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Everything posted by scpa0305

  1. Couldn't wait for this thread to start....another season! As I say every year, I think this is our year!
  2. They'll be a good team....like always. Go check their draft picks out.
  3. Gersich with a nice game last night....G, 2 A's.
  4. True....it definitely is very close if you include the entire country.
  5. have you ever been to a small market hockey game? It honestly reminded me of a MN Swarm game....they have all these side show activities between every whistle simply to keep the fans somewhat interested....because lord knows they know nothing about the game being played. I honestly don't call them 'real' fans.
  6. I have a job that pays....I can't sit patrolling random boards all day long. I do know that the Und following alone (real fans) are night and day more than the blue jackets (the biggest joke in the NHL)
  7. Brush up on your hockey knowledge....your top recruit just decommited.
  8. I would bet top dollar a UND vs UM outdoor game, nationally televised, would draw over double the tv viewers than an OSU vs UM game. Half the "attendance" at blue jackets games are simply there for social entertainment reasons not because of their dire passion for blue jacket hockey. I also would bet that a small % of those blue jacket fans are die hard buckeye hockey fans. The state is much bigger that is the obvious (and only) reason for more USA hockey members. The only potential viewers that will watch a nationally televised college hockey game are college hockey fans. Plain and simple; sorry fellow hockey fans our sport is 4th in the food chain and soccer is catching up fast. So who has the best college hockey fanbase...we do.
  9. Mariucci you are forgetting something....those people who aren't going to watch hockey anyway will still not watch a UM game vs OSU (including OSU fans) it's like lacross to them.
  10. Corban with a shorty last night against Ottawa!
  11. I can't figure out how to post pictures from my phone but the new NHL nets are pretty cool. They are a lot narrower to me....or at least something is up with them.
  12. scpa0305

    SDSU at UND

    I have been hearing from my family that their D is pretty shabby but this RB is running wild on them. What gives? He must be the only one they need to stop.
  13. Is that jungle green? Where is out Sioux (Kelly) green? Also, there is definitely something missing in the middle.
  14. Dokay now....you are pepping up an FCS team are you not? Lets get real here.
  15. Ditto....he'll be pretty raw but is a great player. Monitor is minutes, ease him in, and don't put him in a spot to fail. Give the kid confidence and he'll be an awesome sophomore and junior.
  16. A player can be any combination of these and multiple. I don't mind if there are two scorers on one line...but at least one must be able to dish the pill.
  17. I think a lot of what you said is true. I am only going to comment on hockey because that is where my passion lies....I love und but also have to get back to work. We have always pulled in top notch recruits/players....the game has simply changed for Americans. Kids are playing hockey everywhere and the college game is getting deeper...in essence more teams have depth. Also we lose players but not at a rate greater than many other teams....everyone loses players evey year (go check the gophs or goons most recent article). We are just going through a rough patch....last years team just didn't play up to expectations, plain and simple. Better luck this year.
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