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Posts posted by scpa0305

  1. The idea that Gopher players aren't also held under a microscope just isn't true. Has a local GF news station ever done an undercover expose at campus bars using tiny hidden cameras to catch underage hockey players drinking? I didn't think so. The idea that this keeps happening in Grand Forks simply because of the size of the town is a weak built-in excuse.

    Haha....I was at Blarney's with those Goph players a year before they were caught.

  2. It's a shame the apologists are out in full force... yeah kids make mistakes, yeah college kids drink... UND hockey players, especially ones on scollies need to adhere to a higher standard. If you decide to drink, you better be damn sure you don't get caught. And when you do get caught, be ready to accept responsibility for your actions. I fully expect Hak to give Gothberg and Chyzyk the three strikes and you're out talk, as he very well should.

    I'm not apologizing for anyone either...however, you have to look at the crime itself. I thought when these kids were caught earlier in the year...all passed out and had to be taken to the hospital, that was a big deal. A simple minor is really nothing other than an explanation to a future employer. I have had my fair share of minors and they were all a joke. If you are a responsible person and can handle yourself appropriately they are simply bad luck instances. If you're the drunkest guy at the party and constantly making a fool of yourself that is a whole separate issue.

  3. I do find it interesting that we don't see, or hear a lot of this going on elsewhere. Either there isn't much of it going on, they are more discrete in their drinking, it is more often overlooked by police and/or administration, or it isn't reported in the media like it is here. We know that it is going on elsewhere, so some of the rest must hold true, and if that is the case, are they any more saintly because they don't get caught? Schlossman has pretty much proven to guys like Hammy, that it gets reported here, and a ton of stuff that has gone down in Minneapolis hasn't seen the light of day. They need to clean it up here, but I suspect that is the case a lot of places, except it isn't spotlighted or caught. "For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open".

    It goes on but the kids blend in....they don't in GF.

  4. You have what 4,000 underage kids on the campus and how few get minors in a year? Yeah I would say bad luck.

    Everyone one of the friends I have (all GF guys) at one point in time got a minor...or two...or three.

  5. Bad luck? :huh: I just know if this was 2 FB players at the AC in the same repeated situation, the tune being sung arounfd here would be vastly different. Calling it "lack of institutional control" by Bohl would be rampant.

    I got 3 minors straight off bad luck. One I was taking the first sip of beer. When you are in college you go to parties...and sometimes parties get busted.

  6. To your question...no, but Zane and Bryn have been on this team less than a year and this is their 2nd alcohol related legal citation. Seems like Hak's rope keeps getting longer. At a minimum I hope he enforces the "3 strikes and you'r out" rule if they both get caught again.

    This can't be on Hak unless you expect him to boot these guys. They are only minors....not DUI's. But you are correct, if they get caught again they are plain stupid and should be booted.

  7. Stecher was on that same team. This is his third year with them. Last year on that dominant team he put up 5g,37a in 53 games

    All the hype? He's a solid defender that won an award. The coaches voted him in so they must have seen something. There's more to playing D than simply putting up points. And the guys you mentioned probably would have won the award if there was one....this is the first year of the awards existence I believe.

  8. i wouldnt say he is tiny at 5'11.. and he plays bigger with some grit. he was also at one time reportedly recruited by north dakota, minnesota, denver and BC. im assuming he chose ohio state because of the Osiecki connection with his cousin having played under him at wisconsin- but he is a 4th round nhl pick with an added year of post-drafted junior hockey.. he will be a contributor for someone in the fall IMO- wherever he ends up

    Have u seen him play? I would say he is 5'10 max...and like 160. I'm 5'10 and I was never considered big. I was actually talking about his linemates. Kloos does most of the feeding on that line.

  9. NHL Central Scouting's Final Rankings of North American Skaters

    42 - Adam Tambellini

    53 - Keaton Thompson

    96 - Luke Johnson

    Of note: Gage Ausmus (148)

    Funny I just read that...one thing to note, Tambellini is actually 6'2 1/4'' and only 169 lbs....that is about as frail as a kid gets being that tall. I bet I was 169 lbs as a freshman or sophomore....in high school. He's going to be here for a few years beefing up.

  10. And according to salary cap records, he got a rookie max deal that summer...pretty tough to turn down. He played half the season in the show this year too...

    max signing bonus with Rangers ($275k) and a year in the OHL for 2011-2012

    $70k for half a year playing in the AHL and $833k for half a year playing in the NHL ($925k less $92K signing) so $452k

    Total comp last two years ballpark $725k

    alternatively he could've been living the dream in GF and being a kid for a couple years

    I wish I would have made that in the last two years.

