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Posts posted by scpa0305

  1. My way to early take on next year line combos:


    Murphy(FR)-Mark Mac.(JR)-Parks(JR)



    Mitch Mac.(SR)-Chyzk(SO)-Senkbeil(JR)


    (Kind of doubt that we will see Voltin or Rowe next season as there really isn't room for them but they are scheduled to come in next year)





    Crisfield(FR) (scheduled to come in but I think he only does if someone leaves early and I don't think anyone is ready to go yet so hopefully everyone is back)



    Yet to Sign goalie(FR)

    I actually love these lines.

  2. I, for one, think next year's team will be just fine. I really like the incoming freshman and I believe Mark Mac and Parks will improve. They'll have a much tougher time winning a Natty but they should be a tough team to beat.

  3. think we should chip in & buy him one of these for the off season ?


    They'll start going in.....remember he took a whole season off from hockey with his injury. You don't simply bounce back right away. At the end of the day...his numbers were fine. It wasn't his fault our team was so inconsistent. Every game I saw he was doing his part.

  4. Voltin hasn't put up great numbers in the USHL, he has 26 points in 59 games so far. This doesn't mean he can't contribute offensively at this level. Take Jonny Brodzinski for example, he is a freshman this year for SCSU. His best year in the USHL, he had 22 points in 58 games. As a freshman with St. Cloud, he has 33 points in 40 games so far, including 22 goals. That's right he has as many goals in his first year in the NCAA, as he did points in the USHL. Some players just translate there game better, who's to say Voltin can't do the same thing.

    True...he also has the best assist man in the country on his line.

  5. I don't think the potential of next years team will be as high as this year, but I think the records will be very similar. I think Rocco will have a monster year, and MacMillan and Parks will take that next step up and be offensive leaders for this team. Our defenseman should generate a lot of offense, defensively there are some concerns though. Saunders and Gothberg should be the strengths of the team.

    Not close....but maybe they'll have more chemistry; actually I know they'll have more chemistry.

  6. I for one think we have some nice recruits coming in next year. We should field a very competitive team next year. We'll be a top 15 team in the country next year. I don't think we'll have natty material but we'll be competitive for anyone we play. Hopefully we keep Simpson and Forbert

  7. I wasn't using points to point out how good they were defensively, my point was from an offensive perspective this year was far more effective than in previous years. +/- is a horrible stat to judge a defense off though, give me a break.

    Also when you are stating holding the line vs. falling back, you don't ever have the defense hold the line on a 1-0 lead and stay that aggressive all game long. You drop back to protect the neutral zone and slow down the attack into the offensive zone. Why the heck would you ever commit both d-men like that and sacrifice a goal, they started to do that at the end of the game when down to get more offense because they had to.

    The team looked like they were tired IMHO and that can happen when you go from a late game on friday to afternoon on Saturday. It seems like this team is far more effective and confident with Gothberg in net than Saunders for some reason.

    Overall it was a good year and this team did overachieve a bit for what they had on forward. Outside of our top line, there wasn't a ton of depth at all.

    I'm not going to read your entire post but our d collectively has a lot of points

  8. I guess my expectations are just too high for first rounders even though I think Schmaltz was really lucky to go in the first round. Seems like in last 10 years though we haven't had luck with first round defencemen.

    You are partly correct in that I too thought he should have been a little more well rounded as he was a 1st rounder, but he wasn't. Now you simply have to let him develope. He'll be a great college defenseman. I'm sure of it.

  9. I'm not going back to find it, but this topic came up in a thread a few weeks ago. I went back and looked. There were more Boston College players in the NHL each of the last several years than UND. There were several other schools that had more players, or about the same number of players, in the NHL. I believe that Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin were on that list that often had more players in the NHL than UND. Denver, Boston University, Michigan State and Colorado College also ranked right up there. UND has a great reputation that is well deserved. But UND is not the only school that sends a lot of players to the pros. This image that some UND fans have, that UND has a huge talent advantage over all the other schools, is false. Some years it might be true. But overall, UND is in a group with several other schools that all send a lot of players to the NHL.

    During the first game they listed the teams with the most draft picks from this season....goofs were one, we were two and BC was three I believe. But BC did have 3-4 less draft picks than us. As far as top end talent in the league, I know we produce more....can't think of a good BC player that has come out in the last ten years....Orpik and ?? Probably another defenseman. There are BC players but they are very much role players. Parise, toews, oshie....those guys are not role players.

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  10. Is it possible that you are over rating the talent of the UND players, or under rating the talent of opposing schools? For instance, Boston College has more players in the NHL than UND, and have had more draft picks on their team most years, so it makes sense that they have had more recent success. UND doesn't always have more talent, and probably rarely has overwhelmingly more talent. UND rarely has the number 1 ranked recruiting class, and is rarely ranked number 1 in the country at the beginning of the season. So it is probably inaccurate to believe that they have a huge amount of talent more than all of the other schools in the country.

