Don't let the fact that we have choked numerous opportunities away the last decade. Nahhhhh....that'd be something a "non-fan" would do.

    "UND..home of high expectations with mediocre results! But, but, but, we are ranked 6th in March!" Sorry, but that's not the hockey program I grew up watching, or the schools mantra when I was a student there.

    A little intense....but I agree 100%. Next year will be a tough year to be a top nationally ranked team...not impossible but a lot tougher than that of this year's team. I know a lot of you will say we have high turnover every year and we are stil good, but, at some point is it too much to ask for another Natty? You're only as good as you are on paper.

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