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Posts posted by scpa0305

  1. You mean to tell me Danny took time away from his academics? WHAT? :lol:

    Best of luck to Forbort. Will make for a pretty green defensive corps next year. But whats not to love about three freshman blue liners?

    Forbort would have been nice to have back.....but I am fine with our D core next year. Simpson should be awesome, Schmaltz and Mattson will make strides and I really like the incoming freshman defensemen.

  2. I'm sure he didn't and I would guess he will get another shot in the future but I was just trying to prove a point to say there are so many players that at least get a game or a short stint in the NHL that to say Kristo or Knight will never play a game in the NHL is absurd to me.

    Yes, I agree they may both get a shot....Kristo is a lock to at least get a shot. I'm not sure about Knight though. Very smart player but I'm not so sure on his motor. Only time will tell.

  3. Most of us have been puzzled that he hasn't been called up yet.

    His numbers are eye-popping but he has had 21 goals and is decent sized. If he doesn't get the call this year he will next year for sure. A first rounder always gets his shot. One thing Brock must work at is his passing (similar situation with Frattin) in tight spaces. Both have great shots but there are a lot of guys in the NHL with cannons. To me Brock seems like a guy who, once he makes it, will be around for a long time. Good blue collar work ethic....great skill.

  4. Not true! I have attended a fair number of practices over the last two seasons and to say that the practices aren’t hard is incorrect and inaccurate. They might have day’s that are “lighter” than others but the practices that I have witnessed; the boys got after it, and there was a lot of hard skating drills and I can tell you that for an hour and a half they didn’t stand around a lot and there wasn’t a lot of wasted movement. There also wasn’t a lot of fooling around, either.

    Ok....it's all up to interpretation. Sources I have actually played for him but I have never witnissed a practice so I truly don't know for sure. Either way I'm pro-Hak and I think he should remain our coach. I get pissed that they lose every year but it's sure fun to see the great players come through our program. We need a couple more studs though....besides Frattin (who is playing less and less) we haven't had an offensive presense in the NHL for some time. I'm guessing Brock should be called up at some point this year.

  5. I'd rather have the d play better d and produce fewer points. And also not have over rated players like Rowney clogging up a valuable spot on the second line.

    Ok got ya....I couldn't distinguish where you were going with your first post.

  6. Just let it marinate for awhile and maybe it'll sink in.

    I think I get what you were trying to say but I don't think it came out right. By no means is it a "bad" thing to have defensive scoring. you noted we needed better secondary scoring from lines 2-4...and I agree. But scoring from lines 2-4 have nothing to do with having a nice scoring D core.

  7. Never once heard anyone say this team didnt' work hard. Hakstol's teams usually work very hard in practice. You can work your butt off and have passion and still get beat. Every year we don't win it all it is the same stuff. Poor coaching, wrong line matchups, no leadership, etc. Sometimes you can have good coaching and hard working kids and, in this game more than almost any other, you can still get beat. Not as likely to happen in FB or BB. Can also happen in baseball. Nature of the game and with one game series. Don't take the loss personally folks you didn't play. Don't always need someone to blame when things don't turn out the way we wish. I will take this team and these coaches again next year. Biggest threat right now is the breakup of the WCHA and making our transition to the new conference a successful one. This coaching staff puts these our team in a postiion to be successful every year and that is what you need from your coaches. Number 8 will come in the next few years.

    Actaully you are wrong here...I've heard he is more of a players coach and that they don't necesarily have "hard" practices. I've heard this from very good sources. I'm not opposed to either coaching style, I simply wanted to inform you on this.

  8. I'm not sure if that's a good thing. It's nice to have some point producers back there but having two potent lines of forwards that call all put the puck in the net is more important for winning titles. We only had one this year which is why we didn't get sweeps and couldn't get past Yale and cc.

    Your comment made absolutely no sense.

  9. Seen better players in the ECHL who are stuck there for eternity (who also had much better numbers in college at good programs). More like when they do not make it in the NHL you will be looking foolish. Take off the Kelly green shades.