    We have gone through this process before. There are plenty of examples of coaches and schools having extended periods without winning the title, that then go on to win multiple titles in a short period. That includes all of the top programs in the country. Just because Hak hasn't won a title yet is not a valid predictor of whether he will win one (or more) in the future.

    In recent years und has had more top end NHL talent and their teams have more draft picks, they are also ranked very high (obviously too high) at the beginning of most seasons....super confused by your post. On paper our team is more talented than our opponents (except the goofs).

  11. Instead of dusting the old one off, lets start the new one up.

    Time to fire the head coach.... The guy can't coach at all. Why do we pay him all of this money.

    He's been to the Frozen Four five out of nine seasons. Hakstol's teams have won 20+ games nine season in a row, his teams have made the Final Five every year that he's been the head coach.

    UND has won four WCHA Playoff and 2 WCHA regular season Championships under the much maligned head coach.

    In addition, Hakstol's teams have made the NCAA tourney every year that he's been at UND and UND just because the team with the longest streak 11 years.

    To put this into perspective, SCSU has won 2 NCAA games in their school's history. This is Yale's first trip to the Frozen Four in 60 years.

    It's hurts that UND didn't win it all this year, but it's not like UND won't be back soon.

    I will be back, again next season.

    *The author of this post realizes that many are frustrated with the current loss of the UND hockey program. This a shot at satire. But also a place for fans to blow off steam.

    I agree that he shouldn't be fired....however this is the first time since he's started that I have started to question his coaching and think about what he was given that ALL other coaches don't have. The guy has an unlimited budget and world class facilities that kids aren't going to see anywhere. It is evident that he is able to recruit kids with ease. Every year his teams are full of top end (college) talent. At what point doesn't a guy get even lucky. It is not like they are losing hard fought games....his team lays down at the most critical times. I know Yale beat MN yesterday but I also thought MN laid down.

    I am willing to agree that we don't get crazy and fire Hak but taking a step back and looking to the future I am not too sure where this program is going in terms of post season success...and no it's not acceptable to compare us with SCSU...or Yale for that matter.

  12. MacWIlliam will be in the AHL next week.

    Knight and Kristo will likely get NHL ice this year, if nothing more than a cup of coffee to introduce them.

    Yes potentially. Kristo will get a look. Knight will have to play his way up there.

  13. During Hakstol's tenure, the Fighting Sioux have been carried by inertia built by coaches and teams of the past. And we are finally running out of inertia. Next year the team looks like it will be even more of a challenge than this year. Hak moved into a new building, but he can't close a deal. It's not that his team lost as much as they way they lost....the looked unprepared and unmotivated. When a team performs like North Dakota did today, the head coach, who has the ulitimate accountablity has to be scrutinized. His team was totally lethargic and lackluster in a situation where they should have been totally amped up. They were outplayed nearly the entire game by a team that isn't any better than the Sioux are. If North Dakota keeps Hak around for 10 more years, he still won't bring home the hardware. We should have taken Eades instead of Hak. Eades personifies the Fighting Sioux Spirit. Hak is just a guy always trying to say the politically correct thing. He isn't and isn't going to ever cut it. North Dakota hockey has been in decline and it is only going to get worse unless some changes are made. You people that love him haven't noticed that the skill and depth of our teams has been eroding over the last several years. Sure we have made it to the NCAA's, but the quality and skill of our teams is not near the level of the teams that were able to finish. Hak should be hacked.

    I liked everything u said until the end....they had 15 draft picks this year! Second in the nations; you think their talent is eroding? Get real. Someone needs to mentor these guys and coach them how to win...and play hard.

  14. I think he is talking about the classes we had in the mid to late 2000's with all those future NHL regulars. This year's team has one or two at most.

    I knew what he was saying...but even excluding the NHL greats he still has recruited top end college recruits year in and year out. But he has nothing to show for it. I'm starting to wonder if another coach got an unlimited budget what they would do with the program.

  15. Wow that game was so frustrating. Hak is a great recruiter but I may start questioning is mentoring and coaching pretty soon. I don't want to hear Yale is a good team because they are not. Mn laid an egg and und simply is only good on paper....they weren't a very good team all year long. They can beat anyone but will play down to their opponents level every game. Pretty frustrating.

  16. Dirty play......in the pros there would have been a fight after that one. I've never seen Knight that completely ready to kill somebody.....wow.

    Odd man out in the lineup now is Drake. Going with the seasons on the line lineup got the team the lead and just gave Niagara no hope for the rest of the game. At the end they put Mark up with Knight and Kristo and rode them to the end. The mix matching continues....

    My lines tomorrow:



    Gaarder-Pattyn-St. Clair

    Fill in fourth unit forwards....Chyzyk, Drake, OD.

    Drake should not be the odd man out.

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