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Posts posted by scpa0305

  1. I think Thompson is widely considered to be the better player now, as well as having higher potential than Ausmus. Ausmus is a steady-stay at home guy, Thompson is projected to be a pretty good two-way defenseman with great skating ability. The scouting report on Thompson reminds me a lot of Chorney when he played at UND.

    Ladue will be better than both Thompson and Ausmus next year. I think Thompson may be a tad "green" next year...somewhat like Schmaltz was for awhile. Ausmus will be a rock. But Ladue is pretty much a "do-it-all" defensemen. Ausmus and Thompson both have higher ceilings. I still think Ladue will play in the NHL.

  2. I'd actually say lettering in four sports is very hard- impossible if one is hockey.

    Oh I never did....I'm just saying it wouldn't be hard. If you're a half decent athlete in GF you can letter in multiple sports. Where I grew up (south side of GF) we played hockey, baseball, golf, etc. We dominated football until we focused more on hockey. I'm guessing if we stuck with it we would have easily been on the football team too. The best athletes my age all played hockey and focused solely on hockey. The other sports were simply to have fun...nothing serious. You should have seen the guys playing football for our varsity team....borderline athletes at best.

  3. How bout you ask a guy like Dennis Johnson what he thinks about Bina as a coach. I graduated from Central but didn't have enough spirit to try out for the cheer team. I was also too busy being a 4 sport athlete.

    Sorry....but it's not too hard to be a four sport athelete in GF (especially for Central).

  4. Worst coach Central has had in years. He got awards out of pity when he had no talent on his teams or young teams and only won when his team was absolutely stacked. Sounds like a good coach to me. Good coaches can win with mediocre talent in high school. Ask some of his former players if he's a good coach.

    You are such loser...bad-mouthing such a decent guy.

  5. I bet if you watched the tapes, those were not 'blind' passes. Those were passes to a guy who hadn't gotten there yet. I love watching him as well.

    No some of them are blind passes. But all in all, we sure need him.

  6. Absolutely, when he left high school, did you think he would play Division 1 hockey? Now he is one of the top defenseman recruits in the country and likely USHL Defenseman of the Year.

    I wouldn't say it was out of the question. He left high school a year early to play in the NA (which is not a terrible league) and he played 2 years in the USHL, both being very productive.

  7. Suckers. You all played right into where I was leading you. You guys take the RWNJ stance and when I took the RWNJ stance you attacked me for spouting YOUR beliefs and not mine. I was playing teanut and you all bit. Now all of you are taking a socialist/liberal attitude when it directly affects you. Way to funny. You guys are like the old people riding their Medicare paid for scooters screaming for the government to keep their hands off their Medicare.

    .....dang I can't even believe I responded to a 19 yr old college student. Don't worry when you get in the real world come back and post on big boy topics.

  8. What would you call Scott Hennen or the state legislature? As for the sandbags a couple of questions. What are these bags going to be used for? Are they to protect private property? Are the tax payers being billed to protect private property? Child labor to fill sandbags to protect private property on the tax payers dime? Can the people who need bags not pay for their own bags and sand? You know take responsibility for their own property and not expect the state to do it for them? Like people in Grand Forks did for years. All along Elmwood Dr. in Grand Forks the people who lived their bought their own sand and bags and built their own protection. Would this not fall under the ideology that if someone builds in a flood plain by a river be responsible to protect their own property and not rely on the state to protect them (socialism)? Now they are taking kids and indoctrinating them into serving the state. Would this not be like the FEMA camps and AmeriCorps brainwashing the young?

    Your comments are so far out there....you don't even make sense.....you're reaching buddy.

  9. If he means comparing player to player, he is comparing our best player to their best player and so on. So yes, I would say UND outmatches Yale player to player. Kristo is better than Agostino, Knight is better than Miller etc.

    I agree...there two things you are forgetting....team chemistry and team work ethic.

  10. I was concerned about Rowe as well. But if you look at his stats from the last 2 years you can see the progression with added ice time. I'd expect great growth with another year in the USHL. He's not a top end guy, but could be a 4 yr player for us down the road. Trevor Olson had a similar growth period.

    Sure. I actually like Olson's numbers a lot since he got to Sioux City.....I'll take those all day.

  11. How's Luke's Johnson playing lately? Curios if anyone and seen him live in 2nd half of their season

    Super inconsistent this year but his numbers are not bad. I thought he would improve a lot from last year but his numbers don't show it. Either way, I know he is a very solid player....very smart player. He will make an impact next year. 100 pts in 110 career games is just fine with me. I also like his career +37.

  12. I would say with great confidence that LaDue will be here in the fall.

    Agreed. What is the deal with Jack Rowe...is he coming next year? His progression in the USHL does not look very enticing. His +/- has to one of the worst in the league.

  13. Both LaDue and Thompson posses the ability to be effective PK players next season. Might not be the physical presence that Mac was (not many could...), but they are certainly not afraid to body up with the opposition. LaDue is going to surprise a lot of people with how good he turns out to be, IMO.

    I really agree with this statement; I have seen him play 5+ times and he is very good. Best defenseman in the USHL...not bad. I'm surprised Thompson is making the jump though....he have been tracking his production and initially thought he was going to have a better year this year. I wished he good get one more year of junior hockey.

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