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Posts posted by scpa0305

  1. No need, none of your posts are original. Every single one is the same old tired..."average team" "no talent" "going nowhere" post.

    I sometimes think you have the same post saved in Word and just copy/paste it on here after every loss. :)

    My initial post came after the game that I thought we should have one....sorry for being slightly pissed. I still think you need to work on your trash talking though.

  2. What I've been wondering is why can we not get these ridiculous goalies that other teams seem to have? When was the last time we were the team with the hot goalie? It seems like Denver always finds brick wall like goaltenders and how does Kato get a guy like Williams? We need to figure something out to find big time goalies. I do realize that Zane is supposed to be really good and was highly rated but we should have stuck with him through the rough nights that all fr have and turned him into a seasoned vet come tourney time.

    I honestly think with a little work Zane will be a stud. He seems to make a lot of great saves but gives up a few sofites too. I still think Zane should play over Saunders, but I am slightly uncomfortable with both.

  3. You can absolutely fault him on the final goal. He was on his knees, and out of position which allowed the deflection to go in. Have you ever seen a goalie hit his knees on a point shot BEFORE the puck is fired? Every single goal was at least partially his fault. The first one, he was chasing a forward for some reason. The second one he was out of position again and backing up giving the breakaway shooter the advantage, the third one was a disaster and unacceptable, and I just mentioned the fourth. Saunders needs to be benched. Zane is the future of that position, and while he too has had some inconsistencies, he has also been the steadier of the two in the second half. Although our defense has been a let down all year, and that attributed to the loss, ultimately our goalie is our last line of defense and last night Saunders failed.

    I don't think the last goal was his fault....the wing should have been out there in the first place. Also, the break away goal can't be put on him either. The 1st and third goals were terrible though....all his fault (especially the third goal 100%).

  4. I thought we created a lot of chances tonight and Howe made some nice saves but we have to find a way to cash in on more of them. The goaltending and powerplay are really the 2 things that let us down tonight and I think it does create a lot of question over who gets the start in the 1st round of NCAAs? I would probably lean towards Zane right now as I think he is better controlling the rebounds and positionally and the biggest reason is I believe he really has a greater ability to steal a game and make a big save on a breakaway the Saunders really hasn't showed recently. I think trust Hak but it just seems like we would be better off with Rodwell in the lineup and OD out and someone else up top with Knight and Kristo. OD has had a number of chances created by Knight and Kristo and a few tonight with basically open nets and couldn't cash in and really seems out of place at times so I wouldn't mind to see a change. I would have loved another matchup with Minnesota but who knows maybe there is one waiting in the NCAAs somewhere as well and while I really wanted to take the win the last real final 5 and 4th straight broadmoor I am okay with the loss in the sense that we can get rested up and ready for a run at Championship #8. We have won the final 5 the last 3 years and it hasn't brought us a whole lot of success in the NCAAs so maybe this is the route that will bring us more NCAA success.

    Where did u see OD with all these chances....I didn't see any and I was at the game?

  5. Sure why not. I dont care if we have 24. 90 mins of ice there will be some tired people

    Ok let me know what the totals are and if there are a ton of guys I don't need to go. I have a league game later that day anyway.

  6. I think top three will be




    My mulligan is haula.

    And the BC kid will win..ECB is too much to overcome

    Haha, Haula should have the "character issue" cloud all over him. What a mess that guy is at the bars in Minny.

  7. No way a Sioux player wins....their is credible evidence that both Kristo and Knight have character issues (I guess). It will go to someone else. Heck, I had my fair share of minors and I turned out fine. However, the selection committee seems to blast kids who get in even the littlest of trouble....it's unfortunate.

  8. I think based on the result Sunday the lineup will remain fairly consistent. OD will stay on the top line, Rocco the second, and after the way he played Drake can't come out of the lineup.

    Question to ponder: I know Hak wants to spread out the scoring, but does he feel that with Kristo-Knight-and Rocco together that line is more of a defensive liability because of their lack of size? This topic has been beaten to death, but the best Kristo and Knight have looked all year was when Rocco was with them. I mean last year the three best forwards played on that same line basically all year. After them it was gravy if any other line scored.

    In the end, I trust Hak. He makes the tough calls, I'm on a computer, his hockey knowledge far outduels mine.

    I like your post but Rocco knight and kristo would never be a defensive liability.

  9. I'd put Parks with the MacMacs before that. MarkMac needs someone with speed to keep up with him. MitchMac seems the trailer/garbage collector/shooter that trails.

    Remember my theory: Getter - Setter - Shooter

    O'D - Knight - Kristo

    Parks - MarkMac - MitchMac

    Rowney - Rocco - Caggiula

    and a grind-line.

    Rocco's days of playing center should be over....too small to stay in the circle. I'd be fine with him up top but I'm also fine with him where he is. Not sure on OD and Mitch though....Caggs looked good.

  10. Sorry the Twins are the best players on the planet....period. Bozek is nice player as is Kessel and so are some of the other women players on the other college womens hockey powers. That being said Minnesota is not better at every positon than UND but the deciding factor is DEPTH. That is where Minnesota won the game.

    Kessel is very good....just as good as the Twins. But you are correct, MN was way deeper than UND. But not better at every position. That Mariucci guy is an absolute nut, still confused why he hangs out on this site so much (@getalife).

  11. When was the last time that Minnesota has been relevant in any sport but hockey? Their football team has been beaten by NDSU and a all kinds of other crappy schools in FBS. Their basketball team for the most part is a joke, especially after the academic scandal. So I am going to agree with Fighitng Sioux for life.

    Second that.

  12. OD was very good as a freshman; top freshman scorer if I remember right, and when he, Parks, and Rowney (was it Rowney?) were together last year, they were great. Was OD one of the missing, injured forwards at the end last year? Don't remember? But this year he hasn't looked at all like the freshmen OD. Seems to have lost the speed, skill, and aggressiveness he had last year. Would agree someone else has to take his place, as he hasn't found his game on any line.

    OD was one of the injured forwards however he was not one of the best freshman skaters. He did have a few early goals but that could have been lucky....check out his assist totals (a true hockey stat) they're terrible.

  13. I feel Hak tried to tried to out think the room a couple weeks ago and now it's backfiring. You break up a top line that was jelling and scoring in bunches. A healthy scratch for weeks goes to top line. A regular for 30+ games in now useless? I don't think it's a coincidence the team's play the last couple of weekends has taken a dive. When did this program start plugging kids in the lineup because they lit it up in practice??? I have never been to a practice but I know no W has ever been notched in practice either. This society revolves around real production...hockey isn't excluded.

    One thing that really bothers me is just flat out getting outworked...2 straight nights...in the playoffs.

    I agree to a point that this team has 3 top end offensive guys...maybe 4 with Mark Mac... and everyone else (forward wise) is a nice part when things are going well. IMO to advance tonight Rocco goes top line which will create more space for Danny and Corbin and you roll with them to out score Tech...anyone else contributing is gravey.

    I thought we would see a totally diffenent team last but I didn't. And unfortunately that's been this team's MO. Now if I had to beat, I put big money down it doesn't happen 3 nights in a row.

    Agreed, not sure what the thought process is right now. Rocco knight kristo; parks Rowney mark Mac; plug the rest as needed and leave it until our season is over. Also, leave Zane in there. He's been shaky but so has Clarke.

    Since the beginning everyone on this board has said how good odonnell is....I honestly have never seen it. You guys must have been partly right because Hak has given this guy more than a couple chances to succeed, he's simply not very good.

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