  11. Looks like you may be right. I have a great source that says Stepan has decided to get a release from OSU and commit to the Gophers. The only potential problem might be getting the release since we are now in the same conference.

    I'm fine with that. His numbers are inflated due to the line he plays on (yes I know the others are gopher recruits as well) but I think both Kloos and Tammaratta are the one's driving his production. They are all tiny though.

  12. Unless I'm misremembering, Miller committed, got drafted into the NHL, then left for the CHL that summer basically right before he was expected on campus.

    Correct, however, I do wish he would have came here for a year. Either way, I heard from a reliable source (kid who played with him on the NTDP) who noted Miller was telling everyone at camp that he would decommit if he was given a good deal ($$$). Either way, the kid was a one and done player.

  13. I remember a year ago people wondering why Brock Nelson wasn't putting up shots and numbers when he was playing in the minors. Who knows all the circumstances behind the lack of points. One thing I know, is that Kristo doesn't lack for offensive skill, if anything he needs to have a better focus on the defensive side of the rink, and perhaps that is what they want him to focus on.

    Brock was much younger.....and less physically mature than Danny. Once Brock matured physically (which he still can do) everyone knows what type of player he will be. He was a first rounder.

    I know what kind of player Danny can be, I also know that at 24-26 years of age you are given a very short leash, sometimes one shot, to prove what kind of player you are. Look at Potulny....he was given 1-2 shots and no matter what he will most likely never get another shot...even though he is a great offensive player (one of the best in the AHL).

  14. Player development is interesting...I didn't see who they had Anders skating with, but it seems likely that he can play more roles with his strength. Brock is clearly a goal scorer, top 6- probably won't ever see ice as a role player. Anders can play any role on any line.

    True...I remember when we were playing ND they were talking about how great of a defensive player he was.

  15. To bad he didn't stay. They let Anders jump straight from college.

    True....Anders has 2 pts in 2 games too. But he has also looked pretty bad. His first game he scored a flukey goal but he was on the ice for 2 others (one was clearly his fault). But overall he's had a decent showing. Wondering why they never gave Brock a chance. Anders is a good sized kid however (6'2'' 210).

  16. Agree, but how many times did an opponent's forward walk it in to the dots or below before any pressure/contact was made by our Dman. Never have seen that in watching UND hockey in all my years.

    Very true...many of our defensemen are more passive than aggressive. They are both fine however you also need both.

  17. Well, they were just behind Wisconsin in lowest goals against in the league too so it seems pretty consistent overall. I guess I just think you are reaching for excuses. Our boys did not play good defense this year.

    Not great but not terrible either....being ranked in the top 17 (of 59 teams) is still in the top half. Not too shabby considering their WCHA schedule. But I, for one, do think their forwards should have played a little better in their own zone for most of the year.

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  18. Didn't know where to put this so I figured I would throw it here since he was at one time a committed recruit...

    Stefan Matteau reportedly quit on his QMJHL team after being benched for the entire third period of a playoff game after taking a bad penalty.

    Today, it was announced that he has officially been released from the team.

    Yes, he's talented but I think UND may have dodged a bullet here.

    What is even more odd is that his pops was the assistant coach....I'm guessing there was some sort of melt down.

  19. Via twitter

    And yet he still hasn't been called up to the big club...

    Neither has Nino either....as the other poster noted, NYI aren't going to mess with their lineup before the playoffs. Next year he should get his chance though.

  20. Can you elaborate on this comment???

    One too many question marks don't you think? He has 3 pts in 9 games, no goals, and only 14 shots on net in that time period. Those are not good numbers at all, especially for him being the age he is. After the season there were some that thought he may get a look with the big club (me included) but I'm guessing that's over with now. Hopefully he comes back next year a plays better, which I'm sure he will.

  21. Isn't Ausmus already the strongest physically of the thee? And wouldn't that make him fill our biggest need on defense as we lose McWilliam? I think this crop of d will be awesome but Ausmus might bring what we need most physically.

    Sure but he's still a 2nd-4th round freshman defensemen. You are correct that he plays a physical game...I never really thought our D was overly bad last year. Collectively they were fine. At the end of the day, yes Mattson made the stupid spin-o-rama walking the tight rope but our D didn't lose us the game. Our forwards lacked chemistry all year long and our goalies were average at best. Our D didn't play great all year but it definitely wasn't the biggest flaw on last year's team. Going into next year I believe we have the strongest D core in the nation.....easy.

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