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Everything posted by scpa0305

  1. I wasn't trying say blais over Hak, simply saying it would be tougher to recruit players to uno over und. Tougher gig. You may have wanted to read the earlier posts
  2. They also have the top two scorers in the USHL, as well as, the EP kids.
  3. Maybe....it was my daily bold prediction we'll see what happens. When I said 1-2 I really meant 2....because we will be #1 if we don't lose any underclassman. I just think they will surprise people if they can shore up their D and G. I also posted that before I read that Barber was coming back. If given a second chance to redo that post I would say top 3. SCSU won't crack the top 2 in my opinion.
  4. That is the point I've been trying to make for some time. Not that I want Blais over Hak...just in reponse to posters writing off Blais for some reason. His UNO team was tough this year...at least when I saw them playing UND.
  5. Do you happen to know who he's got coming in next year? They were 3 this year....only 1 game off from us. Save the post.
  6. First off, this response has absolutely nothing to do with Hak and everything to do with Blais. Blais came to UND at a very low point and turned it around substantially (2 NCAA titles). He is a coach that appears to always be moving and ready to accept a challenge. Going to a place like UNO was no easy task so I have no idea why you would even do the whole winning % debate.....not many other coaches (with his type of stature in the hockey community) would have accepted that position. Do UNO and UND have anything in common regarding their tradition and stature in college hockey? No. The man has 2 national titles and resurrected this program. Again, I'm so confused why some people are saying anything in a disrespectful tone about Blais. Also, Blais has some darn good recruits coming in next year. If Archibald had stayed....they would be 1-2 in the NCHC next year...still probably will.
  7. Must be a Twitter thing....I don't have an account but I do look at this site almost daily during the season. On a positive note, I do like what you put out there....especially most of your predictions
  8. He was wrong last weekend as well....I'm anxiously awaiting Dave's pick. He's been on lately.
  9. I was shocked there was no fine. He followed through high and left his feet on a guy in a vulnerable position....Orpik knew Toews wasn't looking....that was a hit to injure for sure.
  10. One game at a time. Honestly, who thinks we have a shot at beating the Goofs next Thursday?
  11. Respectfully, this was on odd time to write such an article. I have seen some fans slightly discouraged with the coach for not winning a natty yet but how many posters have actually stated they want the man fired....I believe it's only been one troll. As a fan, I would like to read positive articles about the upcoming games and how we stack up against our opponents. Not the "I told you so" mentality that goes on back and forth on this site for 12 months of the year.
  12. I thought this was kind of humorous. http://www.miamistudent.net/sports/miami-hockey-oxford-reduce-to-rubble-1.3155956#.Uzyf59zoZhA
  13. I figured Czarnik would as he's small. Coleman is only 5'10'' so he isn't tiny (200 lbs) but definitely not huge. Besides last season he hasn't had great college seasons. Barber should be gone, if not that sucks for the Sioux.
  14. I have a little "in" with the HBC....Johnny's already got it no matter what. I do like Carey though....man could that guy shoot the puck.
  15. I'm shocked that Schmaltz wasn't selected to the U18's.....I know much of the team is filled with NTDP players but typically they pull in 2-3 other top players from the USHL. I wonder what the story is there.
  16. Living in the Twin Cities.....anyone but the Goofs!
  17. I may have said so before but now that I think of it I don't think they are overachieving....they have a very solid team on paper, a little young, but very solid. I think they had several mental lapses during the season which reflected in their pairwise ranking, however their record was decent. They are where they are for a reason. I try not to look at things in the short term (as it relates to the coach), you give a guy a certain time range to get things done and you go from there. Given the fact Hak has continued to throw out competitive teams you have to extend the leash a tad. I sure hope he gets it done though, it's been awhile.
  18. I played organized hockey through high school and continue to play mens hockey against/with former college and pro players....I also have kids. Although I differ on how I communicate my concerns I do share some of your concerns with this program/coach. The bittersweet fact is that although it appears our program has (very) slowly started to go in the wrong direction, this coach is in the position to pull off what we had expected to happen at least once over the past decade. As of now, I'm on his side.
  19. Funny....that's definitely him.
  20. I do agree that at some point the AD has to look at a coach's body of work and figure out if he's on the right path, as far as building a program to win a national champsionship. However, as I've stated many times, you can't get rid of the guy yet as his resume as been too good up until this point. Give the guy 3-5 more years....if he can't get it done in a 15 year tenure I'm guessing Hak himself may look at different options. Also, this is not the best time to even be talking about this as we are in the F4 about to play one of the biggest games this college has had in a pretty long time, against not only the #1 team in the country but a team we all despise greatly. Maybe it's time to cool it for a while until the summer.
  21. I'm not going to lie...I was faked out until I read the comments.
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