    Which players are you referring too...you never mention them at all.

  10. i never thought he was ever really a risk. he's still so young, there's no reason to rush his development. I'd like to see him add a little grit to his game next year along with more scoring. next year, this team will need more from the blueline in terms of points. Simpson, Schmaltz, Mattson, LaDue should bring that from the point next season.

    Didn't this year's team lead the nation in d points (collectively); I'm sure I'm wrong but I thought I read that somewhere. Must have been on 4/1 or something.

  11. Some good official news from Simpson.

    Dillon Simpson@Simmer1816m

    For the number of you who seem to think I may be planning on leaving UND, I'm not going anywhere #senioryear

    Great news...he was our best defensemen....except those penalties he took late I'll forget those however.

  12. So you can't find anybody and are hoping someone else can back up your claim for you? Or maybe "show your work".

    I'm sure there are players with better college stats than Kristo that are stuck in the E....but they're not as good as him. Kristo is a very good player....he'll get his shot in the show and at least will have a long AHL career. He has a great shot, his strides are short but he does skate relatively fast, he isn't terrible defensively or passing, so he should work out just fine.

  13. How many other UND players have you said that about? Or how many players from other teams have you said would not make the NHL and did? The E is a great developmental league. It is not like it is a bush league like the old days. Next week I am going to catch a couple of LV Wrangler/Stockton playoff games. By the way. I talked to a friend of mine yesterday who played in the E and at UND and he concurred with me on Kristo. How many of you thought that Marto had a great shot at the NHL? He is stuck in the E now.

    None, and I am not knocking the E....just letting you know that barring a lockout, Kristo will never play regularily in the E. I knew Marto wouldn't play in the show, I though he would be just like chay and stay in the AHL. He didn't but I would never say he is an AHL lifer. Remember this....Kristo will never play in the E regularily.

  14. I would imagine that the Kings are underwhelmed by his development and will actively seek to sign him and send him to the AHL. Not a knock on him or our program, but he did not play like a third year first round draft pick...

    For all of those "it takes dmen longer to develop" I agree in theory, but Matt Greene, Keith Ballard, Erik Johnson, Jack Johnson, Brooks Orpik all went early...so did Paul Martin (a second rounder)...Jacob Trouba was a one and done...and all were playing at a much higher level than Derek...In order to maximize their significant investment (a first round pick) I believe LA will push to have Forbert in the AHL. They will give him a max NHL deal, knowing full well that he is likely to be paid only his signing bonus and AHL salary for the next two years.

    Not trying to be a hater, just calling it like I see it.

    Makes sense. For greed's sake I hope he stays, however, when we landed him I was hoping for at most 3 years and we got it.

  15. If Minnesota has a strong enough leader this year, which I think they do in Tom Serratore, they can surpass this past years team due to hard work alone. That's IMO only.

    Agreed. Same with UND's team. They were both highly skilled teams however lacked the passion to actually work hard and win. This is probably more of a GPL post though.

  16. All four will sign, the only hope I had was Budish maybe sticking around but looks like that's not happening either. Losing 4 guys early seems like a lot to overcome but with only 1 senior(Helgeson) it won't be anything unusual to have to replace 5 guys in one off-season.

    Cammaratta and Kloos might be the two best forwards in the USHL as they are 1-2 in scoring despite playing less games than every player below them. Both will make immediate impacts. Fasching, Guertler, and C. Reilly who missed this season with injury are also highly coveted. It's perfect timing for the Gophers to bring in one of the best recruiting classes they've had in recent memory which this one certainly is.

    Yeah Cam and Kloos hit the stat sheet hard but they are not hard to play against....their team is average at best.

  17. Yeah mine is based in reality.

    I think you're a little aggresive and all you are trying to do is "stir the pot"....but what you said is probably true. I think all will get their chance....but they are all long shots to stick. Kristo has the best chance I think. Unless Rocco adds a ton a muscle (ex. Gerbe) he is simply too small to play in the NHL...only time will tell.

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